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gracie Apr 2021
Sitting there drinking cascara lemonade, I looked at you knowing… everything had changed

The look in your eyes and your smile gleaming wide, you told me what I needed to know.

March 27, a beautiful day,
for that was the day we knew we had changed,

All while drinking cascara lemonade

When the rain came and our time was concluding you grabbed my arm and you drove us away.

There in your car as we sang and we spoke,
My heart it was beating… beating out of my throat

The anxiousness grew and quickly it left me when I saw that blue house and wanted a porch swing.

The adventure did not stop there and it has yet to conclude,
we pushed pause for a time to get back to school

Until one painted evening with a mission top secret.
To the field we went, to pick daffodils,
and eventually end up in a really big chair.

But here I am now as it is late in the night, and I let myself wander.
All the way back to that beautiful day…

March 27, with cascara lemonade.
Abraham May 2021
I bang my elbow in the shower,
takes a second to realize why

not that I was careless
or enjoy pain, again

but the cascara
cowbell, saxophone,

hands around my shoulders
that are not my own

sunlight squeezing lemons,
flower dress upon the hill

potato enchilada
with my footwork



    I was careless.

Showers are not the place for salsa.
Maritza Torres Mar 2017
I rise from the Earth's inside
and feel Coyolxauhqui shatter
into my skin

Soy una cascara
stitched with seeds
my ancestors planted
for me

I wither and fall like the cotton flower
and rattle as I journey back
to the mad underground
under me

Bajo de la tierra
I find a fragmented tapestry
with fringes soft
as the silks of corn

Bajo de la tierra
encuentro mi corazon
una cascara

painted with colors in
a disjointed color scheme

Bajo de la tierra
encuentro que soy unica

I am one
in different colors
Ken Pepiton Feb 2020
Buckthorn, as a med we ate
to ease a belly ache,
cascara sacrada, relaxative
pro-vocatuer, speaker to the gut beyond
first taste, you
buckthorn berry purge, my gut

for goodnessake

swallow whole, don't ever
ruminate and appear
not to know
cow stupid-blissity, duhll, un
to an honest cutting edge, behind
a persistent point
insisting on forming, con forming me,
the ego in main-mode, re

maining reasonable in face of facts,
liars prosper.

Good enough. Now, betting begins.

Will, mine or thine, one is free, the
other is me, a mind in a word world with

vectoring paths into any ever we image,
conversation, forms of words
filled with saliency,
line after line,
salutory aspirations to rise above the fray,
to see,

-- the lie exposed is the truth.
So simple a five year old knows when she's caught.
Willow bark tea and chamomile make me smile at what my grandaughter imagines knowing after a walk with me, in my dottage, in the purple phase of spring.
Leydis Jul 2017
Shshshsh mi amor,
Sé que es embarazoso,
que no te salen las palabras,
que tienes miedo,
que te aterra el mañana….
No te preocupes amor,
No digas más nada, quédate ahí,
te protegeré en mi nido.

He puesto el huevo de nuestro amor
en un nido que hospedara nuestra pasión,
que nos protegerá de aves rapiña
como lo son la desconfianza,
la monotonía, y unos brazos cubiertos en nieve.
Nuestro nido incubara todos nuestros sueños,
protegiéndonos de las desilusiones,
solo tenemos que cubrirnos en compasión uno al otro.

Shshsh mi amor, ya estoy aquí.
No mi amor, ya no tienes que sufrir.
Si, cobíjate en mí,
refugia tus penas en mis senos deseosos de ti.
Mis piernas como membrana de huevo,
tejerán las fibras que el cansancio te causo.
Amalgamare tu lasitud con mis espumosos besos,
germinando de ti un hombre vibrante y completo.

Shussh mi amor, si quédate ahí,
usare las yemas de mis dedos para emulsificar tus ilusiones
con los aceites que excreten de las membranas de mis furores.

Quédate ahí amor,
nuestro nido está rodeado de canarios, jilgueros y ruiseñores,
para que nos sirvan de alarma, recordándonos que ha llegado
el alba, que nuevamente nos toca hacer el amor.

En ese nido he colocado sutilmente nuestro huevo de amor,
mi cascara te protegerá hasta que te sientas listo
para con tus propia alas volar.

I love surrounding myself with trees
In the sound of the afternoon’s receding
We are smiling fingers
Making gentle passes
Over everything that sings
We are balancing all of our bodies
On the ashes of the fire
Until we dissolve into our being
I will extinguish the need to be right
For silence is my argument
And tonight i only want
For you to dance with me some more
While my sanity is still intact
Yet endangered by your eyes
And if we ever meet again
Outside this space of hunger
It would be to tell each other lies
And brag about our happiness

Were you haunted from the start
And cursed to remove the fruits from the bough
Until this waterfall becomes your mouth
And these mountains are your roots
Like a cat you landed on your feet
And planted the seeds of mystery inside of me
starlaxs Apr 2019
decime que soy hermosa
aunque claramente ya lo se
se que te gusta jugar a mi juego
se que es el mismo que siempre jugue

decime que te encanto
haceme pensar que soy unica hoy
aunque nunca seria tuya ni vos mio
solamente sos mi emotional support boy

decime que te gusto
decime que el mundo se frena por mi
decime que cuando todos van asa
nosotros vamos a venir asi

decime que soy linda
no me dejes de mirar
no me dejes
no me dejes
no me dejes

decime que soy una enferma
decime que no nos va a hacer bien
tene un poco de sentido, flaco
voy a romperte, no ves?

decime basta
antes de absorberte por completo
y cuando seas solo cascara
hacerte mi muñeco

decime que pare
cuando sientas que no sentis mas
divertite conmigo, usame
pero no me dejes dejar llevar

decime pimpo
mirame a los ojos y frename
dame un abrazo, lloremos
no necesitas ser mio para quedarte

— The End —