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259 · Feb 2016
Will Feb 2016
The truth is
even if you feel like it  
you can't die from loneliness
258 · Mar 2015
Summer Story
Will Mar 2015
My girl I know you still remember the nights we spent by the lake
Breaking curfew not a minute to spare, more like 3 hours too late
I'd take the blame every single time even though the fault was all on you
With those pretty blue eyes begging me to stay what else was I supposed to do
256 · Jul 2016
Perfect souls
Will Jul 2016
Just to touch you
just to feel you
to see each other in a dim glow
I want to know you
I want to show you
everything I've got so you can know
that this could be more than an idea
this could be forever two perfect souls
252 · Jul 2015
Will Jul 2015
Before I bring my needs
I will bring my heart
So that there is honesty from the start
251 · Nov 2015
obscure clarity
Will Nov 2015
It was a late night stroll down an old street
screaming at the top of my lungs to try and get relief
from a pain that no one else could see
I felt my heart break in a way it had not before
like I was robbed and cheated by the entire world
In my loneliness I realized that it all made since
because you are my whole world
or at least you were once before
249 · Feb 2018
You won't Change my Mind
Will Feb 2018
I'm already the boy who loves you
but still I want you more and more
I guess things don't change
I have a heart of gold
but ill only see you in my dreams
245 · Aug 2016
Without me
Will Aug 2016
I can't hold on anymore
or at least I know I should let go
I hate to, because I love you
it's hard to believe, what I hate to see
and it hurts to say because I don't want it to be
but I know you fell in love without me
242 · Feb 2016
Never Change
Will Feb 2016
Things are about to change
for better or worse it's happening  
and now that my time is near I just want to blurt it out
I've held it in so long that now I can barely say it
but I just want to stay
right here
right now
with you
and pretend things will stay the same forever
and that we will never change
238 · Feb 2016
Every Day
Will Feb 2016
Every day was a battle
every night was a struggle
every thought was negative
my entire life had no direction or purpose
then I found you like the light I'd never seen
and the feelings I'd never felt
swept me away like a feather in the wind
now I hope every day with you never ends
238 · Jun 2016
Will Jun 2016
I hope you won't be haunted by the past
because what we had was good
but what we had was never meant to last
233 · Mar 2016
Will Mar 2016
Do you ever feel like you're stuck
or trapt and alone
like everything is falling apart
and theres nothing you can do
well find a way to laugh
cause I'm right there with you
232 · Jan 2016
Deep Questions
Will Jan 2016
If you could go back in time and give yourself advice about your first love
what would you say?
If you could tell your first love something now what would you say?

Please Comment!
Don't be shy
231 · Mar 2016
A You and A Me
Will Mar 2016
Some things just aren't meant to be is what they say
but the feelings you give me
make me want to believe we are more than just a you and a me
230 · May 2016
We Both Know
Will May 2016
In the way it felt
I could see it was real
now years have past that we weren't together
and the ugly truth of it all is we both know
we are perfect for each other
she was the right girl
I was the right guy
it was just the wrong time
229 · Jun 2015
Just Thinking
Will Jun 2015
They say others can only give you words and things
and that only you can give yourself feelings
but honestly if thats true then why aren't we all happy
227 · Mar 2016
Will Mar 2016
I don't blame you for thinking about leaving
because I'm still trying to figure out who I am
and who I want to be
It could be us
but then again it might just be me
226 · Oct 2015
Better off this way
Will Oct 2015
My heart slows down because I can hardly tell you I'm ok
I just want to be free
to live and die by my own rules
I know you may be scared and I know we're unprepared
but thats life
and we're better off this way
225 · Jun 2015
Will Jun 2015
There are many things I'm scared to say
There are many things I'm scared to do
but I hope I say my words just right
because there aren't any people like you
222 · Mar 2015
Even if it Hurts
Will Mar 2015
Like a finger to a flame I still feel it burning deep inside of me
in the night it's the worst, it shows me all the things I lost
time just can't undo and can't be seen
Thats all the more reason we wish it could change
I know you don't care but take it for what it's worth
   I just want to say I'm sorry and I still love you
even if it hurts
221 · Jul 2016
Will Jul 2016
No I'm not just saying that
it is from my heart, it is true
you have a special look in your eyes
of someone who is real
like everyday you see the world brand new
not everyone has this and it's special, exceptionally on you
Will Apr 2015
This old truck of mine has a half a tank, I think I'll see how far she rolls
Foot on the gas, hand on the wheel, and roll down the windows
That picture of you on my dash, I tossed it to the side
That note you wrote on the back I guess it was a lie
Because “I’ll love you forever” ended today
I just wish my feelings for you would die the same way
But it’s hard to convince your heart what your brain already knows
Because your heart is dumb, love is blind, and feelings come
but don’t always go
216 · Jun 2018
Crazy Without Your Love
Will Jun 2018
I tried a new girl in a new town
but it just don't feel the same
I tried some good drugs, I'd never heard of
but I still remembered your name
I saw your silhouette dancing at 3am in my head lights
now I'm going crazy, crazy, crazy
without your love
215 · Mar 2015
Growing Up
Will Mar 2015
I know my time is coming
Some say I've been here way too long
But I just don't think I'm ready
just now began feeling at home
They're about to cut the string, so I guess here it goes
if I don't learn to fly on the way down
don't say I didn't tell you so
because I'm good at one thing
and that one thing is being young
but we all grow old and wise
wishing we could be forever young and dumb
213 · Nov 2017
Don't take it easy on me
Will Nov 2017
Could you tell me that you hate me
could you tell me that you never felt a thing
before you tell me that it's over
I need you to tell me anything
to break my heart
to tear me down
to get me so mad over you, that I can just leave
before you tell me that it's over
Don't take it easy on me
213 · Aug 2015
Still Waiting
Will Aug 2015
I said let me in... so she did
I said let me lay down with you... so she did
I said let me kiss you... so she did
I said give me your heart so I can give you all my love...
A commitment is the hardest thing to find today
Will Feb 2016
I don't need the approval and guidance
I don't need the blessings and the smiles
because I can do it by myself has been the story of my life
Every step I take is me
Every breath I breath is me
Every **** thing I do is me
so if you will please
just sit back and watch me become everything I said I would be
209 · Jul 2015
I've Been Waiting
Will Jul 2015
I've been waiting for
things to change in my heart again
I've been waiting for you to notice the change in me
my heart beats in a different way
and my thoughts they aren't the same
because I've been learning to love
208 · Jun 2015
Can't get over you
Will Jun 2015
It's been awhile since I've seen you and girl you know I miss you
Because you're long gone, but you still come up in all my songs
I don’t make it past the first few lines before you show up running through my mind
I don’t know why I can't figure it out but
I'm trying to find something new to move on to
But I can't get over you
208 · Jul 2015
The edge
Will Jul 2015
Sometimes I think it would be easy to walk right off the edge
but then I get scared because I don't know what comes next
208 · Sep 2016
When you've loved someone
Will Sep 2016
I felt time stop,
as my heart began to swell
I felt a power surge from my core to my fists
a power that would not settle, like the sea in a storm
you ask how could the one I know
spark this feeling from the depths of my soul

I guess you will understand when you've loved someone
207 · May 2016
Real Thing
Will May 2016
I didn't get much sleep last night
but it was worth it to talk to you
I just can't help myself
I love everything about you
Just so you know
I can't wait to see where this goes
because little things turn into dreams
and dreams turn into the real thing
206 · Jul 2015
One More Time
Will Jul 2015
Just one more time
I want to feel what I felt that night
A desire strong and true shared between two
ignited from the innocence we left behind that night
under a pale white moon
206 · Jun 2015
Somewhere out in Space
Will Jun 2015
I can't be here and not with you
I can't pretend you're not on my mind
Your pretty hair
Your pretty eyes
and a smile that can light up this whole place
I know you could be my shining star but you're lost out in space
205 · Aug 2015
Living Without You
Will Aug 2015
I miss those lipstick kisses you left on my face
I've still got a head full of memories I can't erase
I've got eight t-shirts missing from my drawers
you still wear them around even though they're not yours  
I don't know if it was love but I know that it was true
now that you're gone I'll just have to let it happen... living without you
I'm coming down from the cloud that we've been on
I'm coming down from the sweetest feeling that I've ever know
like an all time high that I can't get back
or a runaway train coming off the tracks
Ill never be the same so I'm going home
I'm coming down and feeling alone

well its hard to say no
when its late and I pick up the phone and I'm thinking of you
but ill let it go and step away
because I remember theres still salt in my wounds
205 · Apr 2015
Let me feel It
Will Apr 2015
Let me be real for 2 seconds and just say the truth
We are all looking for something thats too good to be true
Some think they found it only to find regret
some think they need it to be the best
some want more but care less
others just try to do it all with no regrets
Whatever it is who knows if it's real
Whatever it is I'm dying to feel
204 · Jul 2016
Will Jul 2016
I feel lonely when I think about you
because I know what I'm missing
I feel sorry when I think about me
because I'm a good guy who lost himself
but I still smile when I think about us
because even though it wasn't forever
it made my life better
202 · Dec 2015
Confessions part 2
Will Dec 2015
I'm tired of distracting myself from you
and convincing my heart to love other people when it knows the truth
I just want to be where you are and I just want to be with you
198 · Nov 2015
What we really want
Will Nov 2015
If you really stop and think that is all we want
a simple feeling that makes us smile and forget worries
brought to us by different people and things and experiences
happiness is so simple but so painstakingly hard for some to find
despite what they say there is no external secret for happiness
because we are human and naturally never satisfied
so maybe the true key to happiness is understanding
the fact that nothing will ever be truly perfect
Will Oct 2015
When I was young...
I thought I was destine for greatness
I felt as if the sun light shined just for me
and that the world turned in my favor
with age I realized that I am just as foolish as everyone else
and my pile of failures stacks high and wide
I know now I am just a soul wondering this place
looking for another who understands
life just isn't what we thought it would be
192 · Apr 2016
Will Apr 2016
Your body glows in faint fire light
slowly fading into the trance of the night
the sound of your whisper excites my bones
and the touch of your body reminds me we've grown
You are all I want but not all I've known
but without your love I'll sink like a stone
191 · Aug 2016
Will Aug 2016
It's like a never ending cycle
or a bad song stuck on repeat
I wish I could just fast forward or skip a few beats
until the right one comes into my life
the sweet one who don't bite on the pick up lines
someone that's sick of the games
wants more than one date, or one night
someone who believes in love
I just wish I knew who that someone was
why are these good girls so hard to find

Im not saying the next one will make me get down on one knee
but that dont sound that bad to me
188 · Jun 2018
Will Jun 2018
Some nights I scream at these walls
Some nights I don't sleep at all
some nights I can hear your voice like a ghost running through these halls
Maybe it's all in my head
Somethings wrong with me
The more that times goes by
the more I go
Crazy, crazy without your love
everywhere that I go
I still think about us
this is the song if you guys want to check it out
188 · Nov 2015
Will Nov 2015
No matter how far I run
or how much time passes by I can never get away from the truth...
No matter if it's as simple as a glimpse of a photo
or I hear someone say your name
The feelings come up deep inside of me and it starts again
It begins as just a spark so I try to hold it back
but before long the poison in my veins ignites for that old feeling
No matter how much I fight it I know
I can't escape the truth
and the truth is I will always love you
Like any other addiction your hard to break
188 · Nov 2017
Move On
Will Nov 2017
Maybe I'm holding on to someone
who doesn't think of me anymore
Maybe I'm trying to force something
thats already run it course
Maybe I'm thinking and wishing
for something that's too good to be true
Maybe I should move on and figure out my life without you
187 · Aug 2016
Will Aug 2016
Sometimes, I think about my life
then I begin to wonder where you might be
even though time has past
I catch myself thinking the same thing

please don't be in love with someone else
185 · Jul 2016
Will Jul 2016
As I look out this hotel room window
I realize I'm far from home
far from you
far from familiar things I knew
but none the less, I'm close
because I'm holding my feelings tight
feelings of home
feelings of you
feelings of familiar things I knew
184 · Jun 2015
Believe me when I say
Will Jun 2015
Believe me when I say
I want to but I can't
I know what your going through and I know what it's doing to you
I feel what you're feeling right now
I know I can't be with you but I don’t want to miss you right now
184 · Jun 2015
Will Jun 2015
We live in a nation being divided by color
each one sees the other
but closed minds seem to cover all the good things
instead of allowing us all to be brothers
they only show the hate said by a few to the others
Love could be such an easy thing, but still I'm afraid
the end will come to us both if we let them force us on each other
In the end we must change and come together
or things will stay like this forever
183 · Mar 2015
Thinking of You
Will Mar 2015
Ive got those days still running through my head I toss and turn all night laying in my bed
I guess my mind gets the best of me because its hard to beat a sweet memory
183 · Jan 2016
Will Jan 2016
Remind me that we will always have each other
when everything else is gone
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