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Donnie Ray Sep 2018
My questions are not with you,
But existence that consist me,
As matter of fact "I" a single syllable,
That defies me more than you,
that steadily declined it's emphasis to fill the everlonging void of expectancy within you.
My sentences don't starts with I but you
With changing faces but constant adverbs.
James Walker Dec 2021
The face is
of radiant
everything that matters in this

We say so much
so little

We think too much
and too

We do just and never

But life must go on
let's just keep
Benjamin Oct 2016
No matter how content I may feel
And how perfect things may seem
Nothing will satiate my longing for eternal slumber
Nothing seems to compare to something so calm.
I fear this longing will never fade
With me always hoping for some unexpected demise.
Nomad Jul 2018
The hardest part
of a Nomad's heart
is the intoxicating lust after

Nothing that money could ever buy
nothing that no other love could ever satisfy
than for someone with a Nomad's heart to see the sky
and want for

The Nomad travels light, only carries what they need
And everywhere they go
they plant a little seed.

A small dream that one day
they will plant their roots
and have something magnificent grow up in while they yet live
but to a Nomad's heart
a seed for where they've been
is all that they can

So travel on Nomad
may your feet and heart never tire
may your days be long, and your nights be cool
and may you always chase that everlonging
I am the one they can transparency
eyes to the front of his skull
bulging, everlonging
sitting and trying to be cunning
quiet, listening
but emulating, instead
some sort of glowing ember
and people ask
are you okay
and I revolt
in protest
I wish I could wear shades all the time

I wish I could be invisible, sometimes

I had a dream that I had a cover over my face
it was a good dream

and now I sit

with my clothes on

thinking back on embarrassing moments

and I am


they call me transparency

— The End —