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Kiana Lynn Oct 2015
They warned me,
saw, past the façade, what I couldn’t see.
“He loves, and leaves them”
Picks off the pedals until they’re nothing but the stem.
A fraction of what they could be,
broken down, sobbing on their knees.
But, I was blinded, I wouldn’t listen
my heart at risk, and he was on a mission.
They’d always warned me about the guys to avoid
bad boys, non-committers, the fixer uppers that’d leave me destroyed.
But what about the blue-eyed, charismatic man?
Why wasn’t he in any of their curriculum plans?
Chiseled face, a wicked smile,
words that managed to cover up anything vile.
They warned me
coming to truly see him, since I was unable to see.
He wasn’t like the others, that you’d obviously stay clear of
No, he oozed confidence and the ability to love.
I wish he’d worn a flashing sign that would have warned me off,
stopped me before he turned me so soft.
So be aware of those, even those with a pretty face
if you’re not careful it’s your heart they’ll run off with, leaving no trace.
ManVsYard Nov 2014
I wonder about freedom.
A universal right to be,
who and what and where we want,
gripe and moan  and even taunt.
Type in our own, homemade font.
Or, launch a raft into the sea.

To find a place that
is more liber-ated, still.
But greed turns choice to tyrany.
The motto? Give it all to me!
Need a house? Chop down a tree.
Each day is such a thrill!

Until those pitter patters
Turn into stomping boots.
Asking who will pay the bill?
Tearing down each homebrew still.
Whats for dinner. More pig swill?!
We're looking for recruits.

Who want to live a better way
In a world much less corrupt.
We'll have good rules to keep in us line
So prisons won't explode again this time.
With committers of some petty crime.
Or just failing to keep up.
The Illusion.
Freedom is.
The Final solution.
Waves Aug 2017
that's the girl
that makes playboys fall in love
and committers think twice

— The End —