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Gabriel burnS Nov 2017
you left me cold
like a long burned-out
chunk of coal
I stopped glittering
because I knew
that I was not of gold
Ryan Gonzalez Jan 2015
my thought process free
a busy jammed highway
now free in the night

a sore headache of relief
the pain of release
the cooldown of a workout

a disgusting room
finally cleaned
the stale smell gone

the last day at a job
the relief felt of leaving
the great and awful exiting

a creaky old door
wind coming underneath
but finally welded shut
locking monsters away

a leaf after the storm
pounded but nourished
left only with silence

I am finally calm
Jon Tobias Apr 2012
High speed and truly unlimited will soon be so 12 seconds ago
in the largest network ever

I mean let’s head on down to
And see how well it matches with
Toss in a daily couple’s horoscope
And make magic

Nature has a knack for making connections

There is a redwood forest
With trees so close
Roots so tightly woven
Biologists can’t truly tell where one tree begins and one ends

It is one of the largest living organisms ever

But I could only tell you which tree I’d like to maybe climb
If I weren’t afraid of heights

Which is good because you are afraid heights too
I learned this on your profile

We are thirty percent compatible
I did the math

High speed your lips my way

I wish I had told you that 12 seconds ago

I mean
I’d like to dock in your port
And double click until you GOOGLE

Don’t worry about an overload or a virus
I got some burly surge protection

Unless this is too soon for you
Then maybe I can play with your thumb drive
Nibble on your wires til you’re ready for a MEGABYTE

It’s what we do
Find reasons to touch other people
Operate at high speeds til we crash
We need the crash
Pass by near hits
Some people I pass by and never see
We are praying for the cooldown

Sit with me a little while
Have a cup of coffee

You have an eyelash on your cheek

I am lying
I just wanted to touch your face

I sometimes wonder if we could be like play-dough
And I might melt into you if I wasn’t careful

You laughed when I asked you about it
Shifted uncomfortably

I think everything happens so fast
I’ve stopped amassing information

I just wanna single-cell feel this life for a while

In twelve seconds
I can be unlimited

It’s just long enough to be charming
Long enough to make you laugh

12 seconds ago
I farted
You are smelling it now

You do not say a word about it

In 12 seconds you can learn how polite someone is

My heart will beat fifteen times
In that same amount of time

Less if it skips a beat
Less if I am dying

Pretty soon
This life will pass you by

And god will quit texting long enough
To say

Welcome to forever
Sorry you missed out
On the debauchery
And the laughter

You’ve all had your heads
In electric clouds so long

Keeping touch
Without the touch

Now join the light
You won’t feel ****
Maybe happy
I dunno
This ball just keeps getting bigger

Life is high speed
Feels like twelve seconds

I’m not saying we should always stop to smell the roses

Just **** more often
Touch more often
Look someone beautiful in the eyes without being afraid more often

There is only now

Now there only was
First line donated by Jessica Dunn
Imran Islam Oct 2017
Where do you live?
Hello, are you dead?
How about you?
Yes, everything
I am dreaming.

Your writing is perfect
Oh my sweetheart
You are so smart
I love you sweet.
And I'm an artist.

A little bit sad today?
It's ok sometimes
to feel a little sad,
I'm not sad today
My sweet friend.

Your last poem is magic
It's beautiful that
You're obsessed
with the moon
I love you, poet.

Eh, I can't see your looks!
Nah, It's time to read books.
No school anymore
Because I'm rich lol...

Sleep with me?
         Love me, babe!
Cooldown please,
We are still friends...
Raffael Jan 31
broken hearts

in my eyes

in the corner of the matinee

like a shadow cast aside

another balancing act

on the edge of a knife

firecracker lies


all over the conversations

moth and flame game

the prize: your fire

the price: my peace

my love is your hostage

i am afraid

that you might **** it with ease

your gleam

your silent attack

makes me want to slip

through the crack

of a broken tile

the heat


for each passing mile



till you forget

that you forgot me

where will i be?

who knows...

might even

take off with the crows
Its bewildering to know we have become slaves of our own desires
We commanded everything when we came to this world
Now money makes our world go 'round,
Not even Micheal Jackson can rock this world now
Yet we taught ourselves what we needed,
We taught ourselves that citrus-orange is desirable than citrus-lemon,
That honey is better-healthier than sugar
We used to communicate with our bodies to unlock knowledge (wisdom)
Like when we having ice to cooldown then we have "brain-freeze" then we know we have had too much,
And that too much of everything is not good
We have become a band of banditts
We used to be on par with the bars of standards we set ourselves on benches of  the bar ,
Now we are behind bars unconstitutionally and thats not gold bars not to us,
Our consciousness of conscience is barred with hard steelness
Our situation has lost stability,
And now are intensively critically undersiege
We blame our demons, forgetting we have the power over them
Maybe its because of these demonstrations of non-action
Unable to heal from wounds of our past bruises,
Because of the food we eat,
And thats food for thought
I gave you my time
And I don't get that back
I gave you my life
And I didn't have much of that to give away in the first place
I gave you my love
And that is on a cooldown
I cannot use it for years after what you did to it
I have to fix it up first
I gave you my confidence
Now I am left with soft apologies and broken hellos
I gave you everything
And I don't get that back.
Tom Shields Nov 2020
Won't the sun shine a bit softer, for pity's sake?

Bargain with the wind, can't your breeze be cooler,

or a little lighter, give or take?

You machine

with your vented tongue

averaging the truth from all your calculated lies can only mean

that your head is so full of steam you must blow from an iron lung

a chimney-neck, a smokestack, black cloud of thought that gathers

glowering coals, simmering down from a long night's work

now the pummeled odds, statistics stacked against the status quo

quote you against yourself, you hide your bent and burning rods

by burying your disheveled and spent state beneath a quota of snow

cooldown until scrap is repaired, maintenance quick, quips all witless, quite aware, quitting who cares

all the best times come and go, love is unquantifiable data, a memory you can feel and know

I hope today is a beautiful day for all those who want for it to be

and I can only hope that everyone I may never see is over me,

I've been the guilty party, my price of admission is not worth the memory

while I lose sleep, may you only know peace, love, respect, and feel pain dissipate, overcome and be burden free

I'd rather lay to rest with my heart light of anger, than my head full of thoughts of perceived enemies.
please read and enjoy

— The End —