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Cunning Linguist Aug 2015
Through a crowd
of homeless Vietnam war vets
Betcha I'm textin looking for more ***
From ****** galore
Open the back door and explore

Wreck that ***** (then I'm on to the next)
Next level ****, I'm on one at best
Deftly slip a little in your sister's sip
Now I'm caressing her *******
Hoping and praying my conquest ends with ******!
Yes, I confess I'm grotesque,
but I have finesse
I play that ***** like a game of chess

Bare witness -
I only ***** with the fattest of *******
Robbed a ******'s V-card
Now I'm charged with theft

I'm possessed and I have Tourette's
Ingested some drugs at the playground
Now I'm getting undressed
Digest my suggestive rhymes
I'm just a poor kid repressed
Manifest my pervertedness
My mind is a mess,
a nest
of enmeshed ******

And I obsess for excesses of distastefulness

It's disgraceful
My biracial angel
When I go directly from **** to ******
- In the blink of an eye
My *** game is fatal
Robbing the cradle & writing fables simultaneously
Screaming banzai!
Whilst I swan dive
straight into your ***** hole
& disable it

I'm insatiable,
Your mind is impregnable
Cause the impeccable mental images
I paint aren't erasable
Incomprehensible and intangible
Yet undeniable, I'm a despicable imbecile
Gazing in the peephole
Took a blindfolded stroll
down ***** lane and I'm on patrol
for an ocean of blowholes hundredfold

At the club so I dropped a bunch of Ecstasy
Take my shirt off so the ******* can all laugh at me
Tryna get the best of me
So I spite them out of jealousy
And absently drift away
through my mind to pornographic fantasy
My rhapsodic masterpiece
A mental form of ******
Getting busy in the squishy
til I'm dizzy in the hizzy
Swag, I do it valiantly

Turn it up this my jam
~Little ditty, bout jackin Diane~
Still a pity, too bad she's a man
Greasy ***** slap your eggs on my ham
If you'd prefer,
I might lend you a hand
Ram bam
bite the pillow I'm coming in dry
Don't be shy
Turn down for why
Either way have you in chains
by the end of the night

I'm a nemesis
***** slapping feminists
For emphasis
Hit em with a left fist
catching equal rights and ****
Yes I reek of cannabis
Can't handle bars I spit
Snide *******,
blame it on my pride and prejudice... ugh

I'm just a ******* egotist
An unrepentant hedonist
Check out Cunning Linguist
He da hypnotistic lyricist
This is my hypothesis
Maybe I'm just a nihilist
Detonating bombs
Catch me on the terrorist watchlist
Yes my words are devastating
But in your mind are resonating
Penetrating brains til it all begins disintegrating

I'm plastered
Falling over backwards
Mental state is fractured
Now watch me while I stagger
Tell your mother run for cover
Finna kidnap her

Pop pop
Got this **** on lock
Seeing double vision
Catch me jizzin in my sock

Steady speaking nonsense
Nearly unconscious
Bailing from the cops man
Too much Dwayne Johnson
***** have the nerve to call me obtuse
I be that Mr. got ***** the size of grapefruits
Mike Fashé Jan 2017
From the days I've always held your hands
To every drop from the sorrowful
From beautiful paleness to crimson illness
Night to day
Sunlight ray
Love like rich soil
Hollowness finally at bay

Beautiful like a porcelain doll
Like a sunset from a mountain fall
Memories of a blissful past
Emotions sustained like an icefall
At long last
My truly dearest...

From the summer breeze
To the autumn fall
The winter night
An endless darkness
I wish to see the light

Pain from a raven's claw
forceful despair
As if it was divine law
From a tainted pear
It's too much to bare...

As the last leaf falls from the oak tree
Only a skeletal structure remains
From its former beauty
A monolith of youthful & elderly
Like funeral roses
Dying in many poses
Red scarlet child
As the last petal falls
One last breath
At long last death

Mourning rainfall
Soft spoken lullabies from the wind
Lamenting days that ceases to
exist anymore...
Upon the ocean shore
Whispers of the waking dead
Midnight blue moonlight
Symphonies from the ocean floor
Alone at last
With my truly dearest
Ruby diamond eyes
No more frightened cries
Promise me you'll never leave again
Promise me you'll always stay
haven't posted a new poem since last year
Michael P Smith May 2013
I am a sinner
And I know I'm going to sin again
Lord forgive me
For the things I don't understand
You are the one and only
That can heal and deliver me
My trust and faith is in you
It is thou word that can help me see
I have doubted you long ago
Even spoke of your name in vain
I can not blame my youth
I was aware and completely sane
Of my words and actions
I was brought up in your word
You know my heart Lord
I was clear of all that I had heard
But what did you do?
Regardless, you have forgiven me
Of all the sins I have committed
Your truth had set me free
Time after time
You have shown me your work
Giving me endless blessings
Despite me sometimes being a ****
If I have not thanked you enough
Here, I present my gratefulness
You have done so much for me
Ridding me of my distastefulness
Now whether I speak or think,
You know my choice of words
My every wonder, every thought
All of my deep adjectives and verbs
Nothing gets by you
Not one gesture or a lie
You spot each blink of the eye
And every yawn and mournful sigh
My God my God
It is thee whom I give all my praise
Upon each morning I awake
To you I stand as my hands raise
Giving you the glory
For breathing the breath of life
Through the passage of my lungs
Your blessings upon me are so rife
So by me feeling this way
I will continue to follow you Lord
Giving you much deserved honor
Living by your unbeatable sword
To all who deny your word
I cry and pray for their souls
To one day see the light
Before the final cards fold...

© Michael P. Smith
sinandpoems Oct 2010
I do not know why they call it dying alone.

My sins,

lying beside my cold lifeless body decide to claw out my heart and devour it in one single bite. This way, everyone can just dwell on my mistakes, never looking past them to realize that I had any life beyond them.

My accomplishments,

although sparse and small, quietly slide under the crevice of my back. They hope that no one will notice them, so that they won’t have to pretend to glorify themselves in any sort of significant façade.

Under my hand,

you’ll see all that I have loved. You’d have to look close, because all that I have loved only fits under my palm. Hold them, so you can feel the purge of their overwhelmingly rare warmth.

You’ll need not to examine closely when it comes to all I have hated,

Hate, lies in the tears of my eyes, the curling of my fist, the snarl in my lip. It knows no boundaries. Sick of all the ignorance, the deeds of monstrosity, the pestering percentage of this cracked up world. It’s prevalence remains resentful to every distastefulness towards pragmatism by the common evil. It never is afraid to snap at the mush-brained.

When you shut the wooden door of eternity, my name will not whip away into the silent wind. My dust will always be spit amongst the tongue tips of many snakes.
kat May 2018
perhaps it’s not the way she craves love or affliction—or any affectivity for that matter. maybe it’s the thought—the appetite of her colorless imagination being filled with saturated color in which excites her.
the way she can almost taste the colors on the tip of her wet tongue, almost as if she’s been tasting such firmament her whole life: like cinnamon being stuck to your throat or strong whiskey in the morning.
life always throwing punches, the pain becoming habitual and anything different fills her lungs with roses; bittersweet suffocation.
each color has their own analogue, making their way to her mind and she yearns for it. for she has been painting with the same shades for too long.
the blandness and distastefulness makes her almost angry, as her heart colors with red.
however, she knows even if her tongue is dry and her throat becomes closed—those colors shall not come close. those colors—forbidden in her life.
too used to being fed white and black, actual color becomes a stranger who she could only lust over in the twilights nice.
Faan Nov 2017
A normal day goes by, nothing special happens,
but deep inside my beating heart,
my spirit begins to bruise.

everything was ordinary, yet strangely, angst grows,
paranoia, fear,
anything? don't know.

do I actually have any friends? or am I just a puppet,
trying my best to please and cheer,
but is it just an annoyance?

people seems to love each other, they seem to be good friends,
however, when it comes to me, there'll always be a veil.
Doubt shrouds the mind.

Unable to release from these bounding chains,
I question my every move, spinning in circles,
stepping forward haltingly.

Whenever I do something someone else does,
I get punished, scolded, and mocked,
but they get let through as if they made no mistake,
why is this world so unfair?

Am I friendless because I'm worthless?
Powerless? am I a hindrance?
There's no benefits befriending me,
I have no position in reality.

In the end, friends always leave me for someone better,
someone with knowledge,
someone with network,
someone with influence,
Heck, even someone who's naught but pretty!

Confusion, disbelief, and suspicion, all present,
troubling my head with endless torment,
why is it only me, is it my low confidence,
my distastefulness, or maybe it's my own ignorance?

or maybe
it's because I neglected all those close to me
since I didn't think they thought of me as friend
Dennis Willis Aug 2021
There's this level of buzz
where the editor just crashes
and I am left hehe hehe

I hate my narrowing mind
its assertive exclusions
and your apparent distastefulness

I'm sure you resemble the outside
of something turned inside out
try not to take this hatred personal

I certainly don't mean anything by this
as I work to rectify the universe's mistakes
with thermonuclear blank verse

— The End —