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Heather Sarrazin
Inside My iPod    Writing allows a smile to stay in place, even if it's fake. This is my only true way to vent
Miranda Renea
25/F    I'm a minimalist inspired by nature and the vastness of the universe. I try to spread positivity and evoke thought.
"I can't stand the thought of anyone esle hearing the gentleness of your voice that you have so far saved for only me."
frivolous treasures
ohio    life is an embryonic project full of illogical reasons and beautiful insanities
Mary R Short
Gahanna, Ohio   
Breana Lea Bailey
Somewhere    neutral evil; All written works on this page belong to me.
Well I'm a college student and I enjoy writing a lot. My style of writing is free form for the most part. The poems also …
Lily Hasler
Cora Lee
Idaho    "Not all those who wander are lost." -- J.R.R. Tolkien
A B Perales
San Pedro Ca.    I wrote my first Poem in 2007. I write only about the things I know,the things I've seen. Copyright 2007-2015 all rights reserved.
NYC    Concrete poetry.
LH Dillard
Michigan    i write too little, smoke too much, and im very lonely.
Austin    A look inside
lina S
Let me enlighten you Indulge your senses Guide you through my map Put down the fences Soak you up with loads of me Then spin …
Just Anna
Mispronounced so many times, I feel like Just Anna is enough....
Running The only time When you can do Everything Happening in your head And let it all go
lilah raethe
Amber S
hello, my name is amber.
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