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Heidi Shavill Aug 2013
Fight to make your presence known
Fight to make something your own
Fight to stand up to the wrong
Fight to sing one more song

Fight to end up at the top
Fight to make bad **** stop
Fight because it’s what you’re told
Fight, be fierce, strong and bold

Fight for rights you think we need
Fight to stay awake and read
Fight to always give your all
Fight back every time you fall

Fight from looking in too deep
Fight depressions need for sleep
Fight for children in foster homes
Fight the fear you’ll die alone

Fight as if today’s your last
Fight to persevere your past
Fight to see your grandkids birth
Fight to the death for mother Earth

Fight back tears and wear a smile
Fight the urgency and stay awhile
Fight for fun or relieving stress
Fight for whatever you think is best

Fight because they struck you first
Fighting your best friends the worst
Fight to improve yourself bit by bit
Fight belifs that you'll fail at it

Fight for you and all you are
Fight the darkness; brilliant star
Fight thoughts that you’re not enough
Fight their hatred with undying love

Heidi Shavill  2013

Breeze-Mist Sep 2016
If God does exist
I feel quite sorry for him
I guess that's bizzare

Because when you're God
You protect everyone, but
No one protects you

The man at the top
Has the longest way to fall
And no safety net

There's no one else who
That being can turn to if
Something bad happens

But I also have
Sympathy towards the devil
(I know that's a song)

Because he chose to
Take a different path than God
God just kicked him out

He did break some rules
But threatening torture seems
A little extreme

His questioning ways
Got him kicked out of his home
With a torture threat

I guess that's why I
Can't figure out my belifs:
This contradiction
Breeze-Mist Mar 2017
So this, readers and friends
Is where it began
I don't know where it ends
But let's look back again

A fourteen year old is writing
In a hospital room
Far her right in bright lighting
Is great-grandma, who'll die soon

She has few memories of her
As she wonders about home
Nonni keeps asking mother
Not to leave the girls alone

Now we're back in the hospital
On some Pennsylvanian hill
Thirty five family members in total
Nonni's more than ill

Christmas day, and we're at a friend's house
When we hear that final call
A week later, I'm at a funeral, sounding like a mouse
For someone I nearly didn't know at all

Looking back, that was the start
Of most of my questions
On society, religion, art
What the rules really ment

I found a taste for the books
That mom didn't like
I expanded my looks
Gained interest in the night

I started growing apart
From those I once knew
With secrets in my heart
My friends were my closest few

I learned more about a family
That I once thought typical
And (mostly) solved my belifs
On the meaning of "it all"

I look back on the before
As though regarding a cat
It's cute innocence I adore
I find it hard to believe I was that

I still have that Christmas blanket
A snow leopard, her last gift
For a woman I saw maybe four or five times, it
Still has a nice warmth to it

So sometimes I dream of a mint hospital wall
And think back to the start of it all
Nonni died at the age of 93. She spent her retirement going down to the seinor center six days a week to play cards and chasing after my telatives, trying to get them to take home more food.
The war of beliefs
   Hindus burn Islamic Mosques, Muslims burns
    Hindu temples of worship and
   The Christians burn synagogues and both
   The three faiths preach peace on earth.

   A shadow fled into the basement when
   The sun came full of flaming hatred.

Resolving an ancient religious problem
Obsolete as religion is made by man.
Some fanatics **** for what is a fairy tail
Exemplary atheism is never a solution.

— The End —