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Chuck Feb 2015
A bile seeps into the crevis of my soul
Nausea and dyspepsia infest the sinews of my being
Death would be a welcome reprieve from the pain
Then my mind wanders to you
And I dance among the flowers of euphoria
"where night is...the integrity
of the voyaging star..."

will flowers blossom soon in this
nearby petal-edged spring? the day

is full of buds, the night carries its ghosts,
the night-lily singing of magnolia and cloud.

in the sweet-breathed sky
the silver stars are like tiny pins,

my love is carved in their reflections,
i see his face in their waters,

our love still lasts, scented like the spring,
promising each other the ghosts of forever,

i could never let him go and now he says
he wants to die by the sea, in my arms,

and we create a new dream, out of night's
shadows, a new beginning before the new end

for all our love and all our hate.
i lie numbed or over-joyed seeking

his tenderness in every crevis waiting
for the kind word, the gentle kiss.

sometimes he gives me love, sometimes his hate -
how tired the world, its hidden ghosts

soaking in the rain, the clouds subdued,
the poem built of the night's sweet edge

enamel-glazed, hypnotic like the stars.
how tired the world- how empty-

and how the poetry spins like a top, full
of the dark sky, the sad farewell,

the pretty ghost.
The Pioneer Apr 2014
The leaves fade into a motionless inferno
As they slowly crumple and fall
Bitter coldness begins to crawl into every crevis
Days pass
Trees and grass grey
under a distant gloomy sky
Cold is constant and stale
Time has no hold
Sweet spring air brings warmth and cheer
Grass brightly reaches high as the flowers bloom
Luscious fill once bare branches
But still a chill lingers
The sun has a long leisure roll across the sky
Wispy clouds are few and scattered
life's in swing, busy busy busy
A soft cool breeze starts the close
The grey that never left thickens and consumes
    year after year
     day after day
    never ending is the pain
    of losing you
Jessica April Jun 2016
I thought it was mumbled confessions and whispers of regret,
I thought it was about liability and responsibilites,
I thought it was painful and angry but being poised enough to not let it show.
Nobody told me it was loud and unconditional and would make me feel like there's no air around me but in a good way,
Nobody told me it was about honesty and loyalty and commitment and want and lust and yearning to be a better person so I can be the best me for my best person,
Nobody told me it was gonna feel like I'm gonna explode because im so passionate, or that problems seize to exist when when I wedge my head into the warm crevis between his chest and chin and he won't even let me wipe my own tears,
and I don't take pills anymore because he waits to fall asleep until I've fallen asleep,
And I feel like the world is at my fingertips when he giggles at me and says my eyes are shimmering when really i just won't shut up about something important to me but it's actually irrelevant.
Nobody told me it was magical and nobody mentioned love would save me.
MOTV Feb 2016
The limber man stepped into a crevis
fire spewed and ate him
well he didn't die

Cause he was no menace
Reverend neither
But out his mouth, he spewed Ether

Intoxication got his own mind in a ravine of
lost dreams
In the sleep, he does weep

But the tears are lost and blind the eyes and soul inside get corroded by eyes.......
I the guy flying far into the sky
Seeing through webs
Easy for adolescence to catch sins essence


Of course we all have a choice, but once blinded does the mind realise the lost oh I suppose

Another choice occurs

The mind disappears, into a dimension where dreams are inspected and where the lost tear can occur.

Not blinding me

Not I

see I am that guy

that flies

bye bye
Mike Hauser Sep 2018
No one knows what she really looks like
Without all her makeup on
Once she applied the first coat of beautify
She never once thought of taking it off

She just continually adds to the layers
Off the color wheel from which she gleens
Comes in an array of colors
From the 70's through the new millennium

Even her own mother would not recognize her
If she ever decided to come clean
A la natural in spite of it all
This Maybelline beauty queen

She never fell into a little dab will do ya
But far less than any glob fest
She lets her fingers do the walking as her makeup does the talking
Never once giving her face a rest

Never could guess how old she is
As she expertly fills in the lines
Every crevis and crack from forehead to neck
A little heavy-handed at times
Till even she doesn't know what she looks like
John Jack May 2018
This October day of corpulent rain
rain that ran lively down cracks of sill
Into a draft filled damp frame
ill-lit room potted in arbitrary holes
floorboards ripped up worn as old flames.

The crevis in the corner
for a stink and stained mattress
stuck with pins to soften the pain
The coroner mapped his route.
Mac Mar 2018
Only pain gives me the sensation of you being with me
Which is why I'm afraid I'll lose you
Because I grew up in darkness, bathed in pain all my life
And I never realized how much it hurt till I saw the light

Before you, I could see the stars
They would keep me at bay
But since your light passed me by brighter than the sun
I have gone blind

The stars have disappeared
Every crevis in the mountain which once shown light
has faded away to nothing
I can no longer see

Maybe this is good
Maybe I've gone mad
Maybe your not even real
But I have to try
Madison McEnroe Dec 2017
lost inside my head,
buried deep,
digging its way to the surface with ****** knuckles outlines in depression, anxiety, and left over pain.
sit's my happiness.
Etched into my mind,
in every corner and crevis is doubt,
my loneliness and worry.
Wondering if they meant that compliment,
or if the friends that left did it because of my obvious insecurities.
"don't let it define you"
how about a simple,
" don't let it **** you"
The idiotic stigma of needing to be strong,
just makes it that much worse when every fiber of your dignity and self-love has been shoved into a shredder and left to burn.
When avoiding social interaction becomes a sport.
When your bed starts whispering in your ear to just stay a little longer.
Or catching yourself in the mirror, lost in the reality you don't even know yourself anymore.
buried deep, digging its way to the surface with ****** knuckles outlines in depression, anxiety and left over pain sits my happiness.
And the hope one-day it'll emerge from the barren scape of my mind,
keeps me battling the war of mental illness.

— The End —