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Debbie Brindley Jul 2018
Our once baron land
nothing but blackened sand

Tis now a place of beauty

So come take my hand
so we may stroll through our garden forever
Along the crazy paving pathway
We shall stroll through our garden togeather 
Flowerbeds of


Just to name a few

So come sit with me my love
on our swingseat made for two
The garden my sister built
for my husband and I
Fickle Silver Maples lie forlorn in the -
stillness of Noon , melancholy belles that change -
their sullen tune by the belated , crosswind steamy Georgia afternoon
Dandelion sprinkled prairie of home , bordered in thick , red clay
trenches , kudzu covered period homesteads , Spring peach
and pecan orchards drenched in wild , unabated orchid and coneflower
Sweetgum cones rattle in nightfalls cooling breeze without respite , riverstone retaining walls , whitewashed barns and gravel drives , Bantam hens perch Live Oak branches along flint , cobblestone pathways
Copyright May 9 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
KathleenAMaloney Nov 2015
The DOVES Have Returned!!!
Thousands of them!!!
Each ONE effortlessly carrying a small Gift of peace,
LOVE’s Great Mystery…

the LIFE EXPERIENCING Twig of its Sacred Offering

I AM the Nest of Life to the broken branches of these Trees,
and the Tree of Life to the great birthing’s of this Nest
They Become Me
And I Become IT

Both are True,  and Wonderfully so!!

This IS the JOY of the Risen Heart- the VOICE of HOLY SPIRIT!
Gratitude Becomes Me,  And I Become It
I have Become a Fountain to Eternity!

Sweet Petals of Darkness,
Now gone...
replaced by the purple coneflower of Willingness
I praise You for YOUR Generosity
commend YOU for your BEAUTY!!!
YOU are the strategy of Wholeness
the likes of Which has never before existed
You are the ORDER of my BEING

A bridal crown of gardenias , wild coneflower and daisy speckle
her grassy domain as dairy cattle silently graze white washed boundaries of wood , rusted nail and hog wire .. Branch laden silver gray Water Oaks dusted with Spanish moss , cerulean Valdosta ceilings with pink , periwinkle horizons .. Bradford pears grace country lanes to the West , bound for raspberry Dusk , in settled rural scenery .. Shore bird silhouettes led home by a golden Moon across the marsh ...
Copyright March 10 , 2016 by Randolph l Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Jim Bates Jun 2020
Purple Coneflower
Monarch butterfly alights
Double delightful.

Morning dew sparkles
Tiny droplets glistening
Sunlight dances wildly.

Springtime misting rain
Tender garden shoots reaching
Thirstily drinking.

— The End —