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Karissa Apr 2015
Dear God,
I just wanted to say
Thank you for giving me this day

The insults.
They hurt.

My tears water the dirt.

I've often wondered where you are,
But now I'm sure it can't be far.

For if you were I would be dead,
due to the mental scars inside my head.

A Father often tests his children
To humble them once again.

Because He loves them.

And it makes them stronger.
A prayer I just winged. I'm thanking God he knows how to help me.
Karissa Apr 2015
  Apr 2015 Karissa
hannah andersen
Welcome to society,
We hope you enjoy your stay,
And please feel free to be yourself,
As long as it’s in the right way,
Make sure you love your body,
Not too much or we’ll tear you down,
We’ll bully you for smiling,
And then wonder why you frown,
We’ll tell you that you’re worthless,
That you shouldn’t make a sound,
And then cry with all the others,
As you’re buried in the ground,
You can fall in love with anyone,
As long as it’s who we choose,
And we’ll let you have your opinions,
But please shape them to our views,
Welcome to society,
We promise that we won’t deceive,
And one more rule now that you’re here,
There’s no way you can leave.
Karissa Apr 2015
I'm not allowed to have my best pie
And for that, I think I shall cry.

For pumpkin is nice, and I do enjoy cherry,
But none will suffice for that scrumptious blueberry

Each cute berry makes a small pop
And as for whipped cream, please give me a lop

For lemon is nice but I simply can't wary
From delicious, and tasty, and precious blueberry.
Karissa Apr 2015
Crying now, in the dark with my thoughts
I think I would much rather be,

Locked in a cage with a ravenous beast,
Than stuck with the girl I call "me"
Karissa Apr 2015
The stars have all turned to dust
Trampled by their affiliations
A gaping hole swallows the light

Another crucifixion.

Each day, a constellation falls
Again into her dolor
And no one tries to help her out

Another mindless toiler.

Fate destroyed her life's foundation
She is a ship adrift at sea
Her cornerstone was cast away

Another lost divinity.

— The End —