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Jan 2016 · 335
All I wanted is you
Will Jan 2016
Often I catch myself thinking back to times of bliss
to carefree days of innocent ignorance
Days when nothing really mattered and all I wanted was you
things are much different now
thats one of the few things I know are true
that and the fact that all I still want is you
Jan 2016 · 269
Will Jan 2016
Just one...
thats all I need
as a matter of fact
thats how I always thought it would be
if you have a special heart that agrees
you can be the one for me
Jan 2016 · 514
time to live
Will Jan 2016
I'm home alone
the stars are dull
it's not the same without you
I'm feeling down
I'm feeling low
I've lost my touch without you
I want to heal I want to feel the way I did about you
But we both know our time is gone
it's time to live without you
Jan 2016 · 183
Will Jan 2016
Remind me that we will always have each other
when everything else is gone
Dec 2015 · 282
Grow with Me
Will Dec 2015
I could not commit to anyone because I wanted to grow
and I could not shrink myself to be less than I wanted
it was lonely for awhile trying to find someone to let me grow
but it was worth it to find someone who wanted to grow with me
Dec 2015 · 202
Confessions part 2
Will Dec 2015
I'm tired of distracting myself from you
and convincing my heart to love other people when it knows the truth
I just want to be where you are and I just want to be with you
Dec 2015 · 130
Will Dec 2015
Again I sit alone on Friday night
I know I'm not the only one
but that thought still doesn't help me feel alright
Dec 2015 · 165
Without You
Will Dec 2015
The people who are damaged and broken
are the strongest and most dangerous
because they know they can survive without you
but they are the most grateful for love
because they know what it was like without you
Nov 2015 · 1.1k
The Best Love You Ever Had
Will Nov 2015
I know you're looking at my photo
the one we took on our first date
and the song I wrote
I know you keep it on repeat
and every time your phone rings
I know you're hoping its me
all the little things you miss and can't forget
and all the good times you reminisce
remember at first it wasn't me who said I needed space
but no matter how much room you have
your heart can't forget the best love you ever had
you asked for this space
Nov 2015 · 188
Will Nov 2015
No matter how far I run
or how much time passes by I can never get away from the truth...
No matter if it's as simple as a glimpse of a photo
or I hear someone say your name
The feelings come up deep inside of me and it starts again
It begins as just a spark so I try to hold it back
but before long the poison in my veins ignites for that old feeling
No matter how much I fight it I know
I can't escape the truth
and the truth is I will always love you
Like any other addiction your hard to break
Nov 2015 · 807
Will Nov 2015
Sometimes it gets foggy
and bad days come around too often
but just remember
Life is worth living
Nov 2015 · 177
Broken Things
Will Nov 2015
I'm learning to see the beauty in broken things
because with them I can relate
I know broken doesn't mean worthless
and that makes me still feel complete
Nov 2015 · 341
Will Nov 2015
I used to be happy
full of love and full of hope
since then I've been used
I've been lied to and cheated on
I've been heavily relied on then let down in return
I'd like to be angry about it but I know it's no use
because they found out I'm a pushover so now I live in the dirt
Nov 2015 · 251
obscure clarity
Will Nov 2015
It was a late night stroll down an old street
screaming at the top of my lungs to try and get relief
from a pain that no one else could see
I felt my heart break in a way it had not before
like I was robbed and cheated by the entire world
In my loneliness I realized that it all made since
because you are my whole world
or at least you were once before
Nov 2015 · 176
Missing your life
Will Nov 2015
I'm missing your life
because you're not in mine
it hasn't always been this way
but it has been for a long time
I keep the memories just in case
you're missing what you had before and change your mind
more than anything I'm afraid to let it all go and forget
so for now ill keep missing your life
Nov 2015 · 265
Everyone wants you
Will Nov 2015
Everyone wants you
and my biggest fear is you know this
because plenty of fish in the sea
is great for you but hell for me
I'd give you my whole heart today
but I think you would give it right back
I just need to know what it would take
for me and you to have a love that lasts
#me #you #love #thoughts
Nov 2015 · 331
Will Nov 2015
Your scars are your art
and that makes you who you are
Nov 2015 · 198
What we really want
Will Nov 2015
If you really stop and think that is all we want
a simple feeling that makes us smile and forget worries
brought to us by different people and things and experiences
happiness is so simple but so painstakingly hard for some to find
despite what they say there is no external secret for happiness
because we are human and naturally never satisfied
so maybe the true key to happiness is understanding
the fact that nothing will ever be truly perfect
Will Oct 2015
Last night I had a dream about your face
You filled the room not a seat left in that place, everyone was lost in you
From the first word out there wasn’t a jaw left undropped
I can still see them now blown out of there socks from the sound
Of man who lived on his knees
They look to you, because you see something they can't see
And you believe like they believe

I see them screaming yea there going wild
Jumping around, smiling, running down the isles to get to you
Wanna see your face, wanna hear your name get a touch of your grace
the man who lived to save the day
Oct 2015 · 508
We were so close
Will Oct 2015
We were so close

I had you right at the tips of my fingers
like the shore is to the sea
now we are separated by miles and space
like the wolf is to the moon
though I see her we will not be
so I'll cry in the night when no one else can see
Some people aren't easy to leave behind
Oct 2015 · 226
Better off this way
Will Oct 2015
My heart slows down because I can hardly tell you I'm ok
I just want to be free
to live and die by my own rules
I know you may be scared and I know we're unprepared
but thats life
and we're better off this way
Will Oct 2015
When I was young...
I thought I was destine for greatness
I felt as if the sun light shined just for me
and that the world turned in my favor
with age I realized that I am just as foolish as everyone else
and my pile of failures stacks high and wide
I know now I am just a soul wondering this place
looking for another who understands
life just isn't what we thought it would be
Oct 2015 · 176
I've Changed
Will Oct 2015
You say I've changed
and that it's easy to see
but in truth It's not easy to think
I'm not anything like I used to be
Sep 2015 · 495
Conventional Wisdom
Will Sep 2015
It doesn't matter where they say you should be
verses where you are now
we all move to our own clock
until all our time runs out
Sep 2015 · 178
Will Sep 2015
It's like you would rather choke on the smoke from the flame
we created than fix the stain on your own heart
Sep 2015 · 174
Will Sep 2015
take a long look at yourself
and know that you are good enough
Aug 2015 · 278
I wish I was a Ghost
Will Aug 2015
I wish I was a ghost
surrounded by the dark
to everyone else unknown
then at least I would have a reason
for always being alone
Aug 2015 · 152
Someone New
Will Aug 2015
You brought me to a new place
free from care
free from fault
and free from pain
When I feel you touching me
I forget who I used to be
Aug 2015 · 260
Will Aug 2015
The same thing that keeps you whole can break you
The one who is meant to save you may forsake you
As sure as day and night will never have each other
neither will we
though we are close we are not the same
so forever we will be...
Aug 2015 · 176
So She Says
Will Aug 2015
I really don't care if there's another on your mind
as long as I'm in your arms one more time
I promise after that ill let you go
Aug 2015 · 133
Will Aug 2015
I'm really just looking for an answer in a word full of questions
someone to say yes when everyone else says no
to hear a sweet lie to lift me up
or a sliver of the truth to lay me down
whatever it take to feel like I've been found
Aug 2015 · 213
Still Waiting
Will Aug 2015
I said let me in... so she did
I said let me lay down with you... so she did
I said let me kiss you... so she did
I said give me your heart so I can give you all my love...
A commitment is the hardest thing to find today
Aug 2015 · 205
Living Without You
Will Aug 2015
I miss those lipstick kisses you left on my face
I've still got a head full of memories I can't erase
I've got eight t-shirts missing from my drawers
you still wear them around even though they're not yours  
I don't know if it was love but I know that it was true
now that you're gone I'll just have to let it happen... living without you
I'm coming down from the cloud that we've been on
I'm coming down from the sweetest feeling that I've ever know
like an all time high that I can't get back
or a runaway train coming off the tracks
Ill never be the same so I'm going home
I'm coming down and feeling alone

well its hard to say no
when its late and I pick up the phone and I'm thinking of you
but ill let it go and step away
because I remember theres still salt in my wounds
Aug 2015 · 293
To be Honest
Will Aug 2015
To be honest...
I wish you were still here to be my late night shotgun rider
the one who gave my heart passion and fire
the one in my bed on a lazy sunday afternoon
the sweet voice on the other end of the phone
the soft lips I feel when I kiss you goodnight
to be the man you love when I look in your eyes
to be honest...
I miss you
Jul 2015 · 424
Losing Control
Will Jul 2015
Lately things haven't been alright
so I sit up late at night
and think about my life
surrounded by darkness and the ticks of the clock
I  try to gain control of myself before my mind wonders off
and i start thinking of you and thinking of me
thinking about everything that we used to be
Jul 2015 · 504
Will Jul 2015
You took me
stained me
and left this permanent mark
but it can only be seen by looking at my heart
Jul 2015 · 206
One More Time
Will Jul 2015
Just one more time
I want to feel what I felt that night
A desire strong and true shared between two
ignited from the innocence we left behind that night
under a pale white moon
Jul 2015 · 330
Your Touch
Will Jul 2015
This time it keeps on rolling and it won't stop for anyone
This time I'm calling on you to slow it down because I need someone
I'm tired of being lonely
And I need a girl I can trust
I know I'm not your one and only
But to be honest I only want to feel your touch
Jul 2015 · 301
Not meant for me
Will Jul 2015
I wake up everyday to do things I don't want to do
and that was fine when I had you to come home to
now when I walk through the door I hear silence
and Lonely isn't really meant for anybody
but here I am
Jul 2015 · 208
The edge
Will Jul 2015
Sometimes I think it would be easy to walk right off the edge
but then I get scared because I don't know what comes next
Jul 2015 · 252
Will Jul 2015
Before I bring my needs
I will bring my heart
So that there is honesty from the start
Jul 2015 · 209
I've Been Waiting
Will Jul 2015
I've been waiting for
things to change in my heart again
I've been waiting for you to notice the change in me
my heart beats in a different way
and my thoughts they aren't the same
because I've been learning to love
Jun 2015 · 229
Just Thinking
Will Jun 2015
They say others can only give you words and things
and that only you can give yourself feelings
but honestly if thats true then why aren't we all happy
Jun 2015 · 537
Shining Star
Will Jun 2015
Riding down a dirt road on a cool summer night
pass the bridge that runs over the creek where we would park bank side
take the top down and look up at the night sky
and talk about how the time flies
I said baby I can see my shining star
and wouldn't you know it's right where you are
Jun 2015 · 206
Somewhere out in Space
Will Jun 2015
I can't be here and not with you
I can't pretend you're not on my mind
Your pretty hair
Your pretty eyes
and a smile that can light up this whole place
I know you could be my shining star but you're lost out in space
Jun 2015 · 225
Will Jun 2015
There are many things I'm scared to say
There are many things I'm scared to do
but I hope I say my words just right
because there aren't any people like you
Jun 2015 · 262
Can't Get Away
Will Jun 2015
For once in my life I want to know what its like to get away
I'm tired of looking out to the stars and wondering where you are in this crazy lonely world
If I could know where you are and share your loving heart
then maybe one day I could leave
but until that day comes
this heartbreak towns got a hold of me
Jun 2015 · 208
Can't get over you
Will Jun 2015
It's been awhile since I've seen you and girl you know I miss you
Because you're long gone, but you still come up in all my songs
I don’t make it past the first few lines before you show up running through my mind
I don’t know why I can't figure it out but
I'm trying to find something new to move on to
But I can't get over you
Jun 2015 · 184
Believe me when I say
Will Jun 2015
Believe me when I say
I want to but I can't
I know what your going through and I know what it's doing to you
I feel what you're feeling right now
I know I can't be with you but I don’t want to miss you right now
Jun 2015 · 184
Will Jun 2015
We live in a nation being divided by color
each one sees the other
but closed minds seem to cover all the good things
instead of allowing us all to be brothers
they only show the hate said by a few to the others
Love could be such an easy thing, but still I'm afraid
the end will come to us both if we let them force us on each other
In the end we must change and come together
or things will stay like this forever
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