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Vanessa Escopin Sep 2018
Did you saw me?
I was there.
Did you took a glance for me?
Because I did.
I saw you there.
Sitting comfortably.
Waiting for someone?
That's doesn't me.
Ironic isn't it?
How I always wait for you.
And how you wait for her.
You never waited for me.
Waiting is good. If you wait for the one you love.
Vanessa Escopin Jul 2018
Oh my heart hurts
Cause all what he had said is true
I am not someone who's lovable
I am not someone who deserve a love
I am not someone who's needed
I am just someone who's temporary,
Not worth it,
A waste,
Selfish brat,
And a *****.
I hated him because all he had said is true
And I am guilty as charge.
I don't know if there's someone
who's feeling the same **** as me.
I don't know what to do.
I hate myself.
Vanessa Escopin Feb 2018
One day you'll realize that you lost a girl who's feelings for you wasn't told but she let you feel it.
One day you'll be frustrated 'cos you're wrong.
You take her for granted.
You loved her but then you lost her.
You let her go even though she doesn't want to.
You lost a girl who secretly cares for you.
A girl you used to loved and you're still loving. You lost the girl you can be trusted, a girl who have flaws, a girl who is broken but still managed to smile.
A girl who almost tell you what she really feels but time wasn't right yet.
A girl who you let wait for hours.
A girl who's patiently waiting and secretly loving you.
You lost the girl who's now ready to take the risk but you give her up.
She's tired to pretend anymore, she doesn't deserve someone who hurts her more than she was hurt.
You forget her. But she didn't.
Lost in time
Vanessa Escopin Feb 2018
Sometimes we think we already moved on.
Just because they don't see us and communicate with us anymore.
But one message, one glance.
You realize the feelings is still there.
You'll gotta say this, "Abi ko naka move on nako." ("I thought I have moved on.")
But you aren't, yet.
Yes, yet!
Because one day, maybe tomorrow or  the day after tomorrow or next week or next month or next year you will moved on.
You'll get over her/him.
You'll wake up smiling.
You'll realize things are much better without the burden of thinking about her/him.
You'll be thankful to God that He let you see things clearly.
That He let you move on.
You'll realize that this is His purpose.
He has a better purpose.
Maybe you won't see the right way but soon you will.
This is dedicated to my friend Jas. I hope you'll get over him. God bless you.
Vanessa Escopin Dec 2017
You created the distance between us
You choose to forget what we had
You didn't even know you make'd me cry
You know nothing about my feelings

You said every single thing you'll remember
You said you're sorry
I forgave you
But I just hate the fact that memories still lingers

Everytime we see each other, you hug me
What contradicts you for telling the truth?
Our friendship that I treasure,
You just throw it away in one snap
Vanessa Escopin Oct 2017
I want people to ask me, "How are you?"
So I can tell them I'm not okay,
I'm doing everything to be okay,
That I can be okay.
But instead, I'm the one who asks them
"How are you?"
Just maybe they can ask me back.
"How are you?"
Vanessa Escopin Aug 2017
Thinking that I'm selfless,
I'm becoming selfish my self.
Selfish beetch
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