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1.1k · Nov 2015
The Best Love You Ever Had
Will Nov 2015
I know you're looking at my photo
the one we took on our first date
and the song I wrote
I know you keep it on repeat
and every time your phone rings
I know you're hoping its me
all the little things you miss and can't forget
and all the good times you reminisce
remember at first it wasn't me who said I needed space
but no matter how much room you have
your heart can't forget the best love you ever had
you asked for this space
807 · Nov 2015
Will Nov 2015
Sometimes it gets foggy
and bad days come around too often
but just remember
Life is worth living
681 · Mar 2015
House that Built Me
Will Mar 2015
No Fence around this place
just wide open space
picked a lot on the edge of town
my Uncle built it up from the ground
just a place we can call home
it was the vision that my father owned

Every dollar that I ever made, I got from mowing at my neighbors place
learned to drive a stick in the yard, 14 in my granddads car
almost wrecked into our favorite tree, the one we planted just him and me

When I stop and look around, I can almost here the sound
Dads front porch philosophies, my name from momma calling me
This is the place that I love the most, This is the place that I call home
just a poem about my home
668 · Apr 2016
I miss you
Will Apr 2016
I don't want to feel this broken heart
I just want to be where you are
If its another day all alone
im not interested but I'm learning to move on
I promised you I would stay strong
but it's taking all I've got and some I'm not
583 · Jul 2016
Someone Like You
Will Jul 2016
I don't want to see your heart break
I don't want to make a mistake
because I've seen that lonely road to many times before

all I want to do is love you
You're the only one that I ever really knew
it could take another life time, maybe two
to find someone like you
579 · Apr 2015
Bad News on my mind
Will Apr 2015
Walked in
shut the door
dropped my things to the floor
Took a breath
deep enough to fill the lungs of two men
loud enough to break the strong
true enough to see it all
painful enough to **** a man
and sad enough to lose a friend
but from my knees you can watch me rise
because that scream was not my weakness but my battle cry
560 · Feb 2016
Will Feb 2016
Just another quiet night
nothing new
its been awhile since I called you
i guess it's safe to say its over
now its like I don't know her
and I never thought I'd have to say this
but I hate this
it's quite a distance
between us but I still feel it
my heart is still beating for her
no never mind let me just quit
gotta get her out of my head
but I think I would rather be dead than just forget
who she was and who we were
together we were the same line in the same verse
537 · Jun 2015
Shining Star
Will Jun 2015
Riding down a dirt road on a cool summer night
pass the bridge that runs over the creek where we would park bank side
take the top down and look up at the night sky
and talk about how the time flies
I said baby I can see my shining star
and wouldn't you know it's right where you are
514 · Jan 2016
time to live
Will Jan 2016
I'm home alone
the stars are dull
it's not the same without you
I'm feeling down
I'm feeling low
I've lost my touch without you
I want to heal I want to feel the way I did about you
But we both know our time is gone
it's time to live without you
510 · Mar 2015
Will Mar 2015
I miss it so much
Just a shimmer of a memory sends chills up and down my arms that I can feel in my bones
It was perfect like an all time high that would never be gone
I was sleeping in the clouds, the opposite feeling of being alone
But it was too good to be true because it's all a memory
now Im sleeping on the floor just wishing for what I can't see

508 · Oct 2015
We were so close
Will Oct 2015
We were so close

I had you right at the tips of my fingers
like the shore is to the sea
now we are separated by miles and space
like the wolf is to the moon
though I see her we will not be
so I'll cry in the night when no one else can see
Some people aren't easy to leave behind
504 · Jul 2015
Will Jul 2015
You took me
stained me
and left this permanent mark
but it can only be seen by looking at my heart
502 · Feb 2016
I'm just another stupid guy
Will Feb 2016
I miss your smile
the way your nose crinkles when you lie
I miss your eyes
and all the good you bring into my lonely life
you are pure and honest and perfect for me
knowing all these things I still let you pass me by
mostly because I'm just another stupid guy
I'm sorry for everything
and I'll lay it all on the line
If you will have me back just one more time
495 · Sep 2015
Conventional Wisdom
Will Sep 2015
It doesn't matter where they say you should be
verses where you are now
we all move to our own clock
until all our time runs out
437 · Apr 2015
Will Apr 2015
8  miles down the road I hear my phone ringing on the dash
as soon as it lights up I see your name reflecting on the glass
you're probably calling to say that you're sorry
and that I should come back to stay the night
because you grow more and more lonely, as I feel more and more right
I'm rolling so fast I'm out running my own headlights
now I'm feeling like a bird and thats as free as it gets
424 · Jul 2015
Losing Control
Will Jul 2015
Lately things haven't been alright
so I sit up late at night
and think about my life
surrounded by darkness and the ticks of the clock
I  try to gain control of myself before my mind wonders off
and i start thinking of you and thinking of me
thinking about everything that we used to be
408 · Feb 2016
My girl
Will Feb 2016
She has a love like a cup that keeps overflowing
and I can’t get enough of that good stuff
To me she hung the moon, she hung the stars
and I want to be right where you are baby
Every time you come around it's like the sun starts shining
A little bit brighter than it ever was
I don’t want nothing to do if it ain't with you
What's the point of this world if I don't have my girl
401 · Aug 2016
Will Aug 2016
I remember, so familiar
cool nights spent together
you and me locked in your room
wishing we could be 17 forever
only knowing each other, so familiar

forever is still rolling
we aren't 17 anymore
I haven't seen your room in quite some time
or you for that matter
and just like that, I'm left behind... so familiar
Will Feb 2016
Every time she comes around I feel more alive than ever before
but I can't go back to her anymore
I have to hide these feelings inside because she belongs to another
as bad as I want too
I can't let her know
because if she knew, the burden of my love would **** her
but I'm dying from a broken heart without her
She would die if she knew
but i'll die if she doesn't
376 · Sep 2016
Ain't Love Confusing
Will Sep 2016
when people don't say how they feel
tough regrets, you learn to heal but never never forget
I'm sorry I couldn't read your mind
why did you wait all this time
why didn't you just say you loved me
you could have saved my heart ache
you could have fixed our mistake
but you walked away, you just walked away
when I needed you there, I guess you got scared
now you say you should have never left  
I know you want me to but how can I take you back
374 · May 2015
Glad You're Gone
Will May 2015
I should have said sorry a lot less than I ever did
Because we both know who's fault it really is
Im not saying that I was never wrong
All I know is that I'm glad you're gone
Will Oct 2015
Last night I had a dream about your face
You filled the room not a seat left in that place, everyone was lost in you
From the first word out there wasn’t a jaw left undropped
I can still see them now blown out of there socks from the sound
Of man who lived on his knees
They look to you, because you see something they can't see
And you believe like they believe

I see them screaming yea there going wild
Jumping around, smiling, running down the isles to get to you
Wanna see your face, wanna hear your name get a touch of your grace
the man who lived to save the day
343 · Jul 2016
Piece of me
Will Jul 2016
A piece of me has been gone since the day that I lost you
from my heart to heaven
I've been missing you
not a day goes by that you don't cross my mind
I love you forever
until the end of time
341 · Nov 2015
Will Nov 2015
I used to be happy
full of love and full of hope
since then I've been used
I've been lied to and cheated on
I've been heavily relied on then let down in return
I'd like to be angry about it but I know it's no use
because they found out I'm a pushover so now I live in the dirt
335 · Jan 2016
All I wanted is you
Will Jan 2016
Often I catch myself thinking back to times of bliss
to carefree days of innocent ignorance
Days when nothing really mattered and all I wanted was you
things are much different now
thats one of the few things I know are true
that and the fact that all I still want is you
331 · Nov 2015
Will Nov 2015
Your scars are your art
and that makes you who you are
330 · Jul 2015
Your Touch
Will Jul 2015
This time it keeps on rolling and it won't stop for anyone
This time I'm calling on you to slow it down because I need someone
I'm tired of being lonely
And I need a girl I can trust
I know I'm not your one and only
But to be honest I only want to feel your touch
325 · Feb 2016
I'm Scared
Will Feb 2016
I'm keeping an open mind
searching high and low for what I need
but the truth is I'm scared
because what if no one else can make me feel the way she did
322 · Aug 2016
Will Aug 2016
I'm tired of overthinking
dwelling on bad days and hard times does no good
I just want to be free
Free to love and to feel love
Free to spread joy and feel joy in my heart
Free to dream and share them with you
309 · Jul 2016
Comfortable Place
Will Jul 2016
Life is best at a leisurely pace
I find my peace in a comfortable place
on a soft square with room for two
under sheets like waves laid next to you
thinking once in a lifetime it's just right
so I thank my lucky stars for you each night
307 · Sep 2016
Will Sep 2016
Isn't it funny after all this time
I still sit up at night and think of you
my guitar has heard all about our stories
after all it set the mood in one or two
the one my momma thought I would marry, yes that was you
Sometimes even I wish it was true
but fait gave you another, at a time when you needed something new
now fait has given me time and space at a time when all I need is you
305 · May 2016
The Truth Is
Will May 2016
It has been hard to admit it to myself
I hid it as a lie
convinced my brain my heart was wrong
but what we had was strong enough to last forever
now these feelings rage without end within me
and I fear they will never go away
the truth is we are perfect for each other
but the bitter reality is we are both with others
The truth is I know you love me and I've never felt the same about anyone other than you.
301 · Jul 2015
Not meant for me
Will Jul 2015
I wake up everyday to do things I don't want to do
and that was fine when I had you to come home to
now when I walk through the door I hear silence
and Lonely isn't really meant for anybody
but here I am
298 · Mar 2015
Goodbye in her eyes
Will Mar 2015
I watched you spin around and fake a smile
we were all there to watch you run away
you saw me and ill never forget that face
because you didn't know I was coming, didn't know what to say
it was a true surprise
I saw happiness and regret at the same time in your eyes
It was a secret that with time you knew you could beat
but I knew you too well for the secret keep
Today was the day for you to be swept away for the rest of your life
but you keep staring at me and only you know why
295 · Mar 2015
What if
Will Mar 2015
What if I had been brutally honest and said exactly what I felt
That night I had you all to myself
What if we could be together and never be apart
Only me and you right from the start
if I knew then what I know now
I wouldn’t be living with this lonely heart
293 · Aug 2015
To be Honest
Will Aug 2015
To be honest...
I wish you were still here to be my late night shotgun rider
the one who gave my heart passion and fire
the one in my bed on a lazy sunday afternoon
the sweet voice on the other end of the phone
the soft lips I feel when I kiss you goodnight
to be the man you love when I look in your eyes
to be honest...
I miss you
292 · Jan 2016
Life Worth Living
Will Jan 2016
I want to live a life worth living
where we can share the same bed every night
your body on my body until we see the sunrise
I can wake up everyday to your beautiful eyes
and ill never forget you because you will always be by my side
284 · Mar 2015
Just Be Yourself
Will Mar 2015
I've been trying to figure it out but I just can't get it right
I’ve spent my whole life chasing things I can't get
seeing something better in the mirror than there actually is
Wishing on a lucky star but I must have picked the wrong one
because I wish and I wish but I never can get
wondering why it wasn’t happening for me I locked myself in my room blind to what I didn’t want to see, when really I was wasting time trying to live a life that wasn’t really for me
282 · Dec 2015
Grow with Me
Will Dec 2015
I could not commit to anyone because I wanted to grow
and I could not shrink myself to be less than I wanted
it was lonely for awhile trying to find someone to let me grow
but it was worth it to find someone who wanted to grow with me
278 · Aug 2015
I wish I was a Ghost
Will Aug 2015
I wish I was a ghost
surrounded by the dark
to everyone else unknown
then at least I would have a reason
for always being alone
278 · Aug 2016
Will Aug 2016
I'm Sorry,
I can't help but notice
that your smile is dim and fake
it may fool the others but I can relate
because I remember what it was like
to see a real smile upon your face
before this distance fell between us
and you had me replaced
273 · Sep 2016
Will Sep 2016
Please just save me
it wouldn't take much
just say yes you will
Please just save me
so the bad times themselves can cry
and the smile on my face will shine
Please just save me
so the loneliness can die
272 · Jul 2016
Will Jul 2016
I'm dying tonight
but no one is crying
270 · Jun 2015
I Wonder
Will Jun 2015
I wonder....
Is it grand design
was it written in the stars long ago
can my destiny change or is it set in stone
does every question have an answer
because I need to know
does true love exist or is it just false hope
269 · Jan 2016
Will Jan 2016
Just one...
thats all I need
as a matter of fact
thats how I always thought it would be
if you have a special heart that agrees
you can be the one for me
266 · Mar 2015
Runaway games
Will Mar 2015
Every night around this time I wake up thinking of you
Been chasing me through my dreams I can't erase the memory of you
Every place I try to hide my face well you find your way around it
When I say I'm ready to cut the ties well I lied now I'm surrounded by you
This ain't nothing but the runaway games, first we run then we chase but we always end up in the same place
265 · Jan 2016
Continuous Thunder
Will Jan 2016
It feels like I'm just waiting
while my heart keeps breaking
like I'm going no where with anyone but me
and I'm caught in the rain wasting my time on the ground
but if I could find you and kiss you and know you
it would be like continuous thunder rolling in my bones forever
265 · Nov 2015
Everyone wants you
Will Nov 2015
Everyone wants you
and my biggest fear is you know this
because plenty of fish in the sea
is great for you but hell for me
I'd give you my whole heart today
but I think you would give it right back
I just need to know what it would take
for me and you to have a love that lasts
#me #you #love #thoughts
262 · Jun 2015
Can't Get Away
Will Jun 2015
For once in my life I want to know what its like to get away
I'm tired of looking out to the stars and wondering where you are in this crazy lonely world
If I could know where you are and share your loving heart
then maybe one day I could leave
but until that day comes
this heartbreak towns got a hold of me
260 · Aug 2015
Will Aug 2015
The same thing that keeps you whole can break you
The one who is meant to save you may forsake you
As sure as day and night will never have each other
neither will we
though we are close we are not the same
so forever we will be...
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