Dog saw the fault first.
Flurry of spots like acne
sprouting on a teenager’s face.
The ground, crushed pearls,
rubbery tones under foot,
bright white blotted by an exhibition
of crimson, as if seeping
through winter’s present of gauze.
Patches of darker red,
cherryade leftovers
of a sliced finger, a chest puncture,
nosebleed drizzle. No answers,
just a dash of human leak
to be buried by more
shavings of chalk from above.
No footprints but my own,
the dog’s own code
and there, one tree over,
a welt of lemon,
the culprit obvious, waving
baton of black leading me on.
Written: February 2020.
Explanation: A poem written in my own time, which happens to be one hundred words long (this was unintentional). A link to my Facebook writing page can be found on my HP home page.