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We are miles apart
but close in heart.
Under the same sky,
watching the same moon and stars
I'll wait for the day
We will finally meet
I'll wait for that day
under this old yellow tree
For my love for you will hold me
And give me straight
As I wait for you come and find me
under this old yellow tree
You really didn't love her
She was just an escape for you
A band aid to cover you bleeding wound

You really didn't love her
You just used her and threw her away
Even if you said that you did
I can assure you you didn't
Because if you had
Where is she?

Now she cries her heart
For the man she did love
She begs for death to take her

See I know...
You really didn't love her
She was just your medicine
Your escape from pain

You really didn't love her
Because people don't hurt
The ones they love
Let's stay like this for a minute longer
Lets forget everything
Let me stay close to you
Let me hear you heart beat
Every beat if your loving heart
Gives me hope

Let me stay
Let me smell your sweet aroma
Let we dream here
Let me kiss your soft lips
Let me feel the wrath of your skin
Don't let go, not now

Let's stay like this for a minute longer
Wait! Where are you going?
Don't go
Let me love you one last time
He walks down a lonely road
With tears in his eyes
Knifes in his back
Hole in his chest

No one can see it
No one can hear his screams
His call
No one can hear it

He calls for his beloved
His other half
Searching for his heart
Searching for his love

They took her
His beloved
Lost to be
Forever forgotten

But still he waits
He calls for her
Oh where? Oh where?
Could she be

Lost, gone forever
It kills you slowly
It destroys us from the inside out
Breaks us little by little
Takes your strength away

It comes without warning
It enters without asking
Like an unwanted guest
It makes itself at home uninvited

This is love an undefined feeling
Beautiful yet a deadly weapon
It consumes you
And when its done it leaves you
Wishing it never come

But knowing this
we still are willing to give everything for love
We let it take control
Like the great kings once did
We too fight for it

Love, this strange feeling
That gives us so much pain
But in a ways heals another
Don't know how
Or why, it just does

And we love it
The way it kills us
The way it heals us
Hope you like it
Where are you?
Where did you go?
Please come back to me
Show me you cared
Please I'm lonely
Alone in this world
Your memory is fading
I can't see you no more
I'm clinching to what's left
I don't want to let go
Please come back to me
And this time stay
Just a random poem hope you like it
I have it all
Cellphones, cars
Houses, diamonds,
Gold, airplanes and jets
I own a star, i have lands,
lets not forget a house by the lake

Yes indeed, i have it all
Yet I have nothing
No love, no real friends
No family family to go to
The house by the lake

This question keeps
Turning around my head
How can I have everything,
And yet have nothing as well?
They don't understand her
They don't hear her
She has no saying in this

They scream at her
calling her foul names
if they just listen

They grab her
she tries to escape
She cries
Looking in to that man's eyes
She begs forgiveness

Why are you doing?
horror in her eyes
Please just let me explain
NO! not there

Inside its dark
Not enough air to breath
HELP!! She cries please help me

Her tiny fingers try to break it
Its to strong for her
she cries one more time
hoping someone will hear

She finally gives up
curls in to a ball
and waits for her death
in that dark and scary place
the girl fell asleep
all of this is true.
He came broke her heart and left
And just like that it ended
He left her alone in that
Park beach, with tear on her eyes
She cries herself to sleep
While he is having fun
She misses him
He doesn't care
But one day will come
When he will finally realize
That she was the one
But she will have moved on
Now he will cry
And he will miss her
And she will not care
You're never too young to know what love is
so almost instantly
I knew I was in love with him
I never quite understood the brown coat he always wore
even on the hot summer days
but it made my interest in him grow even more
A few weeks after he was mine, I made the biggest mistake of my life
until one day we randomly ran into each other
and from then on I knew I wanted to be his wife
how I couldn't see that the moment I met him will always be a mystery
but the rest of our perfectly imperfect story
is our very own history
It'll be four years that we've been "on and off" with each other in exactly four months. I have loved you every single day of those almost four years. I hope to spend the rest of my years with you and only you
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