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Gioia Rizzo Jul 2011
Baby soft scruff

Eyes, pacific and sultry

Sly yet honest

Childlike and sensual

Witty and innocent

Bring forth the animal

The infectious mischief

The ***** rhythms in darkened rooms

The stolen moments in Lower West Side alleyways

Long, piercing looks over a bottle of Dal Forno Amarone

Savage concupiscence

Your eyes suggesting the next move

Bodies entwined in the back of a cab

At the bridge and we walk across

And I indulge in your juxtapositions

All the way to Brooklyn
Anthony Pierre Nov 2019
Hello... Poetry
It has been some time
since I've enjoyed you
as my company

There's a special joy
on a rain-filled night
to probe this site
with the cadence of ebony and ivory

Hello... my friend
would you mind a glass
red wine....Cabernet, Amarone
best yet, some Long Island tea

Such a pleasure filled mood
as my thoughts protrude
these splendid dictates
both old and new

So long, my esteemed friend
until we next meet
when I can repeat to you
Hello again...Hello Poetry
Suddenly it happened. A quiet night. Hello Poetry. Such a wonderful website. I'm just wondering if I am any good at this? Poetry.
Safana Oct 2020
I am done
really, I am done
I am gone
me and no one gone
have been done
Something have been done,
Not something that fordone
And, I never feel to misdone,
I am fall in something, outdone
I think, I will not stay and begone
If you left me with amarone but none

— The End —