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I love to sleep
To escape the day
I keep dreaming of you
You will not go away

During my waking hours
And darkest nights
You are always there
I can’t win this fight

I wake up
I don’t know what’s true
I look around
I can’t find you

I want to sleep every hour away
If I don’t wake up, will you stay?
my lips, limbs
this skin
I don't recognize them
I breathe out
& breathe in
my lungs do without it
how did it begin
to then end
before it is poured
I am opening doors
it is yours
this is yours
I'm picking my sores
& my bones off the floor
I cannot bend anymore
all of my laces have torn
& I'll front-face a storm
I haven't a fear of disaster
it is my hope that gets choked
& sharp pains replace laughter
what did I look like before this
& who's is this voice
what comes after you've left
I do not have a choice

I've not been known to nest low
I've stayed fairly high
but I've been let go to shatter
& glass birds do not fly
 Apr 2015 unique marie
Why do you try to save me from drowning?
When you know I will just sink again.
It's time you stop trying
It's time to let me go
I don't want to be here any more
So please stop making me cough up the pills
Please stop trying to heal my wounds.
They will just re-open
Just let me go
Let me be free
It's for the best
Now don't you worry
You don't need me
 Apr 2015 unique marie
Every morning the little bird sung it's song
In search to find another who could finish her tune
Day after day the little birds heart sank.
Realizing no other bird would finish her song
Until one day she final gave up. Little song bird no longer
sung. Her small heart broken, just like her wings
No longer can she fly, no longer can she breathe
Little song bird no longer sees.

Oh little song bird rest  now
she will be forever at peace
after final finding a friend
who would finish her song
Before the end.
 Apr 2015 unique marie
There is this thing inside me,
It claws and scratches trying to get out.
It taunts me everyday telling me how
Worthless I am,
Telling me  to accept it and let it take over.
I used to fight it
But now I'm slowly giving up.
The monster inside is coming out to play
You better hide before it's to late...
 Apr 2015 unique marie
There in a corner is a messed up kid
But no one knows
They never speak or rise their hand
You will never hear a word
They keep to the shadows
So no one sees them
They see you
They hear you
They notice everything
But they will never step forward
As they are frighted of what
Might happen if they step
In others way
 Apr 2015 unique marie
 Apr 2015 unique marie
They are everywhere
No matter where you are
They will always be there
You can never get away
They will haunt you forever
Although some say they
Never lie
That is a lie itself
Because everyone lies
No matter who  or what they are
Lies rule this world not humans
Everything is made up of them
 Apr 2015 unique marie
Like air to lungs
Like love to lovers
Like life to death
Till death do us part
Till God makes us see
In him we all need
One another
One after the other
Brotha & Brother
Sister 2 Sista
Like water to a well
Lets not wait until it runs dry
Eyes wont dry
Until another color cries
With us, not for us
There is only one race
the hueman race
man of color
many colors of men
Color coated pain
Assorted flavors of oppression
All leave a bitter taste
In the mouth of a wordsmith
these words hit like bricks
against walls
in glass houses
with paper doll people
the revolution is being televised
because revolution cannot be heard
without being seen
focus your lense
See yourself
You make me smile
in places unknown for grins.
Come here. I'll show you.
© Bitsy Sanders, April 2015
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