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Tensei Jul 2019
Footsteps crack the timber spines
as you turn your sacred head
begging lights that cease to glow
to absolve you of the dread

you plead the cosmos for salvation
but it was dealt a feeble hand
don't you know the sun is deaf
when it's dark, when I impend

your skin quivers like December
making waltz your August mane
June eyes moisten as you realize
you're my Christmas, my *******

mind's in flight but legs are nailed
to the dirt that gave me birth
shoulders blend in one anoher
at the sense of my unworth

as the dusk forgets to dawn
I claim my morning in your eve
tonguing omens to your core
'twixt the hills that weightless heave

feelers clad of rotting bone
crease your wrap of liquid stars
midnight tears and we are dropped
down the mouth that ever starves

bend the wings you'll never spring
on the winds that summers blew
you're below, my autumn leaf
I am all that's left of you

hunger breaks my crooked jaw
what was buried comes afloat
as the sea you've always been
calms the fires in my throat

tar will steal your holy veins
you will leave my arms forlorn
that's the price a fiend must pay
on the hunt for unicorns

until then I breathe your lungs
as my pupils pulse with felony
you're the dream I'll never have
my damnation, my Persephone.
Maddy Feb 2022
Patch of soft baby blue in a soft heather gray sky
Patch of sky blue in a steel gray sky
Pearl white Herons dot a tree as it sways back and forth
The plane getting ready to soar towards anoher conference destination
Trenchcoat and umbrella at the ready when we land and deplane
Ready for take off in the silvery skies

Sandeep kumar Apr 2019
"Aye! Beauty!" My compliment.
You like that?
I'll tell you this. Forever.
And my forever
May not be too long;
Till then I'd be gone,
For anoher forever to live in.
It's my choice.
You overwhelmed my forever while.
You see me staring you;
Imagining myself in your arms.
And that may be possible
And frequent.
The proximity of nose, our breath,
My chest and your breast,
Dancing to the paramount.
And then maybe, maybe,
With a gush it exhausts.
I'll move on, or you will?
To the next forever,
We'll promise again.
And amid this
A foolish bystander
Thinks, that we are in love.
Oh priest that stands
resolute at deaths door,
Why does thou hesitate
upon knocking I ask.

Is there a unfinished task,
or perhaps a regret.
No it's neither an unfinished
task nor a regret.

Its a sense of longing.
A longing thou say,
But of what is the question
I ask thee.

Why does thee ask at all.
Oh voice speaking through the dark.
Thyself a curious fellow.
A curious fellow indeed.

But none the less
I shall answer thys question.
I don't want to give in.
There are people that need this preist,

There are people that relie on this priest.
Sorry I only linger,
Because I can't afford to go just yet.
So wait a bit longer

I still have a survival wish,
Not quit a death wish yet.
So your not quit there yet ay,
Anoher day will do just fine.

I thank thee
For appeasing thys curiosity,
And death shall wait for thee
To come again so please do.
Maddy Mar 2020
No matter what she tried
The days denied
It was living ,living a lie
It wasnt what it appeared to be
An imposter from the start
Another member of the walking wounded with a broken heart
She sang you never loved
She wanted you to try
Given time and care there would be anoher guy
You left a scare that was way too deep to heal
You never loved she sang with a voice so high


— The End —