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Lunar Apr 2015
Reaching my third year in college and still remembering the past easily really means that time spares no one or no memory. We could all grow out of our old skins to realize that our new shells are just as hollow as ever, deeming hopeless in life and its travesty. Nevertheless,  that's what makes us so human, bleeding out our murderous thoughts and spilling it onto paper. The feeling of wanting to empty yourself to be a coreless vessel again, void of any emotions, unreadable to a living soul. Some of us get there faster with a pen, or even a blade, each of us digging deeper to our own little numb world, to ease the pain of conflict within or to put out the flames that are thirsty for oxygen, until the very wicker within us crumbles to dust. Back to where we started off. Fine as the dirt beneath our feet with no sign of life and no capsule of memory.
Anna Lo Oct 2012
green headless  are on the counter
screaming their watch-less glare
they lie silent in their wrathful stare
at my wall-less lair
this was not supposed to be
the bilipid layered says
I cannot watch you out to die
the zeroes yell this time
coreless deficient famine
the clock ticks its time
i think my mom is at the dock of the sea harbor in Sublime
and don't their lobsters never die?
if that is cake then so be it
and then we will make you mine.
chant with me,
hey no more negativity,
we'll go out and find a dime
it was till then I saw the ******
at the rear end of the bus
who told me... no more... no less
was what the bus was fee-d
a journey travelled
and journey lost
to Target I ventured to and back
and here the sandless land
I find you
weighed measured and broken
by your own laughing stairs.
Bella Apr 2019
Poetry is meant to be deep.
deeper than the coreless ocean; vaster than the galaxies.
It's where your deepest thoughts, feelings, hopes and dreams are supposed to lie in peace.
Yet lately I feel uncappable of writing.
Every word I print feels lost with no meaning.
Broken thoughts that I can't seem to fix.
I stare blank minded at my notebook trying to spill ink.

It seems my pen has ran dry.
While constipation kept me in arrears,
asper daily writing,
     thus ordinarily straight forward
     practiced process culling material,

     (a daily endeavor generally mastered
     by your truly), this moment bares
with more difficulty, thus derriere's
functionality created backlog

     (of personal business),
     hence presenting literary chops,
     a real ****** today,
disgruntlement with ***** Pack,

     (which gripe flares
cheeks) pitted me considerably
     behind schedule,'s
the scoop (hoop fully solid explanation

     for my absence) amidst
     virtual chattering class
     otherwise known as Face booking,
     Instagramming, and Whatsapp

     pin with ma Jeers
zee Boyz'n the hood,
     ah...also dem "Back Street Boys"
     oh mother f*er...,

     I just learned day got eliminated
     and blocked, (cuz o' their wiped out,
     wasted, sunken,
     flushed, dumpy untidily

     bowled over appearances),
     Sargeant Scott Coreless forced their
     evacuation citing Lumineers
     as more *** toot,

hence the emcee then welcomed,
     opening dreck "Johnny On The Spot,"
     and the "The Proctologists,"
     who performed before nares

     Naked Lady sighted spectators, with
     lovers spooning within cheeky pairs
     otherwise, essentially a pooped out crowd
     sitting on their haunches,

while myself perched
     some distance away
     with my comfortably numb tuckus
     atop the porcelain Goddess

     a awaiting emetic to expel
for iCloud to finish updating
before continuing with sign out...
     from this Macbook Pro,

     which aye sheepishly pro state
as the long winded soup peer
re: or (flatulence riddled) explanation.
Yenson Sep 2021
The charcoal glows
in soothing warm embers
shinning face in radiant light
out in blistering beyond
vapid snows are tumbling
on the hardened ground
to melt into muddy slush
cold congealed droplets
soft coreless particles
simple vacuous drips
the banality
of Nature
Yenson Nov 2020
In the metropolis of superficialities
where text speak is now the lingua franca
and *** means surprise and emoji's tells it all
statistics says literacy level is low reading books lower
stars and celebrities pile out to admit they've never read a book

Walk with the vulnerable at lower ends
is escapism in ignorance and uninformed minds
all milling in emotional malaise and defensive angsts
where semblance rages and substance is a white powder
life becomes a drama of pretext and most are mere method actors

In vacuous air bullshitters ply their trades
each with spins on limiting realities they confront
hiding in comforting delusions or attacking with delusions
whilst in fears and confusion their inner selves quake coreless
without the gradual build of learning that shapes the minds sublime

So without informed understanding
in selves or environs or the wider global vistas
half minds gorge on fake news, misinformation and ripe lies
beastly minds in tamed puppets prey to the prevailing fashion as it
the sheepherders know the score as did Pol *** did to burn all books

This is democracy, people's power and we don't need books

He was the was a Cambodian revolutionary and politician who governed Cambodia as the Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea
Those that have taken the time to study and learn enough to own their own minds can tell you how Pol ***'s regime ended and the unspeakable horrors and destruction this regime occasioned. Yes, it was all done for Democracy and peoples power and it still goes on cause sometimes or most of the time we cannot learn the lessons of history because the majority have no minds.
Yenson Oct 2020
A million sad songs may sing
praising gloom doom and despondency
a trillion sad stories may be recorded
of tragedies and disappointments
and the inhumanity of man to mankind
but we know
they are but the soundtrack to the lives
of the depleted soulless ones
searching for what they have lost
when the Eden Paradise in their souls
rotted and decayed
leaving impoverished minds festering
in the mires of vices and ignominy
they are the coreless spineless weakened
shouting in gainless ardour
searching futilely for victims to join their caves
where they tune their sad songs
and script the dirges of their sham lives
cowering in shame and fear
hiding from the exposing light of stark reality
mincing their cadavers into the burgers
that will feed themselves and their offsprings

— The End —