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Did you ever think of
What happened to those glass pieces?

The shattered glass pieces
Held some of your happiness like
A mother breastfeeding a new born baby
It slowly gathered and tried to joined
The remaining left over happiness

Years passed but glass pieces
Never parted with your happiness
And preserved it with lots of care

The broken glass pieces
Still hugs and kisses your happiness
With the hope of giving it back to you

Your happiness is secure & safely alive
With the shattered glass pieces

The remaining life of the glass pieces
Is destined to more breakages

Don't worry if
The glass pieces are crushed, stamped
Still shattered further in more tiny pieces
Disintegrated into powder

Be sure whatever they do to glass pieces
It will not let your happiness go
It's clenching your happiness tightly

Come one day to find how
The glass pieces are living
Come and see the castle of happiness
The shattered glass pieces has built
Naming your happiness "An Angel"

What if I told you that
I am the glass of LOVE that encased your
Happiness and that you shattered...!

(Read the flashback story in NOTES below)

One day when you were a kid
Your happiness encased in glass = shattered
You cried and scambled
To pick up some of your happiness
You wrapped your happiness
with a cloth and put inside the bag
You dropped the bag in a river
But grasp some pieces of happiness
You put some happiness under lock and key
But your happiness was stolen
You tracked down remaining happiness
and now carry your happiness in your pockets
Sometimes, it falls, out, you find it
And YOU cherish what happiness is left behind


Did you ever think of
What happened to glass pieces?

(Read the poem...)
Steve Page Jun 2022
As I wait, I see on an uncomfortably high stool
the grandmother perching opposite
the comfortably bored teenager
replete in his distressed Ramones tee shirt
and ripped white jeans.

She holds her black coffee with both hands, while he plays
with the long spoon in his tall glass of hot chocolate,
her eyes focused on the top of his head,
his engrossed in the puddle of brown milk around his saucer.

Below the music, she pleads for a friendship that he
shows no interest in until she reaches into her bag
and emerges with perhaps something that he’s been waiting for –

And beyond the counter, shielded by formica, the percolators and stacked cups, the apprentice barista drops his tray and from the back two men in ill-fitting suits give a half-hearted cheer, while his boss withholds her anger in front of the paying customers, but judging by her face she would gladly take her protégé by his stained apron and string him up – I think this isn’t the first time she’s taken the cost of breakages out of his salary.

And I’ve missed what it is grandma has presented to her grandson
– all I can see is a suggestion of his fingers playing with silver,
a ring perhaps? The hot chocolate is pushed aside and his shoulders straighten.  
She still looks uncertain, and the seconds drag until his face seems to soften.
He looks up and mouths what might be a thank you.  

And he doesn’t withdraw his hand when she covers it with her own.
Arvon retreat writing exercise - a story with a break
M Sep 2014
it is a strange practice, learning to understand someone
it begins with a rough sketch of 'the way they feel about
their parents' or 'what happened to their siblings'
and it progresses on with a Myers Briggs evaluation
sometimes taking their mental pulse in different subjects
marking what they care about and what they don't
enscribing the single sentence of their
self-worth, their desire, and their motivations
on whatever it is that binds the two of you together,
and growing with them and learning the way in which they grow
you know their crystal lattice and you know how it forms
a molecular structure in fractals, in fractals, in fractals
that builds and changes but is always quite the same,

I know what makes you laugh,
I know how to make you cry,
I have learned you and I know
which keyholes can be pressed, slid into, or clicked
I know of all your crevices and your breakages
and I know how to fix them or how to
drive a wedge so deep inside you that you splinter
I can map when your breath is short and I can chart
your secrets on the walls of my heart, kept there
like a case-file in a robbery- you have stolen
me, my very existence,
and there is an arrow and a pin and lines drawn
to every single bit of who you are
I have learned you, I have measured you,
you have been weighed and found wanting
and I know what it is you are wanting in the depths of your being
but the finding of these things is difficult and rocky and awkward
for you have taken what it is that is me and you have
patterned it over the immense and layered texture of you
breaking and filling holes, pouring into a mold
and I am invested, now, for I am made for you,
but there is no turning back and we must go on from here
I learn and change from the people around me
but first I must learn you.

It is a strange practice, learning to understand someone,
but once I understand you, then
now, now we can begin.
Tony Luxton Oct 2015
An old curiosity shop
a lost world depository
dark dusty as pharaoh's tomb
worming squirming carefully through
where 'Breakages Must Be Paid For'.

Stopped clocks claiming time is up
sofas trailing their entrails
peeved pictures offered for their frames
and bureaux bursting with bumf.

Rummaging through dank passages
searching inner chamber book stocks
classic novels at six old pence
thumbed pages bought for improvement.

Nelson Collins Clear Type Press
Dent and Everyman in distress
Dumas Dickens and Conan Doyle
countless cultural references.
It's only what,
you gotta be
having me

it's true,
you were right,
but it still feels
the middle of Monday
night and it don't
look like Tuesday
at all.
S Smoothie Oct 2014
oh another round slicing my pride through a mandelin

grating my heart to a ****** pulp

scraping my dignity under you nails

another shameful episode over nothing.

a time span. minutes.

the lioness reared

the roar hurt your ears and your manhood

emasculated with all the trimmings

I swear you like it.

you never seem to learn.

you should never have shunned your kitten in public.

this mangled kittens got claws

you warned me; and I counter warned you

an thus this pile of heart **** wont pick its self up

I guess its up to me to mend the breakages again

I dont have the time to wait

i have to paint the walls and put a new cornice up.

here take your ******* coffee.

I give up.
I saw that sign a long time ago
and didn't know then,

broken men and
the broken pay
what's there to say
about that?

but I never knew then how broken men could be,
even treading carefully is at times woefully inadequate
ask the inebriate if you don't believe me.
rows upon rows that stretch down the street
they butter shop windows with cold shuttered steel,

ever feel that you're not wanted?

and what's inside?
is it so valuable?

The sign says
It's so impersonal.

It cuts both ways
we close ourselves off
from others
move through the days
like the living dead.

It's no use saying,
are you ready to rock
to a rock.

just exercising the pointlessness is a pointless exercise.

It's Thursday
if you're living the dream
it's time to wake
don't you know they've got
you wired to the mains
and the system's going
to blow?

step inside
feel free to browse
all breakages must
be paid for.
thesuunest Jul 2019
If I could only write a letter to God
to give us the reasons
Reasons for life, if it has to be this ugly
Reasons for the Bad choices
I saw my grandmother every time tired
wrote her letters she couldn't read
saw her again she doesn't know me
How hard she worked
How tired she is from life
she needs a break
a break from all the breakages
we need forgiveness
...and when we're broken,
down and out,
what then?
and they'll tell you,
build your walls back up again

but citadels are made to fall
so building walls is just
a self fulfilling prophecy.

Matching back the pieces
patching up the cracks
life is one big jigsaw

but what helped me to see
was me being me
not bending to their will.

breakages must be paid for
and this is the crux
no one gives two *****
when you're laying in the gutter
you are just cheap margarine
and they have all the butter.

so build yourself an island
somewhere far beyond the shore
somewhere where the breeze is gentle
and you can hear the breakers roar.
Yenson Jan 2023
Ten thousand cowards are just one coward less than nothing
its really as simple as that
Is it not in recognition of proven significance that the lame bare
their teeth and froth slime
If distinction is not blinding and maddening mediocre how can
haters do their pathetic job
Are inadequates' and imbeciles not duty bound to pay the Taxes
of attention to all is Superior
And those never graced to dine from finest Bone China says in
bile they are prone to breakages
Is jealousy and envy not jealousy and envy when it dons a political
mask and becomes infantile
The ostrich that thinks its hidden by burying its head forgets that
its whole body is exposed
But alas you have shown the town the whites of your eyes and they
see the green monsters in there
They now know ivories are best left on peacefully grazing elephants
Twenty thousand cowards are just one coward less than nothing
Its really as simple as that

— The End —