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Harley Hucof Apr 2017
Let my unseen wild stream take you there
I have become nothing but air, truly heavenly air

A new way has come to me a language only the old tongues could speak

Is imaginery wisdom not the mother of all ennemies?
Would they believe once the wild wisdom win for them relief?

Few will miss for leaving so suddenly
But i must tell you everything for i have become invisible, impossible to see
Voicelessly i hope you'll understand
I shall tell you briefly how it all began

Alone in the mountains above the trees a child's whisper said to me:
For many years i see you here wandering slowly above the trees
Your humility made you worthy of my peaks
You shall become a wild stream
Then i just dissappeared

Words Of Harfouchism
Yume Blade Dec 2015
....................................why ?..............................................................­.....
We All Need Time To Dream ,
                                                      But not for having Nightmares .

                                      why ?
We All Need Time To Have Friends ,
                                                     But not for having Ennemies .

                                      why ?
We All Need Time To Love ,
                                                    But not need time for Hate .

                                      why ?
We All Need Time To Be Loved ,
                                                      But not for being Hated .

                                     why ?
We All Need Time To Create ,
                                                            But­ not for being Ruined .

                                      why ?
We All Need Time To Be Happy ,
                                                           But not need time to be Sad .

                                              it's  AL­L in reverse
                                                       ­    **why ?
reverse the reverse !
John Art Jan 2012
Ennemies are not born
They are made
What did you do?
Kalyopée Jan 2019
You tried to touch the sun
Two wings and a loaded gun
Against a sea of monsters and a sky of ennemies
Fangs dripping of jealousy

You can fly above the emptiness
Of human's minds, but not above your sadness
You can't fly away from your fate
You only know you came too late

Run, jump, start to fly
Escape the amount of lies
Go higher and higher
Until your wings are in fire

You start to fall but you are still flying
Until they cut what's left of your wings
Splits of laugh wounding your back
You're not ready when they attack

Feathers turning around
You're breaking without a sound
Mockery, hate, guilt and lies
You broke when you were trying to rise

Rumors have crushed you
And under your dying corpse there's just blue
Your brain is cold but your heart is burning
And your blood escapes through your wings

The sea under you will be your grave
Now it's too late, you can't be saved
Blue and red, you're close to lose
The ocean is the color of a bruise

And when your bleeding back crash
The surface is black and harsh
Freezing hands are drowning you
Neon skeleton in the deep blue

Waterfall in your blooming throat
You're dying ; it's not your fault
And when your conscience escapes through your feets
You just remember the sun on your lips.
This poem is called "Icare" because it's Icarus' name in french and when you split the word in two it's "I care" and I just like this !
Nick E Mar 2018
Frozen, frozen i stood in space
Embarking on a  journey unprepared
With a heart quickly changing pace
How could this be?

How was I rendered impaired?
Questions, a million questions ran through my head
Trapped in plethora of thoughts with nowhere to flee
They say before you die your life flashes before your eyes
But I was well alive and no blood was being shed
Instead it ran through my veins like an unchained greyhound
Racing an endless track trying to catch a prize
How could this be?

Is this a dream? Am I in bed?
To which reality am I bound?
Silence, silence was all that prevailed
Like an operation room with a surgeon about to incise
Immobile exteriorly, erupting interiorly
With a flood of emotions my body was assailed
Warm and cold, fast and slow, ennemies and allies
How could this be?

Could a drug have hindered my movements?
Is this all a hallucination?
What substance could cause such a rush?
What dream could cause such palpation?
So there i was, filled with thoughts to amaze
Confused, uncertain, my body leading me astray
Ready to quit, with a stomach light as hay
There could only be one explanation
Frozen, frozen I was, by her gaze...
Let me know your thoughts
Le bonheur de saigner sur le cœur d'un ami,

Le besoin de pleurer bien longtemps sur son sein,

Le désir de parler à lui, bas à demi,

Le rêve de rester ensemble sans dessein !

Le malheur d'avoir tant de belles ennemies,

La satiété d'être une machine obscène,

L'horreur des cris impurs de toutes ces lamies.

Le cauchemar d'une incessante mise en scène !

Mourir pour sa Patrie ou pour son Dieu, gaîment,

Ou pour l'autre, en ses bras, et baisant chastement

La main qui ne trahit, la bouche qui ne menti

Vivre **** des devoirs et des saintes tourmentes

Pour les seins clairs et pour les yeux luisant d'amantes,

Et pour le... reste ! vers telles morts infamantes !

— The End —