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Roni Shelley
Don't expect me to write phenomenal poems I'm never told that I can write And I like that But, I do love me a good …
Rebecca Carter
I love life and all things in it. I am a strong believer that words, whether spoken or written, can change everything and transform any …
Alicia Hubert
"All things truly wicked start from innocence." -Ernest Hemingway
You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you. -Ray Bradbury
LD Goodwin
Harrogate, TN    Songwriter, musician, cyclist. .......that I might loosen the tongue of that incessant voice within, that otherworld hum.
John Patrick Robbins Aka Gonzo
Shady Pines NC    I am a published writer and fulltime editor and publisher I run Whiskey City Press. I am the author of six books I am also …
K Mae
Maine, USA    My muse will fly again, is beginning to dance, and I will return as writer/reader/responder. I still love the generous HP community. Giving and receiving …
Vivian Harper Scott
I just made you up to hurt myself. And it worked.
Arrywill keepya smilin
Medford Oregon,    I am Jessica Applegate hit it up?' stay true to the realist, make proud stay loud, in a bad mood?. don't ever be rude. don't …
F White
This is the only way I know to clean out my head. I've been writing poetry since I was about 9. Never stopped. Never wanted …
Lyra Brown
Beautiful things are fragile.
Jae Elle
33/F/Kansas    "she's mad, but she's magic. there's no lie in her fire." - Bukowski
Canada    Young and inexperienced. It just makes me all the more adventurous and curious.
Nancy McGinnis - Roberts
Texas    I am an inner mingling of all things artistic, musical, poetic and passionate... I am a mix of Native American, Irish and German...spicy! I adore …
DFW Area   
Alexis Martin
just writing a bunch of words down
Scott Biddulph
Gainesville, ga    Scott Biddulph is a freelance writer, poet, and published author. He loves the written word, history, Karate, and riding his Harley Davidson. He went back …
"I should like to write you the kind of words that burn the paper they are written on..." -Dorothy L. Sayers.
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