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M Feb 2016
Navigating these new age jungles
City species run through the curious dark
Thinking now is the time to be alive
As we stay out late enough to watch the sunrise
From suicidal heights
We stay awake to watch our minds commit themselves to their ultimate demise

Once bustling brains become a barren tundra
Their city thoughts die
Bodies still moving with the beat
Thoughts experience defeat
Conquered by the never ending
Availability of bad decisions

We are the buildings with out ceilings
We want another round
We are badasses without feelings
(At least we pretend to be with our looks and our sounds)


Messes in dresses running through empty city streets
After the voices of those we love whispered
They would never let us go
And proceeded to do just so

Learning to articulate from rap songs
Not resisting the urge to emulate our bad influences  
Lot of love
Lot of hate
**** karma when you can’t discern
What’s good from what is wrong

It’s all going to break
Down the hollow factory’s stairs
Where we ruin our lives without compunction
And brag about who we will impress
With the mistakes we said we’d made
Shontay Luna May 2012
The sun graces them, sexuality raw and smoldering,
racing female hearts: warming the regions, causing the senses
to run wild. Like fever, like untouchable madness and the
cure lies only within these potent, Charming Badasses
whose mere glances cause me to lose all logic, reason
and morals. One glance, one touch, one word
and reason shall vacate and Lust will take
over, forever residing within.
Sons of Anarchy
Jonny Angel Apr 2015
I love women who
are legitimate badasses.
The ones who can hang glide
into any night club,
belly up to the bar
and order two sets
of double tequila shots,
then flip off the bouncer,
and drive all the way
with their eyes shut.
I've only met one,
she had black eyes.
not the skin
surrounding them,
but the irises.
Why is it when you call someone
And they tell you they'll call you
Right back and they don't?
Apparently they think their lives
Are so important and mine isn't
That they think they're so much better
Than me and their **** don't stink
Why do I get blown off like that?
Am I too nice to people and need to
Become a *******, maybe then they'll pay
Some attention to me and actually call me back
When they say they do. I don't know but it seems
To me that females are attracted to badasses
And I'm sorry I'm not one of them but I can be
I can treat them like dirt and not care about them
I can show them no respect and spit in their face
Maybe then I will be respected and treated good
Cause apparently treating them like they matter
Isn't good enough. I just want one woman have
The decent courtesy to show me some respect.
Rajib Ahmed Nov 2016
Our spinning world is in the grips of devils now.
As 'the best lack all conviction',
the sadist, split-tongued devils
have captured
all the good and whatever therein
i can see its red ***** genitals
from below as it tramps over us
stomping and splitting, and mocking us.

And we just go by, with patience.
wait for better days, but too coward
to endeavor for it
We all bent on graduating this
hell fire of deprivation and loss
with good grades.

Our predicament is that we're fragmented
and confused, and merry-go-lucky idlers us all.
We want it better, but don't venture forth.
we wan't a ready platter.

But we've been given dung to eat and kicks at the back to endure
and by the mercy of our great Lord,
we eat and drink and be merry too

The world is in the grips of devils now.

we must reclaim it.
we must hoard up the badasses
and cull them like sick chickens
we have to start this new war
to reclaim whatever that was ours
we humans are to save humanity and our spinning world
the devils are to be shown the hell-fire
where they belong

we must act now, and start at this moment
for the good, and for the working devil.
Josh Elis Apr 2018
Boxford (Trees)

Something wicked
Towering over
All that lives below,
All seems quiet
Until a storm initiates
Armageddon on the lives beneath.

Newburyport (Snowball Fight)

You ever hang out
With a dude you think
Is a complete dip-****
But then you realize,
After a wholesome
Snowball fight, that
He’s actually still *******

Salem (Fake Witches)

Demons are supposed
To be horrifying-
Morbid creatures
Who wish the destruction
Of all mortal begins.
So yes, I’d consider
You salem freaks

Haverhill (Badasses)

The towers here are
Reinforced with pure
If something was going
To fall, it would have
Done so already.

Dogtown (Real Witches)

The four mile hike
Was terrifying.
Each sound
In my mind
As we walked.
There were witches there alright,
And at anytime, they could extend
A cold hand and pull you into the night.

Plum Island (Heath)

Oh ******* ****,
My tank is low
Why did I drive
So far alone?
It’s cold and baren
Not a life form in sight,
I’m about to break down-

-And campout for the night.
Hey! I live in the forehead of the elephant that is Massachusetts, if you're at all familiar with the its shape. That region is called Essex, and it's a very unique and strange place. Most of H.P. Lovecraft's work was inspired by the constant fluctuations in weather, rocky seashores, and omnipresent fog that Essex County possesses.  Most of my poems are also inspired by Essex County's wild nature but with a more romance/neo-gothic outlook. Mix that with a whole lot of teen angst and you'd have what style I'm going for. This poem is pretty much a break down of themes I write about and experience! If you're at all familiar with the places HMU! I want to know what you think about them too!
December first 2020 equals
thee above named sibling
whereby she completed
LXIII earth orbits around the sun
therefore incumbent upon me
(cuz yours truly to wish happy birthday

at receiving end of much largesse)
to wax poetic regarding beloved sister,
which brother of yours feels blessed
to experience and count
thee as his eldest sibling.

On clocking one year after another,
(which orbitz around the sun)
whip away approximating light speed)
I feel pitched to and fro, hither and yon
into the maws of utter madness,

and thee utmost like an anchor
serve to buttress mine emotional duress
more so acknowledged later in our lives
no matter steadfastness
of heartfelt care and concern

prevailed these three score years of mine
prompting yours truly to reflect
especially those vicissitudes
severely testing psychological mettle,
whether twas mine

tumultuous, opprobrious, hellacious...
descent into abyss of despair
(think bout with anorexia nervosa
that cost me mental, physical
and social expense),

I still figuratively pay the piper,
hence continue to rue
rarely ever taking stock
concerning unwavering love
toward one (me),

who fell short reciprocating gratitude,
where pseudo maternal tendering occurred
during formative boyhood
and even into emerging
adulthood days of mine.

Though just thirteen plus months my senior,
ye donned role as guardian
bullies ye did verbally cuff
when I got decreed as scapegoat
passively resisted brickbats,
til badasses sucker punched,
mocked, chided wimpy me more'n enough,
hence when bullies
saw yar ferocity they ran,

cuz ye took no guff
said mean kids took off in a huff
methinks if only I had therapy dog
named Teddy and/or Ruff
to protect me against thugs,
whose insecurity rocketed
poor little Matthew Scott
they threatened harm
to brag as neighborhood tough.

Gratitude wells up
recognizing worthiness you
exemplify, a spouse
(Richard McGeehan) who
did ardently woo,

after asking to dance pas-de-deux
as lifetime partner,
plus recognized keeper
bonafide then young gal true
lee worth her weight in gold,
or any other precious metal.

Marriage (codified, indemnified, and ratified
June 1990 - courtesy Harvey Whitten),
between ye and ardent husband
will moost definitely stand the test of time
cuz, each to the other a counterpart
analogous to rock of Gibraltar.

— The End —