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yoda best Nov 2014
I wake up
Each morning,
Head to my closet,
And arm myself
With clothes
Thick as brick walls.
I rummage
Through various
Pairs of greeve-like
Looking for
The right foundation
On which I
Will build
The day's
Fix my hair
Like the rest
Of mankind.
Hair that
Acts as the cloak
That ascribes me
To anonimity.
Before I leave
I put on the
Weight of
My outer person,
The one which
I have carefully
Built out of
Various yous
And none of me.
The skin
That I Have worn
To see my soul
I go, parade myself
Like a sentinel
With all the
Look and behold
A hero that
Beckons to all who pass
A hero who
Hides all the dross
Of the Inside.
The inside
of whatever is left
Of my
Dying kingdom.
I go as a bastion
With jutted spears  
And sharpened pikes
Wounding those
Who advance
Whether in peace
Or in strife.
No, I will not
Let anyone
Through the gates
Of my starving

All my life
I was being
Built as a
Father, as a mason,
Taught me
That strength
Is measured
Through how
Much pressure
My structure
Can endure.
Mother, as an artisan,
Raised me
As a dam
That will not break.
Taught me
That my worth
Is measured in the
Volumes that I can keep.
Suffering be now
The mortar
That binds all my griefs
Pain, *****
Around my thirsting
Stay as a facade;
Hide the muck
That have accumulated
The years.

break me down.
Strip me of all
My armor,
Break down the walls.
Turn my spears
Into soft dandelion *****.
Wade through the tar
And see
Through the veil.
All my scars;
Bleed me dry
Until you reach my core.
See me for
Who I am.
Witness the king
That I have
Caress the face
Of the prince
That I have denied.
Satiate my famished spirit,
Oh, you, lover of my soul.
Lucky Queue Nov 2012
A poem by someone in Chicago
A poem by a girl in love with her best friend
A story by a young man trying to find out himself
A poem by someone whose cat is in front of the screen
A piece by a rusty old man in need of attention
A piece of soul
Posted for the world's criticism
A shred of heart
Bared with anonimity
Thoughts from the mind
of a fellow poet
Cloaked in anonimity she walks the halls
Cloaked in solitude and an aura that repels
She walks in heels, clipping the wooden floor
She is an enigma, she is known, she is the girl that no one knows
Knowing her is a privilege, it means she acknowledges you
You, look at the long hair dyed to hide, her lips painted to entice and repel.

The blood red lips, black hair, heels and sneers, cloak her
Talk to her and she may answer, she may just walk on
Ignoring the occasional stare she melts into herself
*****, is whispered, she inwardly smiles, searching for a face
She wants to be new. She wants to be herself.
She wants to be alone, she wants to be in a group
She wants to be somewhere new.
She wants to be with him, but, she never will
She knows the meaning of being lonely
It's her cloak.
betterdays Oct 2016
there is a man of
gentle genteel nobility
who writes in quiet
words that give the
soul wings to soar

an the is a rough and
ready workman
who writes his life
warts and all
with a pen that
drips literary gems

there are a couple of young guns
ready to change the world
one poem at a time
and one has nailed
the knack of the pithy rhyme
the other a thinker
gears grinding all the time

some, two or three, at life's end
or at least on that very  street
that share wisdom, the art of writing
both joys and defeats
old soldier's in the war of rhyme
defending the bastion
against the tyranny of time..

then there is the man,
such a clever soul
that deals almost soley
in wit and folderol
his pieces have
such a rollicking style
and always cause a chuckle
and sometimes leave you
rolling in aisles

one who delves into
the art of the rondelle
his mastery of the form
keeps me underaliterary spell

I know of a man
to whom sonnets are bread
to him, I take off my hat..
to write iambic pentameter
just does in  my head!

I find myself three shy of the dozen,
not of wont but becuase my head is full
of the many  worthy scribes that could fit the bill

each man who writes of love won or lost,
each man who puts pen to paper
and has paper tossed, toward the round file or floor
each man who writes with simple eloquence
of what is out side his front door,
or inside a turbulent heart,
who tries with words to explain
the workings of life..
or the tumult of his brain.

could take a place in this dozen.
has already become,
one of this glorious coven.
he, who takes letters,
syllables, jots and tittles
and creates swirls of alchemy,
magic to the souls of readers
and to the hearts, cartograhpy
maps of fairy dust and well could be

so to these nine, and three more again
to all men who have placed the sign
'writer within these brain walls'
on their heart and in their minds
I thank thee all

Your work has been, an inspiration to mine...
I love the fact, that this is a place in which male poets can find a forum, for their love affair with this art form..I have written somewhat obliquely  (I hope) about some of my favourites...but have included the notion that it is everchanging roster...
and for the women out there...there are so many wonderful women poets as well...and they have their own accolades in my heart mind and in some cases on paper as well
Emily Miller Oct 2017
One can almost hear the operatic chorus
Cry out in emotion,
As they ascend the marbled stairs,
Hands shaking so in excitement,
That the ornate metal railing cannot be felt beneath them.
Down a hall, feet gliding on the polished floors,
Around the corner,
And there it is,
On the wall like an altar,
Mountain range of colors,
Geometric patterns,
Like gilded windows into other worlds,
And a resting place of alabaster skin,
The calm prairie
Amidst a festival of shimmering lights,
Celebrating with vigor
The peace
The eye of the storm
In her expression,
The Woman in Gold.
Her figure rising from the extravagance
Like the simple and graceful tendrils of steam
From a cup of tea.
Amiable and tender,
In the middle of a bustling cafe.
At once, you are spun onto a dancefloor,
Crafted by Midas,
Twirling and dipping and dancing,
With explosions of royal sunlight,
Before the gentle partner takes you by the hand,
And leads you into a steady, yet balletic waltz.
Say her name,
This secret woman,
She deserves more than anonimity,
Say her name,
In a whisper as quiet as her poised hands,
Or in a glorious cry of admiration,
As cacophonous as the color of the robes
She is swathed in.
Say her name,
Like a prayer,
Or a pledge,
Or a dutiful anthem,
With your hand to your heart,
Say her name,
And never let the memory of the sound slipping off of your tongue.
Say her name,
Like you survived the war in her honor,
Say her name,
She is not just a woman,
Say her name,
No matter her religion,
Say her name,
Because she was forgotten,
But no longer,
Never again,
For you, we’ll remember,
The blessed undress.
I let your American way
Sway me,
Light like a
Instagram follower,
Who speaks of beauty
Despite anonimity.
It's lovely isn't it?
The blue is unclouded,
Sea mist shrouded,
The planets called Holiday.
stranger Oct 2021
My swollen lip
I bit it when I was freezing.
That one rib throbbing from underneath me
Yours are moving graciously,
Creasing the skin between the bowed up package of 24-
Ribs wrapped in my clothes since it was hot enough to make summer in my room in this almost November.
I sigh.
Naturally we talk about whatever you'd like to hear from me.
Nothing too personal of course but I'm listening.
*** and boys and *** and boys and the ****** of falling in love with feminine energy.
So innocent is the love of woman I bet we're synching.
I stare at your nose as I blabber about a rethorical woman I'd be afraid to eat out in case I won't satisfy her.
You gleam in confidence discoursing me about it.
The words of woman, the touch of enchantress.
I give up on continuing, ending in something about my self hatred instead of *****.
The earth tremors know I ache to be loved and to love it.
I told you too.
It isn't me, but anonimity that's keeping me so neutral but frantically ******.
"you're so interesting..."
Thanks let's talk about clitoral ******* and prostate training, while I cry about not intending.
While I long to be dreamed about and lusted over.
While I remain bold in my silence.
What a skill to be given.
I bit my lip when it was freezing,
At the thought of ******* some sense into me.
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2019
being asked:
   what do you
               get from your writing?
nothing much,
   excuses, i guess...

the best thing i ever
received from
a university
                a t-shirt...
goes well with a light
grey hoodie,
given it's navy
"titillating" purple

like the flag of

about writing,
what am i getting out
of it?
     well, certainly not
a car...
but that also
     i don't have
to deal with road tax,
what other benefits
of a car are...

current outrage
   over internet
  back in 2015
i was kicked off
from wattpad...
  for a d.m. that
ended with: o.k.,
thanks, have a nice life...

how many poems were lost
from that?
too many to count...
my thoughts on
the current outrage...
     where was anyone
back in 2015
to help me retrieve
my work?

for some time i was trying
to craft an empathy
   but, it would seem,
  there was never
one to begin with...

    internet trolls yadda yadda...
an alien concept for
the disinhibited
on the internet...
   anonimity anonymous
meetings will seem
like fun...
   it's already funny...

     it's so much fun
just thinking about it,
that it's going to be: riot
in the future...

  i figured,
no point being a little richard
about it (a **** about it)...

what i have before
me is already debilitating,
why create
    fake lynch mobs,
   stakes, burning heretics?

i'm only guessing
anonymity anonymous
is still a dark,
future vision...
     but if the current year
spells out: being a ****, online,
and not having the *****,
to reveal (at least)
portions of your true

      - but the chances are,
i will not be visited
             for what i'd call
a night of drinking,
to begin with...

coming from an alcoholic,
i could really be a *******
           if i wanted to be one...
but i like to inhibit
the dormant potential,
rather than frivolously
attempt: comedy...

my my...
   you're talking about
people, and you're sometimes
expected to deal with
them like porcelain...
   a butcher isn't
a ravenous wolf
ripping into a canvas
                    of beef, is he?

currently, LBGTQ dogma...
sure as ****
  and a sunrise
    in about 6 hours
   there is no chance
for a william burroughs
or a ginsberg,
              or an o'hara
  about to sieve through
        and climb out...
there are sometimes,
minor, just tiny,
     problems with any given
   cabbage throwing kind...
pleb: myself included,
father a roofer,
me a would be roofer,
mother a housewife...
formerly a secretary
   in a metal-works complex...

one thing i don't understand
though, and i will never
get used to it...
    i just came from a former
soviet satellite...
  i come to england
and i'm like:
  what, the ****, are you doing?

there's a difference
between censorship
   and common sense courtesy...
but, it would seem,
people can forget learning
ethical, before they have
to start learning etiquette...

ethics is ******* right
about now...
  when people have not
been taught etiquette...

       why? why latch onto
an ethical "problem"
when there's something,
glaring, right in front of you,
namely etiquette.

i'll never understand
why i was kicked off wattpad
back in 2015...
       it must have something
to do with
the algorithm i put on there.

- but, (michael jackson) he he...
   it's going to look
  this, new...
  anonymity anonymous...
they'll turn off your internet
access to certain sites...
but they won't turn
off the electricity to your home...
here's to: sleeping under a rock
for the next five years.

— The End —