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Prettyboyfloyd Dec 2024
My belief i believe is so a bit different than what you hear of the comon in an average day.
I believe in endless posibilities and almost what divine abilities we call as created a natural the soul we are in spirit the joke we bound to get later on how tested once we failed to learn to stand on our own two feet as many times it takes to fall as to fly but a pair of wings fail and repeat and make sure to never fail to try for as once had think i was made to know gods are here with us and watching good to note worth a notice not a greater insult than a lie and of pretend nothing found as foolish to act yet with fright a dread to decide left to fate be us to blame. Gods are watching always like the mirror the memory portraits by feeling knows in heart roots the painting of the song branches by sound of silence knew like ever the time comes leaving and wind calls a breath it took in wonder a marvel of ink. The other side of then before now and after and true and one to be like word the name nor above nor below where to never find but if showed as love to give and not to take to doubt is to hesitate when something is wrong is only right and blank as to having oneself but selflessly might as to walk must both feet of heaven towards free as to fly of wings a pair wisdom of faith to believe undefined and love of trust of truth the unknow the nature alike limits and ways naive and cruel like the ocean around blue the green and green the blue sky a meadows worthy to rose for honest even thou beautiful and mad like spring and summer short. Gods are watching, looking for their children and new and old friends and loves be and polite yet daring to lack a secret like the sun cast shadows we cloth and since the body you dress like feather of birds stuck to air like skin of snake to crawl figured by will to heart a feel known and mind to imagine  and define remembered to dream tomorrow today like the sky in horizont part day and night between in dew and clouds writen it rains and storms over our fields the news with all we sow we harvest to the last call nobody can answer for you nobody to go instead as to guilt but hands of deeds and will had willed to blame nobody to knees bend for sins of others but own if none least happiness in troubled times yet to forgive to forget if dont know and heart dont ache nor ties nor weights. Gods are watching, delighted.
Attracted by and desired to near their heart it takes a beat what restless like to certain is sure to worry enough go mad to come to senses as to be wrong it takes to not be right, as to learn and take a chance and make love and admit that naked underneath my soul no less too like the gods that are here without form to compare according what accordless nor name to call on like the moon might look to fit our pocket just as known once understood. Gods are here like the color in abstract like the day and truth
Love be fate have time to do. Breathtaking like the butterfly
every breath touch their wings.
Absurd like an advice in sense of humor irony reason to have.
To speak in tongues a kisses
Like lions having nothing to say
Heavens sure a flower or a tree
To come to matter what bliss
To find the source have roots planted to in front her *******
Child to a mothet its born to
Like angels do for heavens love
Gods are here and we shall too.
Prettyboyfloyd Dec 2024
Where king the son of man is kingdom upon the hearts of words of the poet as lovers love enchanted souls aimed above walking where only sky might seem is pointing at the sun between set and rise and days as starless as blinding the light as blind the darkness we know about but nothing else while think nothing more bout the other.

Blessed to know not than to know wrong. To never search and never find cause never lost. All we have thou are owned by as we serve a slave we bought to pay sorrow and worry to mind close while time laughs and love sings and brave are being bold and not have bravery behind window glass as the wise listen while the lord speaks a wind bout breath it took and dust and tear a soul bout breathing and sound of silence as the truth right. Therefore why wouldnt.

Of all the might but death certain thou important to note do to appeal on men to recognize the mean of being dead and meaning of fate of which had died. Of too late be too soon. Meanwhile a moment. Death doesnt ****, sin does. Its a friend moretheless a foe of living the way out. Like an answer. Like a door. Like the coin flips. Like the news. Like a mistake flawless. Like the joke is wise, since, it takes one to know one. The impossible, the perfect.

As important the road you path, is the foot how step. Good and right as wrong bad, for better or worse, worst is the best. As long youre true, youre right. For wisdom of mistakes the hurt of pain that made us powerfull. Wise and strong. For loves sakes. Beautiful.

I know. Bless you.
Prettyboyfloyd Nov 2024
When the stone was unrolled and noone was there, just a blanket of the living not to be found among the dead.

After the toss of a coin lost all he had a purple robe to one of the soldiers for the cost of what fortune hell to pay.

Dying his own choice the words said and king the name on cross above his head by authority is to give it was given.

Mocked till the last hour they laughed he saved others let him save himself as the only one not in need to be saved.

No one there but john and women in front of the crucified of least that innocent most of men to be done as written.

As he cried in terrible hour for father why left him alone when but for hearts of the world to ache had to look away.

Till death has come to meet its match after the crows and the spear and the earthquiek and the temple breaking in half.

When the stone was unrolled after waking the guards as it was since third day you promised be till end of time.
Prettyboyfloyd Nov 2024
There is always a way to keep heart of pain and if some should know how its them and me oh the little me am just blessed by glory and grace to be a set into their own and among lovin hands to be their treasure like their bread they cherish in a way they know. But dont want perhaps intentionaly just like the intentions made bad a good deed is the mistake holy and soul of sinner moretheless mine as only mine as i am who to beg to forgive. Perhaps i will
Prettyboyfloyd Nov 2024
I learned from other minds
That everything that moves
Is guilty of life. I searched
Across of hearts and found many of worth worthy my love.

I confess sir! Right is well! To speak out of turn i found god.

I learned from minds what of different interests to call it kind as i searched your hearts to caress there are more ways to heaven than one.

I confess sir! I am mad! Madly in love with daughters of man.

As i heared from other minds i got a lot to learn and why would deny on the search of the answer to the question of my heart.

I confess sir if different ward many the flowers to meadow.

As i learned from mind from dying kept as from getting born what you search you find i heared and found the heart of gold.

I confess sir! And sign it in ink. I am mad. Mad like the spring.

From minds of age or other roads than i learned to mind my talk what silence since right and not wrongs hearts to embrace.

Sir! To confess i shall. Hear me your honor and 12 just men:

From walks i found in stone printed the song of birds sing of god only well we were once is told whispered: was made one.

Sir! Of voice of only perhaps but will of more just as fair:
Sir! Its not meadow making flowers but flowers making meadows. From a seed like heaven reason why its of the humble. Sir!
Give praise to the lord! For dust the world it turns but. Sir! Dont mistake chance and hope. Faith to fate believe of father son still. Sir!
Honor the lord! For hundred folds is his will to yours and word of times surfaces it echoes. Recognize the year in favour. Sir!
Know your father be you love is your lord by been blessed to glory is god you armored and fated to acompany one day in might. Sir
Prettyboyfloyd Nov 2024
Day alike at the end
Shading pale a view
Rest to sun in vain
Mornin owe to bloom.

Pray to god in kept
Bless in old anew
8 oclock with a last
Fair spring of used.

At the time the same
Moment notice knew
Made rush the step
Way i did from woods.

As the yester to day
As believed hoped too
When a yet of strange
Same nothin as unussial.

Met suprised my path
Less a least of clue
Gave doubt to instead
Yet did reason aknew.

At life what was sane
Sense a witt of truth
Dealt from above fate
Met in sorrow and moon.

Shape of fright and hell
Dressed in coat a rule
Black of dark a darker
Shape in tall a through.

Ever hard to understand
Standing sure he stood
There what is ten steps
Away a be a skeleton to:

Death what he had said
Had been of introduced
As we were standing there
Having all each of dues.

At mare of morrows met
So set to lost wondering
Rain at storms a thunder
Followed flash of lighnin.

Had come to understand
Was elements language
As all the told what said
Words named called to be.

Scare of souls is made
Power of unknown limits
Bells toll from the towers
Voice cared to echo wind.

Breath holds with finger
Points what bone rattlin
Said the storm a travel
Of son the man off will.

Had unfold in hundred
Then to know to mean
Yet soul still a frighten
Held to look from near.

Kept low a thiner pointed
Why been told by lightnin
Flash caught: be unafraid.
What been of embodied.

Sun cant look straight at
Yet youre still surrounded
asked the only: am i dead
Findin palm a hand of witt.

While in pouring rain a wind
Kept howlin like a wild cat
Divine for noless at company
Havent feel a drop of rain.

What been so made to worry
Yet from fear my heart kept
While sip of ever wrong logic
Begged moaning by bended.

What reason if no meaning
Have lost still what no less
What hope is for to believe
Rest low in a shallow grave.

While stand tall and still
I remorse repent and cry
What end of world minute
Coatplayed where around.

Time has become to be
What long waits to find
Pray or hope you believe
Sharpened blade while.

What last word would fit
And song a darkest night
Of else more but forgive
To walk again with god.

What a play of full a thrill
Yet was held my heart
Given in fortunes fated
Made the well the right.

Sharpened blade was to be
So hard for my suprise
If comes end come peace
What to be or to be not.

Shall had the last of least
I toast a glad of delight
In dust told tale of cheer
I am to member to mind.

By measures of sorrow be
What word there to define
What hurt of we all parted
May come together to love.

What death called my fear
Now understand so life
The great shadow casted
Lighnin framed made up.

What to the last i believed
Thought to death i dyed
I had come to get to live
Death i praise any raintime.

What death i thought to be
Saw the same my eyes
Im no less of sure in dream
Call it a friend next time.

Blessed a grace to be
Hope a chance to find
Hesitate a day a merci
Born awaken and time
Prettyboyfloyd Nov 2024
Them fieldwalks led
As leave my home
Thought be of fate
Eversince im born
Cause be i accept
When destiny call
More nothing less
At hand grip own
Of a promised had
Nevertheleast of
Thought be my day
When a feet goes
The road in writen
Hand handed thou
Word which name
Had given its hour
Souls body placed
Them self aborrow
Thenfore only well
When end to come
Have lookin harvest
Fare as well a long
Plant planted in land
When summer sow
Gave seeds the day
Came none of short
Share with laughter
Tasted our sorrows
And heres the last
Casted sun of dawn
Tale of story to end
Lasted however long
Takes agive to have
Remembered in song
Embody a different
Shape of given form
Reborn within aself
Understand a known
Hold a secret unsaid
Nonetheless a more
Morse left be unfelt
Loves had never told
Morrows before had
Sights amare unsaw
Lowers of lows left
Of man kept to know
Lovers of what aches
Heavens of be home
To be what our aim.

Whatevers a worth
Nights haven dream
Sacrifice i brought
Gods were pleased
Outofsudden told
Now is then to be
Time o may rejoyce
ours of company
I praised them all
Love in surrounded
Wise is the wisdom
Divine of their will
Of any doubt beyond
Suprise of delighted
How kind agenerous
Godlike their beauty
At far of all my awe
While above gazing
My eyes of my soul
Thrill found excited
I cried o perfection
might made beings
Just to had aknown
Heart set to peace
To find in the world
Bout what you is
This life gave worth
A while a meaning
The sun to set of
Done steps evenin
Day to night i was
Right giventh bliss
felt lighted by word
manners appreciated
spare what an hour
I had granted a wish
Yet adviced much so
Beware lust and greed
Want what is to want
have and not have to be
Corse hard to come
rest be to find an ease
Of hearts the sorrow
Havin the time to heal
So i done kept ahold
Had a part from vanity
Great might humbled
Asked to remember me
Answeared forever on.
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