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Eric daw Nov 2018
i know i'm human but what am i on the inside
i'm a boy who has lied
a boy who has been through pain
a boy who used to think there was nothing in life to gain
a boy who who has problem
a boy who has fallen in a hole an lay at the bottom
feeling hopeless
an all he can focus
on is what people think asking himself
"what am i doing""is this good enough"
wishing he was dead
but instead
he cuts an sees red
"one day it will all be over"
I am a boy i am awake my nightmares are gone
this is bout a boy who dreams he is alone hurting on the inside wishing he was dead thinking about what people think of him then he wakes up his night mares r gone but theres still all of everything in his dream its in his heaad following him everywhere school home out on the town everywhere this boy is....ME
Mateuš Conrad May 2017
míkołaj̄ ßęp szarźỳńskí?
                                           or given the original orthography?
mikołaj sęp szarzyński?
                  a XVI poet, born in what
                   the greeks would lament having lost it,
the Constantinople of the north... L'viv,
otherwise known as Lwów...
                               well... if Edinburgh can be
the Athens of the north... L'viv can be
                           the Constantinople of the north.
never mind that... i think this poet is worth
more toward establishing the canon
                      of polish literature than mickiewicz,
     or a miłosz...
                               listen... i'm trying to waste
about an hour (and it's nearing 8p.m.)
before i head to the supermarket and
buy a bittle of 1 litre's worth of dark
*** at £15... i need to write something.
            but the orthography i'm proposing
no one is going to adopt, for the basis
of schooling... and as an answer:
what's the nature of reality?
      that old cookie of a metaphysical question?
well... it's certainly language,
                 language is the first exemplum
to be utility prone... as in: we talked.
        mikołaj sęp szarzyński's output, though?
i just have a fascination with
            old-polish... a bit like the shakespearean
thou indicative of you...
thankfully i own a book that cites XVI polish...
    but beside that, that on the side,
here's one example of the poet's work

          o bene sperandi exemplum lapsis et amore
          ardente in dominum femina clara deum,
       nostri non ignota mali. succur(r)e, precamur,
    nam nos (heu miseros!) tot mala dura premunt.
      sancta fides precibusque tuis fiducia nobis
           et validus culpas solvere crescat amor

this is the verse, as an ode to mary magdalene -
and it reads in translation as:

   on the example of trust for those downfallen,
famous woman with a firery love for your lord god,
well versed in human politeness. we implore,
come to us with aid, because, we, the meek,
are crushed by so many heavy catastrophes!
may it be, that with us imploring thus,
                                             a holy faith abounds,
trustworthiness and love, able to destroy the changes
                   under the command of the winds of times.

which just proves that you cannot elaborate on the latin,
even if it's 16th century latin... you have to invoke
a modern twist to the verse...
            otherwise you're working on a translation
that's a bit like: modern day japanese:
       em em       ar  ar             ***   chou chew.

i'm actually not even going to bother writing out
a 16th century polish dictionary for the moment...
translating the latin took out all the strength i was
believing to have composed, prior to the translation...

   obviously i'll write a post scriptum...
               but latin is hard to translate into english...
there's too much shrapnel to deal with...
   all these ****** conjunctions, definite articles indefinite articles...
it would sometimes be easier to gobble down a bowl
of noodles, in a chicken soup, from a poached chicken... mmm...
   obviously with the required spices, and boy.... leeks...
         the sort of soup that's see-through, and not
the western:      creamy creamy pie.... moo moo moo...
not all soups are supposed to be creamy...
    some soups are even supposed to be cold...
                                         like a vichyssoise.
Ubaid Majeed Oct 2017
“I broke with the virtuality yesternight”.

Your hands as numb as the winter of some unreached epoch;
as traumatised as the rays of this moon—
borrowed and leaden.

Diddering by the cold morrows of life,
your soul is already downfallen,
out of the blue,
by this last good-bye.

You are through the endless seasons of fall,
with no spring foreseen,
your spirit at stake;
your fall, an eventual doom.

Your eyes are drowning in the ocean of death,
where even in the best of the boards, you're wrecked.

While, I stand as stiff as mountains,
with the same impoverished gesture of last adieu;
concieted by the delight of pain bequeathed to you.

You are the object of my empirical yet conjectural fortune—
that, I poetise now.

In your heart, broken, lies my dwelling destroyed,
and I would soon find myself mislaid or a doomed grave.
In her memory.
Taylor Stein Dec 2012
I am a creature of sorrow
And my heart is surely downfallen
But that does not mean
That I am falling apart

Is this true?
I wonder often
And cannot find an answer.

S Smoothie Mar 2018
Lock up your men, and your sons
the war has begun
the truth will not be overwritten

the dark ages have returned
the freedom has been lost
big mother ate big brother
now the Father has come

the pitch forks are ready
the torch is lit
the light overpowers
the truth is out there

free will
free thought
in a world gone to the lost  
irresponsible altruism
the sense and census skewed

The love will return
the Law will have mercy
your daughters will be spared
your mother will step back in her place beside the father
and with all
We shall learn,
the true meaning of grace
the three virtues
of light
that too many mistake
as the guide to freedom
and liberation
Only to be handed
to the devil
on a plate.

Do not judge others because they sin differently than you.
Be beauteous of heart
be fair of grace
be wise of life
be fruitful
be kind
be industrious
idle hands make for folly
and the downfallen
will cast the steps
to righteousness
one fallen angel at a time.
Technological Censorship is not ok !

— The End —