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 Jan 27 Victoria
I am not
stone building
mortared wall
mountain range
concrete foundation
giant rock boulder

I am
a cool breeze
rain on a sunny day
music in the trees
the beating of your heart
rich soil foundation
with deep roots of
 Jan 27 Victoria
It's that moment, on a road trip
When all the snacks have been eaten
And there is nothing but time ahead of you.

And there's music over the radio,
Taking turns playing our favorite songs
Our laughter melding with melody
As the sun begins to set.
And the warmth of that sun
Blends into the warmth in my chest

And I look

I look at him

and he glows with golden light.

And time slows down,
Every detail, in perfect clarity
Every second stretching into a lifetime
And my heart beats with so much love.
So much warmth and joy and hope.
And I look at him,

And he is beautiful.

And everything just feels right.

And I know it'll all be okay.
 Nov 2016 Victoria
Allen Robinson
I left You
I lost myself
my path was
my faith was
my resolve was
... yet
Good Shepherd
You returned me
to the flock
I stand on You
my rock
stripped bare
exposed and
You've built
me up and
set my feet
on the path
My course
plotted and
ordered by
Grace and mercy
be unto
All blessings flow from above... thank You my Lord.
 Nov 2016 Victoria
 Nov 2016 Victoria
Running through empty streets,
chasing dreams
and resurrecting hope. The faint smell
of troubled youth is carried by
a strangely cold November breeze
from a baker's window--

Cinnamon and ***

Somewhere in the corner where the buses
stop there are children drawing
rainbows and flowers
on the rough asphalt, innocently trying
to make each other crack a smile

Somewhere along the shore stands an old,
longing man picturing his wife
knee-deep in the water,
soft and beautiful as ever and
he is losing patience waiting for their reunion

Three blocks away from the chapel
some anxious fourteen-year-old is
blasting Polarize,
wanting to be a better brother, better son

His mom yells it's too loud and he covers
his face with a pillow

In the distance you will hear bottles
breaking along with the hearts
offered but ignored

There's a tapping of restless fingers on
the keyboard by a woman finally finding
the right words to say to someone
who gave up on life too soon
but as the clock strikes 3 she realizes
it's already too late.
 Jul 2016 Victoria
The girl of your dreams
is an insomniac
and you are losing
your voice
trying to sing
her to sleep.
 Jul 2016 Victoria
PK Wakefield
That I was alive: I suppose,

there was a certain eager meaning to
these moments–wide and short–these
hours–fat and narrow–these years
long and deep–

the stars, the lunging of my breast, the
turned curving of a sunrise, the rapid
expulsion of blood, tunneling suddenly through artery and vein;
I guess.

Looking and wondering; I turn my
hand over in a spent beam of sunlight. Its span tumbling with that heavy glow–it iridesces.

(I love you.

Knowing I will die–I love you.)

I am walking in some hall. There is the fast purring of a cat. Easily my breath inhumes and exhumes the space within my chest. Heart beating. Air and flesh exchange.

How easily it is to be–it seems these
hands are mine over your *******. I put
my fingers in your mouth. Your tongue
tousles their fiber. I make and unmake
myself in your hips.

The thick leaning of this chair into my back–where are you?

(Reading this perhaps.

And am I alive? And where?

Or dead?

Could be.)

And what is death?

Dying after all, it is, I guess, what I am.

There was the forest today. And five minutes ago I kissed you.

I am incomplete–I can feel
the way this shirt turns over the skin of
my arm. Somebody is speaking French on the radio.

"I will be dead someday." I want to whisper.

(I will be dead someday.

I love you.)
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