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Mila Wrekked Jun 2012
Easy guilt
overtakes me and
all of the faces
erase me and
I slip in a well
After a few brews
and a wet ******
my nerves shake loose
I'm an adolescent
with contradicting condescension.
I love you
I look you in the eye to tell you
we look away
we don't say much.
Arguably agreeably
disagreeably so.
Every instant is a building.
Alan McClure Dec 2015
Friend, you stumble.
Can I help with your load?

Aye, pal, cheers -
budge up, everyone,
here's a new friend!

This is heavy.
What is this thing
you all carry?

We're carrying the dragon,
Carrying the dragon.

From whence came
a dragon?

Ehm, not too sure -
our fathers summoned it,
we think.

Oh, its weight!
How have you managed
for so long?

No secret there, pal -
love.  Love,
and brotherhood.
We all chip in, know?

But does the dragon
not eat you?
It writhes on my shoulders
most disagreeably.

No, no,
canny eat you
if you're carrying it.

But it must eat!
It is bloated
and gorged
beyond movement!

Aye, well,
why do think we carry it?

So what does it eat?

I..  We...
We don't really think
too much about that.
We have each other
to worry about.

And what would happen
if you just laid it down?

It would die.
We would lose
all the meaning
from our lives.

I see.
Then come, brothers -
let us carry on.
Let us carry on
and on.
unendurable, long and exhausting
are the pains
presumptuous like appeals
from a jaded pulpit
such as they are, are powerless
a passage from a discarded tract
such are these pernicious pains
that swarm in a slivering hiss
upon dark and lurking shadows
aesthetically applauding themselves
as they push here and there
in their wounding commentary
of painful narrative
agonising enough to reduce
the soul to debilitating bouts
of disagreeably damaging experience
with startling exaggerations
that produce disgraceful extortions
upon mind and body
squandering unbearable isolations
fragmenting the cracks
in a delicate structure of personality
uprooting it from a sanctified paradise
providing instead a monstrous, shameful loathing
that makes one choose to become another
other than those unthinking
other than this misery of anguish
other than this pain
deliberately to provoke an anger
the other with ingratiating timidity
or rebellious defiance
favours a rejection of
all resentful obligations
all that is distasteful
all that is not worth carrying out
such as with a contempt
that allows one to escape into an emptiness
of the ridiculous and the impossible
through thoughts to an absurdity of beliefs
through the deserted streets
the neighbourhoods of the lie
pass the filthy inadequacies
of obscene caresses
where one is mocked
by exquisitely satisfying ******
of vicious pains
pains that control behaviour
freedom of movement
time and space
who appear at the corners of the mouth
where lurk sarcastic secrets
now I know in these horrors and torments
that time has stopped in all dimensions
eternity has ceased
Stanley Wilkin Dec 2015
A cherry tree, heavy with fruit,

Once stood at the bottom of my garden

By the small pond filled with septic water

Disagreeably still. Ignoring it, over time, its

Fruit fell and decayed.

Over time its trunk became overwhelmed

With boles, its branches snapped.

Close by the rich soil

Was suffocated with weeds.
unendurable, long and exhausting
are the pains
presumptuous in their plenty
such are these pernicious pains
that swarm in a slivering hiss
upon dark and lurking shadows
aesthetically applauding themselves
as they push here and there
in their wounding commentary
of painful narrative
agonising enough to reduce
the soul to debilitating bouts
of disagreeably damaging experience
with startling exaggerations
that produce disgraceful extortions
upon mind and body
squandering unbearable isolations
fragmenting the cracks
in a delicate structure of personality
uprooting it from a sanctified paradise
providing instead a monstrous, shameful loathing
that makes one choose to become another
other than those unthinking
other than this misery of anguish
other than this pain
deliberately to provoke an anger
the other with ingratiating timidity
or rebellious defiance
favouring a rejection of
all resentful obligations
all that is distasteful
all that is not worth carrying out
such as with a contempt
that allows one to escape into an emptiness
of the ridiculous and the impossible
through thoughts to an absurdity of beliefs
through the deserted streets
the neighbourhoods of the lie
pass the filthy inadequacies
of obscene caresses
where one is mocked
by exquisitely satisfying ******
of vicious pains
pains that control behaviour
freedom of movement
time and space
who appear at corners of the mouth
where lurk sarcastic secrets
now I know in these horrors and torments
that  time has stopped in all dimensions
eternity has ceased
This atheistic, intelligent, liberal minded
     christened Matthew
Scott Harris, haint gotta clue,

     how bias, discrimination,
     prejudice didst brew
within me noggin admitting to myself,
     (that though tolerant

     towards most other people)
     amidst variegated hue
mankind cutting crew,
I can not wholeheartedly dislodge un argue

ably the stubborn presence
     of disagreeably unwanted notions,
     an effort quite few
     till to expunge, though not clearly

     delineated against gentile nor Jew
the latter encompassing
     my genealogical lineage
     (as ye probably knew)

though acute awareness exists
     that objectionable thoughts
     towards others coalesced and grew,
sans initial aural, sensational,

     and visual perceptions did ensue
from nearly imperceptible
     germinal, ephemeral, and casual
     brief interactions, thy amygdala and,

     posterior cingulate cortex
     (PCC) instantaneously drew
     nearly nsync with a single blink
     of thine myopic left or right human eye

     (which average duration 0.1 to 0.4 seconds,
     or 100 to 400 milliseconds)
     forged an unconscious initial mount'n view
clocked in at 100 milliseconds

     or 328.0839895013123 feet per second
pointing asper an expert mason
     hermetically sealing a psychic impression
     ala mortise and tenon

     amalgamated conglomerate
     enterprise glommed zoo
wool logical imprimatur difficult,
     but not impossible loo
sin and/or completely dislodge
     neurological hullabaloo.
Nobody’s about the polish of
carbon darkness
but to her,
hours before her rescue
it was dreadful
and later
as the night brims shining,
she would gather about her
bright eyes for a sad tale.

I do not trust the steam in dreams
and yet I cannot stop it.
Happy summer days the sky pours
although there was nothing much to look at save the rains that polished a sailor’s sea
Something kindred and melancholy
remembers me
a wanton, restless bird
I dreamt disagreeably that I was drowned
then rescued before dawn
upon a bed of anemones,
(friends) expanded and swelled
to welcome me or were they violets?

— The End —