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"Etrestles them knowing that a hill was reserved in a beautiful settlement on axiomatic elevations east of Bethlehem, he provided unusual illumination." Etréstles; Champion of the Koumeterium of Messolonghi, felt that after thousands of years of life, he conceived in this Holy Land a great value of omnipresence. The Miracle of Christian protocol would begin in him, paying for votes and tributes in the Baptistery of the Field of the Shepherds. In this uniquely mystical rock, “His rebirth begins in his tenth life before there were nine in Messolonghi (Koumeterium Messolonghi-Editorial Palibrio USA). A miracle happens that transports him to the subsoils that would transport him to the most archaic, of the nine past cycled epics in Kalavrita, Kalidona, Patmos, and Messolonghi. Here he will come face to face with past lives, with the substances that were born and fell reborn in those that come, surrounding him with the pastures that circulate through the veins of the airspace of Thesaurus; through the plain of the Rabadanes in La Shepherds Fountain. In this analogy with allegorical motifs, he goes in commemoration of the shepherds and their flock, for those who are crowning this fountain, having before our eyes the sculpture of the shepherd and under his feet floral motifs such as palm leaves, heads of cattle, sheep, and geese. in the act of ingesting his own Masken. This hexagonal source contrasts with the Hexagonal Primogeniture; here is the miracle that would come about, to meet the intangible Creation and the Luminescence as clothing. They thought they were closer to the village ... but in reality, they were three and a half kilometers from it, in a fenced area with a wide path that runs through the park on the hill between groves and lush flowers that clearly evoke the place where those 1st-century shepherds led their sheep to pasture. They went up the sinkhole at level 203, of the Profitis Ilias wind tunnel, here the Armas Christi worshiped the foreman who was present before continuing their pilgrimage to the top of the mound, where Vernarth was with the Hexagonal Birthright waiting for him in this zafral.

Vernarth says: “They were all dozing when certain decagonal sounds carried them through the baptistery…, in its decagonal plan surrounded by four chapels and the apse that houses the altar, covered by a large dome of mortar and glass, which lets in illuminating the altar as did the star Ursae  Minoris or Kynosoura who indicated the shoulder of the shepherds. Here the murals that guarded the hosts of Aserá had already disappeared. Most likely, they were watching with great chandeliers as they opened in the quagmire of the sclera of their bare eyes. We were trapped by the quagmire created by Raeder and Petrobus, in these opaque clouds of numinous sheep dung, transmuting through the corridors of the new worlds of culminating grazing. We went to its algorithm and on the entrance door, the angel of the annunciation showed us, on it a singular watchtower incorporating us into the facade by means of three distended flying buttresses. Inside the beautiful fertile field, from a bicolor marble hermitage, the spaces to which the pilasters that support the roof also contribute could be emphasized. The chapels are adorned with some precious frescoes that represent scenes of the annunciation to the shepherds and the arrival at the birth, and the altar table that is supported by the sculptures of four archangels, especially with the appearance of the hexagonal birthright in the middle of these boulders”

Faced with this hexagonal-polygonal effect on both sides, they intro dug into their own peaks and reigns. A straight north stretchmark crossed them in a double hemicycle that was concentric in the full equatorial diameter, inscribed in the theocentric of a circle of a sheep that was lactated ..., here the foreman arrive and receive them with great hospitality, in symmetrical affability they shook in entertainments with their shofar on songs and tunics…, each one was exalted by the rising air of another Jamsin zephyr that was detached from the typical climograph with golden showers in Ein Kerem and of golden verses in Bethlehem in the Nativity. More than a plateau grazed by ruminants, it was adorned with golden gadgets in its golden mouths. Twelve degrees to the right, on the sixth wick of the Menorah, a regular Silouéta or silhouette was lit, making this intangible, whose vehemence makes them drink water from the hexagonal well, much more equidistant than walking among themselves, moving their hands with all their hands. Diligent emotions, intensifying the numb emotions that would vibrate from the third angle as they were coated with the vertices of the light that glowed from the convex morning. The trisection of the angle will have to hit an angle whose measure is one-third of another given angle, using only a ruler and compass, the baptistery or apse being incorporated in its third part of the Greek tertiary angle.

The Sibyl Agrippa sings (bis): “she bears the lashes related to the scene of Flagellation in the Praetorium. Here red blood-stained filigrees ran for votive offerings simulating blood from the celestial, representing the corresponding straight folio. The natural laws of the Parables Jaspias make alchemy with immanent and hypocoristic noble minerals in the cavern that revealed all this grace to Raeder, for the propaedeutic of the Mashiach by centralizing here the space-time that said that God has similarity to the Iaspis, as you set of condensed gold in the expiration and metallization of the cosmic essence. The similarity made all the walls of the vault or tunnel of the Profitis Ilias ruled by Jasper and Carnelian, the latter being Raeder's green-blue eyes shining in his iris, and in the curvature of mass that was pressed into the interior of the wind tunnel that also expanded, making rubies and acuities out of itself. The visibility of the Universe was still hyper-bright over the Patmos inlet, for this Petrobus, his blue Pelican, was crowned surrounded by Apollo's superciliary arc, to enter the similarity of metals like his metalloid neighbor”
Codex XXVI - Mundis Parallel Messiah of Judah III part
pineliquor Aug 2020
if i climb into your skin
will i then gain
heartbeats on sync
breathing layered
passing through you
passing you through
like an item of clothing
now pull the arms past
the sockets of sleeves
finger to finger
tips pressing tight
i take up your emptiness
or do i reside in your
innards? toss and turn
bicolor pieces
on othello board
vocal cord chorus
nail breaking scratches
open eyes wide
to look, equipped with them
skin suit

Apr 10, 2020

— The End —