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Satsuki Jan 2014
Perpetual sadness
That's all this is
Just a melancholy mind
And a black soul
Twisting together  
To create a darkness
That envelops every
Happy emotion I have
Until they become
Nothing more than
Neutral, dull, nothingness
I can't feel exitement
My laughter is always forced
My smile never stays
My heart always breaks
Perpetual sadness
That's all my life has become
A rerun
Of nothingness
Tori Jurdanus Apr 2012
Hello there,
Let me introduce myself.
My name is Punching Bag.

It doesn't matter how long you neglect me,
Because, when you need a scape goat,
I'm just as tough as the day you first met me.

Hit me all you like, I'll barely budge.
And no matter how hard you throw that punch,
I'll only move closer to you.

Not once will I ever swing back.

You'll find those more well-aquainted with me sometimes call me,
Used Tissue.

When things get a little too messy, I'm the reliable one who cleans you up.
Get sick, I'll take care of you.
A broken heart? I'll dry your tears.
I'll fix your make-up.

Then, when the exitement is over,
Just toss me out.
I won't mind.

As you spend more time with me, I'm sure you'll learn to refer to me as:
Closet, or even Mirror.

A part of the furniture you're used to having around
But even whenyou get bored with the look,
You don't throw me out.

I'm a place to point ot your insecurities,
Then hang them up along side your skeletons, locked inside me.

Then, seeing yourself as better than you are,
Go on with your day.

Go ahead and stick a lable on me reading Story Book,
Even though I'm still fairly empty of fairytales inside.

I won't even read into your faibles;
There's nothing more exciting than a history that never really happened, right?

Make up what you think might be fun to tell before passing me to someone else,
To read and add on more.

But, now that you've gotten to know me better, why don't you call me Staircase?

I let people walk on me, walk all over me 'til they reach the top.

I'll have to warn you about this though.
I'm not made of marble, stone or brick.
I'm made of wood that's been warn away by heavy boots
So, each step is a little less thick.
One of my dusty, rotten boards might give way and you might fall.

Please, don't blame me.
Even with all my identities, I can't change what I am.
As har as I try, I'm still only human.
I won my first Slam with this :)
Dag J Apr 2013
parallel motions
aligned in asymmetrical
      symmetry of the
subconscious eyes seeing
abductees of the mind
     gathering in blind

opening to the silent sound of
fingers painted in rainbows

        touching the innermost
    honesty of every verbal

mending hearts
                 in no time at all
         needing nothing but
© MMXIII by Day J
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
that one night where we both hung over. from that unforgetable night when it was only me and you.
i have the feeling like i just need to start running on the beach with the waves crashing behind me. i cant stop laughing when i read your text you sent me.
every night i get waked out  on the energy drinks i cant live with out.
i set a huge fire spelling your name out pouring gasoline all over it.
every othere day i wach the world go bye.  i lay on the beach looing up at the blue sky day wondering will i have to live alone in this world. no matter ill just walk the nigh sky following every shooting star that fly's by. that one night we both had so much fun that i wish i could have again. i never knew you moved where i lived in this quiet sleepy littel town.

i listen the the wases crashing down making littel pools drown the small ***** that scurry to not posible drown.
the wet sand feels soft and makes my mind run lose with not fear of what will come to me next.

i never slept with out seeing the night sky with all the pondering memories that drive me crazy.
day or night the beach makes my heart skip abeat seeing every one frolik with energy  that never last with out a couples date.

i run every night i adopted a fluffy husky names shelby. every night the sky plays a great light show.
i set the fire on the ****** with drinks and my  guitar. every not i played touched your heart when you were finally moved in.

the song i wrote played out for any one to run out my heart.
i take my lighter and light the lantern that shows the way back to our small cozy house.
my dog has a big heart with no lilits to swimm across the oceans with me if i was stranded getting swept out the see.

that one night i finally feel asleep with sweet dreams making my frown turn in to a smile not a plaster fake.
i sprung up in the morning my phone started ringing out.
the caller id i read out was your name.
the day grew long with the most pretties sun set with red pink skys.
every fire i make in the night i set the fires to show no hate.

i went out at night with my husky shelby taking off running threw the crashing waves the water is cold but its all worth it.
i thought i saw you checking me out.
i dont think im going crazy.
my dog and me wresting.
i started looking right in your big kristsl clear safire blue eyes light my heart on fire.
when we meet again after years moved in with me and we started our lives to gather.

i gathered my bag with my guitar my pen and note book. with my mind open with thoughts.

i looked up and saw the dark side of the moon.

ill never walk this deslet world along.

evey night me you and our dog shelby light a fire and undress in to our comfei clothes.
we drink the night away dancing away threw the night.
with the full night sky with every star shining.
the night light show we run and dance till we both feel sick and fall down.
i had a feeling deep down ill be with you again some day when i saw you name id on my cell phonee.

that night where i was just wresting around with my husky i  never thought i would live life with out your warm heart exitment.

that night your text i read out loud has brought both our worlds to gather

i never knew when you told me you were searching for me.
now we are happily to gather till time runs out

i never knew that we both cross echotere  that bright starty night with shooting stars.

i never knew i would ever see you agin to be crazy.

i knew my future would be this amazing with tears of love.

i never knew we would pass echoter on a beach with waves crashing all over the shore line

i never knew if i would ever see you again

i live life with exitement .

i will break the limits to have fun weather were all wacked out on somthing

i never knew my wish i made on the shooting stars would make that night crossing us by
run wild free make life intresting with carles ideas be willing to try insaine games food or what you never thought of doing
Ellyse Amelia Oct 2011
.your jealous words

will make a fool of you.


creating that bubble of security.

talked into it.

talked out of it

concussed and confused.

the truth lies south.

the world changes and anger ensues those whom have lost themselves.

in losing what i thought was a drop of serenity, humanity, singularity,

i found what i had been missing.

i found the most profound feeling in my mind again,

reazlizing what i was supposed to be filling my life with.

it was the most beautiful of temporary spells.

descrete in meaning,

overwhelming in form.

i reached that treasure in my heart that i had lost to the pirates of time so many moments ago.

reached out my palms and let the time flow through my fingertips.

the unatainable love for life had been captured and caged.

my reality is full and quenched.

so rare,

i describe to you.

silken petals drawing in all the waves of the world,

the things ive lost create the realization of what i really have inside my cup.

im jolting through the golden fields,

swimming gracefully through the torrents of the sea.


breathing seems to calm the harshest seconds passing through.

emotions sturred, whipped, beat like the yolk of desert.

in the end it rises.

the last ingredient in realization for the now.

this is the most beautiful day the world has ever presented my entity with,

and tomorrow, well the morrow shall wait up for me and give the next gift for mine eyes.

exitement inhales.

my words spill as the paint on your canvas.

i am my reality.

Sirenes Jun 2016
A certain peace befalls us
As we stroll through these fields
Where the grass grows so high
I've been here before
It's where I played as a child
3 weeks every summer

I still smell the scent of the barn
That held home
To 16 cows
Here they cut off the horns
And feed them hormones
But not where I come from

Their warm coat colored brown and white
I still hear the lady call them out
Her voice echoes
Through the hallways of my memory.
Here we stopped being
The girls from the city

Each august it was time to harvest
We carried the pitch forks
In our small hands
To the fields where the tractors
Slowly drove by
Skin scratched open
From the insect bites

The burden of hay allergy
But we never loved it less
We caught mise in the barn
Build beds of hay blocks
Swam in the lakes
And took long walks

Toward the end of the cow's labor
With our bare hands
We aided the calf in to this world.
And watched their first steps
And offered them their first milk
We sighed from boredom
And screamed of exitement

There where the grass grows so high.
Never take the country out of me
MonkeyZazu Dec 2013
This mundane way life grows so tiresome
Not just for me, but for everyone
The constant repetition of everything
Wake up, go to work, come home
Eat, sleep, do it again the next day
It's so bland, so constricting
Where's the exitement?
I mean there's a whole world out there
A bunch of new experiences to be had
Unknown mysteries to explore
Yet here I am continuing this repetition
Maintaining the system that enslaves me

Yea, **** this
I'm not some **** robot
I'm a human, with a soul
Which yearns to explore the other facets of life

My existence is so much more than just a job
Renae Feb 2017
A loving relationship
doesn't just happen
It's not like flipping on a lightswitch

Commitment is a process
a wedding ceremony
A promise

Emotions may lead us
Though understanding, sharing our lives
Is hard work & compromise

Communication in dialogue
Is the key
Experiencing true love
Is our own

Love should start romantic
A gust of exitement sweeps us off our feet!

The truest test of love
Will come from willingness
To share in the delights of life;
negotiating the bumps in the road

A mutual exchange of ideas,
any relationship
is the needs and experiences
of two people

Face misunderstanding
open and receptive with respect!

Navigate even the most difficult situations.
Take a deep breath, hold them
in a space of love,
Listen fully with all of your heart

A greater level
of personal transformation begins,
Learning powerful lessons
about ourselves.
Burning with an eternally educated mind.
Expressing her expansive thoughts with experience but not enthusiasm.
Enchanted by her eyes and energy to emphatise with excrements.
I hope she evaluates this a day in May.
Evidence of affection as the words he knows grows empty.
The extra effort and eager exitement from this enthusiastic male from Norway.
Her name is Ellie May.
Expressing my emotions to this damsel West of Maine.
From swaggy DudeBro PersonGuy
andrew juma Aug 2016
Somewhere in the town I heard a strange humming lullaby
That I've never heard before
As my heart beat It made a match to her humming lullaby
Her presence was unexpected
Now I feel protected
Just by having her warmth

She is the only one that understands my story
My worries and my sorrows
She gives me a feeling that no one else can

Her touch is so, magical
And the beat of her gentle touch is so classical
While she places some kisses on my lips I'm so,
gentle to her because her fragile touch reminds me that she is the only one

Possesing every inch of me
She modifies my disposition with her magical hands
So I hit play and wind her back

When my world seems gloomy
She arrives with the sun
And slowly she tosses the sun rays Reminding me that every is alright
I lay back and give her control

She beats the pain out of me
When i turn on my speakers
Her carresing hands so sensitive begin to touch

Exitement and anticipation builds
I hold her tenderly in my arms
And sink slowly away in her lyrical pureness
On our ecstatic trip to paradise

She meets all of my needs
So i ****** to the beat,move every part of me
Moment of total bliss
As I explore every inch of her curves

With her its a perfect world
With smooth lines she serenades
Chanting sweetly about my prowess
Twirling and jingling with fondness

Falling for her allures
I perform the hardest contortions
Marinade myself in her positive vibes
My hands tight around her

Rhythm changes,
We go high ,we go low
then higher like shooting stars
Breathlessly till we ******
And start on the free fall

She is my shoulder to cry on
My molly to feel mellow
Her love spell is so powerful
She does all that I please

She hypnotises me with intense lyrics
Reminds me of lost passion
Future love and magic
As we move along in slow steps

A love song
She is there whenever I desire her
She is forever youthful and beautiful
Her tune is full of promises

She lights up my blues
Laughs with me and cries with me
Till the beats fade away
Carrying with them my pensive moods

When the sun kisses the sky for good night
She makes sure that tonight the sky is full of star's and with the moon

Laying in my bed room before I sleep
She wraps her arms around me
Till we fall asleep

All I need in this world is her glitter touch of her soul
And her glitter soul
Forever in my world

DET & Andrew Juma ©2016
In love with a lovesong. magical collaboration. pleasure working with you DET!
Noah May 2019
Joy walked out of her house and pruned the roses in her yard.
She saw a tiny figure from afar. She wiped the sweat from her head and look ahead. Happy looked nervously at the house and beautiful Joy. Nervous acompanied him. He walked faster because he might spin and walk away, Scared also came. He bent on one knee when he was in front of Joy and said” will you Marry Me.” She looked at him with Exitement over her shoulder. Three years later Joy had two children , twins . She named one , Life and the Other,  Emotion.
The nurse named Mrs. Care Kindness laughed with Dr. Joke Humor as the two twins held each other on the table.”I guess Life is full of Emotion.
That last part though ...
Michelle Jan 2022
whisk me up and wash me away in your waves of exitement
but be careful with me please
I will follow your lead and I will do it with ease
I have too much trust to give and I have too much patience to forgive
so I will sit with you as your tears dry
watch, if you cry, I'll cry
if you say jump, I'll try to fly
not because I do not live a life of my own, have hopes and fears and plans
just that seeing the good in people is all I've ever known
all I ever will
and all I ever can
so drown me in the goodness of you
and it will teach me how to swim
so I can know how good you really are
when you finally let me in
Esther Jan 2021
I'm wondering, will I ever find my other halve? It's not an easy thing.
Someone who fittsw so well, like a hand in a glove. You always hope
for the perfect love. You have learned to live alone and you are getting
used to it. But the most beautiful thing is being together with someone.
Like two butterflies tasting the sweetness of life together. Walking the
path of life together. And never leave the other. Two souls filled with
love and brightness, thankfull that they found each other.
Yes, I hope it's going to worlk out that way. But I'm thankfull for the live
that's given to me and that I can do the things that I like to do.

I hope to find someone one day. Ain't we all longing for love.
I thank the heaven above. Something that lives out there, for the
protection that I get. And for all the love that I felt around me.
It feels like a priveledge that I experience it this way. Feeling a good
energy that's surrounding me. I have a good hope for the future, that
I can work on my goals. Finding my luck in the little things that can
make life so beautiful. Living in the here and now and not at the past.
And looking out for the future. The feeling that the best part of your life still has to come, and you can feel the exitement inside of you. Finding real love, a love that's meant to be. Together forever, me and you, a love that's true.
Jayden Sanders Jan 2020
A web of hidden creatures
Approach our feeble senses
We are innocent and full of exitement
Fill our riches and desires
To reach our full potential
Spread our news far and
Wide, we seek enlightment
Seceret letters and messages
Sent out of great importance
We seek a new God, a new lord
Keep our spirits fed and full of light
Create a community and discover..
Discover our lost hidden kept secrets..
A journey towards the abyss we find answers
Cut away the ego and glance forward..
Forward to our never ending dawn..
The Beauty of Death, The lust of love's lips
Kiss me and draw near our breathe..
Fruit of Life..
Corpse of Death..
Treasure of gold..
Follow me,
Follow me,
Follow me,
To seek my lost steps
Beneath the fallen glass
Witness our brand new God.

— The End —