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Wordsmith Jul 2018
An adrift mind when your gaze meets mine

Yes I see it,
Those stealthy glances when the wind caresses

Yes I see it,
There is something in you waiting to come out

Yes I see it,
The contemplation between back to chest or chest to chest

Yes I see it,
The constant struggle with ****** renunciation

Yes I see it,
Desire unsatisfied devours the desirer
Eros got bored
one shimmering afternoon
he watched television
and was asking the moon

Do I have to look that deep
to find simply what I need
while thy wifes simply
plays, the food she preparates

And suddenly Psyche appeared
dressed in **** underwears
and sporty shoes
like a modern lady
stepping up infront
dancing the most simple funk

They just had a conversation
and the time abreviation
shall we now count ?
and fall in bed both
in a haste
and have some love to
grabb !
of the modern era
or postmodern blue
flower s biggest leaves
once more under the moon.

Then passion awoke
and their bodys so hot
they slide and caressed each other
gently, and these humble existences
turned sweety

Music sounds from the radio jazz
laying in bed and shimmering sounds
the one under the others arms
the other over the unders barm
touching , feeling, loving , dreaming
penetrating, sensing, needing
Desirer, up in ****** zones
Into Yin and Yan silver notes
Eros over the other playing
Psyche is falling the other yearning
the love of earning
desirer shifting
into a big sleep
were he woke
up, seing her in
the most beautiful
Gazing skys

Both left behind.
a little of poetry I wrote.
I am
A needer
A wanter
A desirer
My purpose is to exist
In a state of less-than-enough
I am perpetually hopeful
Always hungry
Always wanting, needing, more, More, MORE
But I am never satisfied
I am consumption
A machine whose sole purpose is self satisfaction
Never satisfied
Molly Pendleton Aug 2011
Every once in awhile I would see
Her façade weaken to a breaking point
She would shut down and cry in front of me

She’d let me comfort her
Run my fingers through her hair
Touch the planes of her skin in soothing ways

Listening as I whispered consolations
Completely unaware or perhaps just
Too exhausted to even care

That I was relishing her failure and the
Intimate opportunity it gave me
To touch and try to win her over

Till she reset her mask of power
Forcing her to put me back in place as her
Devoted best friend and hapless desirer
In helter-skelter everyone scatter.
I joined the rest of  
legs to jump gutter.
Everyone is an Africa  jet.
Flying dug above the  moon.
Countless permanently fell to  
the earth.
Now east is a hell
and north,an earthquake.
While west is a flooding ocean.
Forked lightening
and thunder guard the south.
Yet the center is slippery.
Death is calling everyone.
Our Eden became ***** and Gomorrah.
I ran to undestiny  
being pursue by guns and cutlasses.
Panting like hunting  dog.
I stumbled and fell into a trance.
I saw an old blind woman,
too blind to behold darkness.
Jubliating with hands
placed on her head.
Mother can't recognize her child,
let alone an eye desirer.
I am as helpless as  
helpless herself.
I was so paralysed to stand up.
I gazed at her with eyes of mercy
but was posses with  
legs of paralysis.
Because life race is forever.
Continually falling
and rising
in dying and living,
I ran to an edge
I lifted up my head
and saw a gun
pointing at my forehead
Ô pucelle plus tendre
Qu'un beau bouton vermeil
Que le rosier engendre
Au lever du soleil,
D'une part verdissant
De l'autre rougissant !

Plus fort que le lierre
Qui se gripe à l'entour
Du chesne aimé, qu'il serre
Enlassé de maint tour,
Courbant ses bras épars
Sus luy de toutes parts,

Serrez mon col, maistresse,
De vos deux bras pliez ;  
D'un neud qui tienne et presse
Doucement me liez ;
Un baiser mutuel
Nous soit perpetuel.

Ny le temps, ny l'envie
D'autre amour desirer,
Ne pourra point ma vie
De vos lévres tirer ;
Ainsi serrez demourrons,
Et baisant nous mourrons.

En mesme an et mesne heure,
Et en même saison,
Irons voir la demeure
De la palle maison,
Et les champs ordonnez
Aux amants fortunez.

Amour par les fleurettes
Du printemps éternel
Voirra nos amourettes
Sous le bois maternel ;
Là nous sçaurons combien
Les amants ont de bien.

Le long des belles plaines
Et parmy les prez vers
Les rives sonnent pleines
De maints accords divers ;
L'un joue, et l'autre au son
Danse d'une chanson.

Là le beau ciel décueuvre
Tousjours un front benin,
Sur les fleurs la couleuvre
Ne ***** son venin,
Et tousjours les oyseaux
Chantent sur les rameaux ;

Tousjours les vens y sonnent
Je ne sçay quoy de doux,
Et les lauriers y donnent
Tousjours ombrages moux ;
Tousjours les belles fleurs
Y gardent leurs couleurs.

Parmy le grand espace
De ce verger heureux,
Nous aurons tous deux place
Entre les amoureux,
Et comme eux sans soucy
Nous aimerons aussi.

Nulle amie ancienne
Ne se dépitera,
Quand de la place sienne
Pour nous deux s'ostera,
Non celles dont les yeux
Prirent le cœur des dieux.
brandon nagley May 2015
Venial she is in all different matters,
Where her verge is golden plastered to flatter thine human senses.
Veteran of suspenses,
Unnacustomed to kindness of words?
Believer in verbs?
Unavoidable to any common sensed man!!!
Knowledge giver beyond delinquents,
A true player of cants and cans,
Lover of strict demand!!!
Desirer to shake hands.
What unbalanced link canth I connect?
Is thy heart still wrecked for not having as thou needs?
From always having to bleed?
For you die another day!!!!

Put your fashions on display, for God's your only judge, you actress you!!!!
Your heart burnt sleeves are worn where the pain is scorn and qualm,
Where darkened sky's are the fringed and never blue,
Hybrid of god and man, for thou ways are noticed globally!!
Vocally you sound a hummingbird so high,
Harsh to thine self, best to everyone else,
You adventurer for troublesome ride!!!!!!

Tabby's cannot compete your wild child,
Where being stable is praised!!

Stadiums arth waiting your eyes to be impressed by you're plentified fruitful garden....
Dr Peter Lim Jan 2018
No, this won't do
I've moved too far away
from the destination I sought
no-- I must pause-
the telling-signs
are all over
the sky was friendly
when my journey started
the trees waved as though
to wish me bon voyage
the flowers danced
in the wind
and murmured the clear stream
as though to say:
'follow your dream'
the open road did smile
that I was sure
when I walked my first mile

I had no compass
my heart was
my navigator

(my thoughts
to the past
this hour
they did wander)--

youth, ah, youth
the grandeur
the splendour
the wonder
the ardour
the giving-up never
the dream bestower
the nothing-could-be bolder
the Utopian-follower
the ideals-seeker
the tireless wanderer
the eternal lover--

the heart on fire
***** was desire

reality is never
  the benefactor
  of the desirer)

  and now
  I am young
  no longer
  wrinkles gather
  my look is sterner
my demeanour
is austerer
my feelings
they are far from tender
my heart is colder--

a step backwards
I must walk
it's useless now
to think
or talk--

but as my head
I turn
I discover
there's no trace
of my footprint

in time
I freeze
not knowing
what to do next--
I am hopelessly-
Weightlessness is that feeling you get when we're on a high
Mother earth in all its glory with clouds just passing by
God didn't give us wings so we had to learn how to fly
Our own space we crave so dearly to just sit and wonder why

An astronaut will tell you they saw the beauty that lies within
The colours of all the rainbows and how new a life will begin
Be the one who makes the difference desirer comes from deep within
Its a fight we should all be fighting just sit and wonder if we will win

— The End —