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Georgi Naydenov Jul 2019
A red moon cast on a folly filled night
Humans hid away in fright
A haunting melody was in the air tonight
For the Bone King had arisen from his lair

A lone maiden of silky woven red dared
For she ventured into lands mortals bewared
Slowly following the music of the dead
Not knowing where it led

She encountered the King amongst the tombs of the undead
The land around him had already dwindled
Not even a single flower had remained
But she did not dare fleed

Slowly she took his bony hand
As they danced amongst his land
The Bone King was in disbelief
Why was this fair maiden not scared?

“Maiden, wherefore art thou not afraid? I dareth not guaranteeth thou art safe, f'r I am but a monst'r.”
“Why should I be afraid of the most magnificent being ever made? My king, you fail to understand, for our souls are a reflection of one another.”
"I am a monst'r, am I not? F'r all apart from thee did withdraw, leaving me withthe sc'rn undead."
"You are for them, my King. But what value do the words they utter hold? Beauty rests in the eye of the beholder."

"And f'r me, thou art the most wondrous."
This is my personal edit on a short poem under the video "Waltz of the Bone King". Credits for half of the poem and for the idea that sparked my interest go to "Infinite Daydreams"
Jamison Bell Nov 2016
Dareth do I sayeth? Do I speak of the truth?
No matter how askew, no matter how uncouth?

The fact is I just don't give a ****, a fact I've made quite clear.
It doesn't have to do with you, so fret not of your cheer.

Go about your merry way, and do what you do best.
I don't expect of you to care of this I wouldn't jest.

It's just a fact of life, it's a somewhat hidden facet.
Life's too short to hold it in, just take two puffs and pass it.

We want to care and we will do it, if there's ever any time.
Me? I'm just here planning what could be the perfect crime.

Empathy forsaken to my will for what I strive.
I'd like to be the first, to make it out of life alive.
Raphael Cheong Dec 2013
Six feet beneath the stars
And inches apart
The distance between our lungs
Can be measured by the thumps of my heart

The brilliance of the sky
It’s as if the stars rejoice for us
And somewhere constellations loom
Bewitching even non-believers’ hearts

Nocturnes be played by orchestras
In this vast prairie of growing vines

Flickering lights shine bright again
A perfect vision of a lullaby

Just two lovers
And a million stars
A billion stars

Whoever dareth shepherd the stars?
Even four eyes are barely enough
To overlook a sky so vast

A quiet wonder strikes a chord
What be contained within these stars?

Of hopes and dreams and promises
Crackled reminders of times that past
Like flames that burn on and on and on
And laser beams from heaven’s guns
An incandescent symphony
An elegy sung in harmony
A love story without a twisted plot
These stars make tragedy come to nought

Serenity on high but yet how loudly
These stars shine for us, ever so fondly

Just two lovers
Six feet beneath
A million
brandon nagley May 2015
Cat eyes,
Diamond in the haze.
Once to man a slave,
Now a slave to thyself.
Your dew doth melt,
As on a poster you should be!
Thine scars so repulsive to others,
Though so beautiful to me.
Don't you know? Thy sins can be forgiven?
Everyday a thanksgiving, with gratitude to pap you!
No remorse to snapcrack you, just rubies to wear your neck.
Cat eyes, Goshen mind, for whence dareth thou roam?
In this bedroom of incense and sage I light for ones such presence.
Ken Voltaire Nov 2018
Dark have been the days of late.
Feasting upon the rotting flesh of suns past,
None shall be delivered.
Grown too tall,
Hungered far in excess of what any stomach could carry,
Carried farther than any man dareth venture.
A ceaseless machine,
Cries out in smoke,
The ghastly thing spews,
Waste, lies, misery,
Upon those unknowing folk who drinketh from deceiving waters.
Strong trees stand no longer,
Delicate flowers of darkened shades,
Pilfer the landscape.
Intoxicating petals, formerly fair,
Trigger a grand collapse of the self.
Birds flutter hastily,
Stars spin before wide eyes,
A veil unending shields against the truth.
Many fear I hath become a madman.
The last star fades behind the peak,
The valley grows dark,
‘Tis the fate of I to fall into oblivion.
Methinks that sheep are blind, yet loyal,
Holding course without falter,
Keeping pace with the masses.
I apologize, dear listener,
For I fall into old cliches.
The stone that breaketh herds,
With force unmoving yet natural,
I stand before thee as a lone stranger,
Plowing against trivial time.
Betrayed by my own kin,
Great hammers are forced upon delicate fingers,
Hand over hand climbing ever onward,
With mangled digits.
My palms very nearly caress the precipice,
Idle hope keeps legs steady,
Mind weary,
Soul ever searching.
Lawrence Hall Apr 2018
On reading a book review entitled “In Darwin’s Footprints”

The new and improved opposable thumb
Can handily (you will pardon the pun) grasp
A tool, a stick, a pen, a glass of ***
(But dareth not to clasp Cleopatra’s asp)

If we are descended from sophomores
Then why are there still sophomores in the wild
Or random selection from random spores
Mutating from flower to flower child

I don’t know

But it’s a useful thing, my dear old chum
This new and improved opposable thumb
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
In the silent woods of the Aokighara,
The sucide forest of Japanese gala .
Lives a woman reknowed for her appeal and beauty
Dareth any man,
Who did his duty
As travelers would say
Every man who went away ,
Was by her, swayed
The witch of the woods was she called
In the walls of the nearby fotress of Hachioji,
Lies her corpse walled.
The same walls which sing a tale,
Of her lost values , betrayals, ****** and escalades.
And of a just king,
Who had her walled to administer justice.
Even after her long demise,
She wanders the premise
In search of her new prey
So tell thou traveller wish to go for searching the way
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
In the silent night,
In the rare Scotsman village of kite
All those trying to sleep ,
Wake up hearing screams and weep
They then remain awake through the night ,
Hearing those screams till they don't vanish in the stillness of the night.
Renowned academicians and officials remain baffled by this unique existence,
Many accept it as a haunted occurrence.
But one historic phenomena is known,
The death of the last person who safety sleep
After hearing the screams and weep
He made the mistake of shouting
"******* and let me sleep . I don't care about your pain or weep"
In the morning was he found
****** dry and cut into peices alive
Adding to the list
He is the 100th victim of the mist
So traveller dareth thou pay a visit
Into the strange and haunting mist

— The End —