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Charles Sturies Mar 2017
of one day ventured
2 days gained
the scientific leap of faith
involved in the test tube generation
distills any desire
certain people have
for a little spirituality
in their life.
Although science's progress marches on.
The thirst for something intangible
become more intense in some of us
and more ignored by certain slightly plastic academicians.
Let's don't dehumanize ourselves anymore
by things a frying ourselves though as I call it
****-lysis, (at the ***-sembly hall, for example)
and making a mockery of mankind.
Otherwise another Christ will emerge
There'll be another ***** and Gomorrah
and the hands of time will
be set back 2000 years

*Charles Sturies
wordvango Mar 2016
how daydreaming has such a bad rep
how being a clerk
is somehow degrading,
how light as predicted is bent
by the sun's displacing the time-space fabric

it only came about through a student
who could not get a job a failure predicted
by professors and academicians , a patent office
job , quite the easy thing, all
the time in the world to explore riding a beam

comparing time , only with a brain cell,
to the speed of light, with only thought
spitting the apple out splitting the atom,
proving his professors right,
he did not fit, that is why E = mc squared

and photons bend in the warped fabric
of time and space , he closed his eyes and daydreamed,
let more of us do that.
But let us close eyes to envision
man riding peace, love

to where this world now , most of us,
scoff at, profess such a dream is unreal,
remember, it was but over a century ago,
Einstein was proven, to be a genius
after so many said he was a failure.

There are so many daydreams, so much
undiscovered. I consider myself a skepticist,
unless I believe there is more to all this.
Dr K S Bhardwaj Apr 2020
So Wily Are All The Politicians,
Surprised Are Today's Academicians.
Hundreds Of Wily Might Have Died
To Give Birth Just To A Politician.
Politics Is Becoming Dirtier Day By Day. Almost All Countries Are Victim To Bad Politics. Corona Has Exposed Them.
Dr Peter Lim Sep 2017
I'm always taken aback by the word 'intellectual'--indeed it unsettles and scares me.  No doubt, this is a favourite word with academicians,  thinkers, the intelligent and smart as well as those who regard themselves as being qualified to be among such. Then they are those who, despite their limited e∂ucation,  have made millions in business (whether legitimately or by devious or illegal means) who pride themselves as 'business wizards', a categorisation that makes them even more distinguished than the 'intellectuals'.

The word sets them apart from the common run of mankind--they want to think of themselves as being superior to all others. It's their obsession, trade-mark and their fetish---they are what their ego makes them.  So sad, they know not that they live in delusion,  for the true intellectual doesn't boast of being one, less commending himself in indulgence that he is such.

I have seen this often in real life and thus am not speaking in speculation.

I am no psychologist but I consider these people not only as puerile, immature, insecure and lacking emotional intelligence but also as socially unpleasant and odious. I remember an Oxford-trained scientist over dinner who talked endlessly about his achievements in chemistry, buttressed further by his proud and talkative wife--a most boring meal!

Intelligence exists everywhere--look at the skilful works of the carpenter, gardener, teacher, nurse, mechanic, electrician, plumber,
iron-monger, singer, dancer, musician, the entertainer and clown, the baker and chef...the list is an endless one.  To crown all this, think of the wisdom of your own mother!

Let me be then, just a common man.  I know this defines me perfectly
and makes me immensely happy!
Ninety years April 9th 1929
after maiden USA début
hoop fully more than a few
remain, a filial connection
I can cultivate and hew

cuz, the ghost o' me late
mother, would be Jew
(red eye with swollen tears),
bull lent beef ****, aye rue
permanent AWOL of papa,
whose paternal Zayda, I never knew!

He, pulled off a top aerospace
rocket launched secrete tete a tete
impossible mission an ace legendary
sharpshooter, sans Aaron Harris
firearms passion never did abate

spewed spear shaped ammunition
in league with the missus to create,
who no surprise hapt tubby his bedmate
launched payload with joint consent
(plus bonus) re: private effort to satiate

call of the wild hit targeted bullseye
(eggs cell lent lucky shot) did initiate
genesis nine months later begetting
an audacious, industrious, rambunctious
bouncing baby boy with black curls atop pate

christened Boyce Brandon Harris
bright eyed infant bestowed with brilliance,
brawn, and bravado quickly evinced late
tent smarts landed lad admittance schools
geared to those who did accelerate

with mathematics and sciences, which
positive accolades since a lil whippersnapper
family and academicians did accentuate,
thus stellar classroom dedication, diligence
dogged nose to grindstone did accommodate

him being courted by prestigious storied
halls of education kickstarting promising
future and adequate income to accumulate
ample to live comfortably within middle

class economic (March madness) bracket,
and provided basic creature comforts fate
blessed him, and Harriet Harris nee Kuritsky
with this sole son and two daughters, I advocate
as exemplary siblings (despite) contention,
which required lifetime to agglomerate,

and estranged relationship with me father
coalescing into pleasant raport, adolescent
chomped at the bit, and
did fidget, cower, and alienate
experienced palpable tension
as though a "FAKE" wall,
I could not eradicate!
LJW Jan 2020
My ranking was 115 out of 300 or so
people at the high school I attended in
Kansas. Ineffectual. By most standards.

The university denied me membership into
the honors community, blacklisted by peers,
ignored, forgotten like a transient looking through
the cafe window at the revelers eating and drinking.

young voices contributing to publications, singing
thoughts, shaping the tenor of future days, heralded
like shining angels transcendant of mortals, supremacy
allowed to decide the shape of our cities, schools, feelings.

Entrusted with the duty to chisel our lives into a shape, the approval to think for us, or be the catalyst of our own thoughts, or rather simply, the winners who wrote it best, they ran faster, they ranked higher, they knew more.

Not one of them my voice. my voice was silence,
shoved back by the bouncer
at the threshold of influence.

Words floated inward, I witnessed the streams
of phrases float passed me on soundwaves,
reaching the ears of luminaries, academicians, renegade thinkers.
crowds rallied, wept, and devoured the ideas embedded in the poems, essays, articles allowed to reach the readers of the day.
Minds opened, wealth shifted, a flight towards a new horizon saw people preparing for the liftoff.

Yet, nothing changed.

The wounded continued to bleed upon the sidewalks
outside my apartment. Tiny children ignorantly ran past schools
refusing to walk inside. Men and Women preferred to dance viciously, like celebrating heathens, rejoicing in their ****** rituals, unashamed to entice one another into poverty.

SHOULD things even change?

Would the presence of my voice even make a microscopic difference? What vanity did I carry that imagined one hope
of a thought birthed from my mind might create the tipping point for human recovery? Wouldn't it be better to remain silent and let the masters continue with their work? Let the fittest push me out of their way, leaving me in the trench to camp and rebuild my primitive shelter. I will die soon enough. My dust enriching the soil as best it can, preparing the earth for tomorrow's crop of leaders.
themes: Intellectual superiority is not the fault of the more intelligent person, nor is it a power play on the part of individual.

Institutions may control the direction of thought.

The less scholared, intelligent voice has a purpose, importance, and role in the continuation of independent thought and innovation of ideas.
Ayush Mukherjee Dec 2019
In the silent night,
In the rare Scotsman village of kite
All those trying to sleep ,
Wake up hearing screams and weep
They then remain awake through the night ,
Hearing those screams till they don't vanish in the stillness of the night.
Renowned academicians and officials remain baffled by this unique existence,
Many accept it as a haunted occurrence.
But one historic phenomena is known,
The death of the last person who safety sleep
After hearing the screams and weep
He made the mistake of shouting
"******* and let me sleep . I don't care about your pain or weep"
In the morning was he found
****** dry and cut into peices alive
Adding to the list
He is the 100th victim of the mist
So traveller dareth thou pay a visit
Into the strange and haunting mist
Walter Alter Aug 2023
college is a lot of fun dad
today we hanged the psychemetrics professor
and that's how break dancing began
in yesterday's semaphore seminar we learned
that excessive nuance can make you crazy
the human mind is but a word game
the right combination gets you in
otherwise a Hieronymus Bosch picnic
at the edge of the Lake of Fire
but sometimes I digress menacingly
into the blazoned uncharted subjective
the campus necromancers are not house trained
consequently they can read spoor like a road map
Professor Phoebe lifted her dress and squatted
took an interpretive dump in the snow
which rapidly melted into its own hole
in the shape of a lyric parallelogram
and I contemplated a change of career path
since majoring in cognition is a tricky business
one marginally deduced sink hole after another
wrack your nurture brains for the nature solution
working with the pharmacy to create a better world
don't you roll your eyes at me
or you'll get a lecture on the mood swing paradigm
when you outwit the voices you have won
quiz on the interior pantheon this Wodenstag
we'll prepare the way of pain
with a ray of sunlight and save the world
believe that and you'll believe nothing is derived
our academicians went into wedge formation
it was an uprising over a lack of continuity
between the wild eyed number crunchers
and the pale tubercular simulation priesthood
the picture took on a vivid rosy hue
because it bled from every pore
where relativists appeal to universals
and tyrants call truth a tyranny
forced my conclusion all traps are invisible
which is why they are called traps
both sides are in on it do the math
it's political suicide everywhere
wisdom is just another commodity
and all vision is parallel up to a point
hold your head still see with your eyes
that's the continuity I'm talking about
the first university of its kind
an effortless engine of didactic beauty
this is obviously the partial reality from which
we piece together the rest of reality
the internal world derives from
the external one every ******* time

From "Engine of Didactic Beauty" available on Amazon
Kurt Philip Behm Sep 2023
Academicians …
masticating and
grinding their ‘truth’
Spewing out
what they would have us swallow
in gagging choking egotism
Regurgitating it back
in the toxic chunder
of a narcissistic reality
Papering the walls
of modern thought
with the bibs of their retching
As they hide within
their ivory towers
—festering in mass

(St. David’s Pennsylvania: September, 2023)
Dr Peter Lim Feb 2021
It saddens me, deeply so, to observe that hubris is ubiquitous, especially among artists of all genres (writers, composers, singers, actors, painters and the like).

         As a deeply entrenched humanist, I view this as a grievous social malaise.

        These people, among others such as academicians, scientists, business leaders, etc regard themselves as elitists and are contemptuous of others whom they consider as inferior. It would seem to me they are not aware that they suffer from a serious complex, perhaps an inferiority complex, insecurity or a total lack of insight into themselves.  Many no doubt are restless, competitive, stressed and unhappy in their narcissism and egocentricity.

        The hallmark of a great man is their humility and humanity,

their character and not their knowledge, status or success.

        Arrogant people estrange themselves from others, they love to be admired, recognised or praised and if such were not forthcoming would complain and feel hurt.  How puerile and immature! Such people don't make good friends and others are prone to loathing them.  They smell like rotten fish!

          No wonder society is seldom a pleasant or harmonious place with the ubiquity of such people.

— The End —