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Well you know just as well
it doesnt take a wise man
To know road lead of have
Well walk of wise to just as.

Well to see you saw ofselfs
Longer be day of morrows
To be longer till as if then
To now or less be what for

Well think to thought same
Called once something else
Friend a friend but friends
In need introduce selves as

Well to benefit of doubt had
As man to be and so just as
Of just as proof what reason
Law to be made by therefore.

Well as right till true perhaps
Be what borders of embrace
Be kept from harm nearview
To serve to protect we thank

Well of heart to hold of kept
For know not minded though
Except one thing i can to yet
To trust to best as do myself

Well to world to suffer same
Born to still to bless to have
to overcome death all fated
Well to world for us to save.

Well you felt im sure in way
Your own by word to matter
Reasons may be to feel pain
One as hurt is yet all suffer.

Well as love to i too once fell
As only well and why as way
To good a bad of ever since
The first time a first one fell.

Well you know a just as well
As insult if advice as i do yet
Cover spell a care of patience
To need of at all in gods care
As golden as gold
Stolen from death is
As long the fate to
Come to be to take.

Livin the dream just
To dream bout life
Irony of destiny had
Be fated perhaps.

Gift of a living heart
With hope in trust
To able giving back
Least to a chance.

Have a compromise
And voice to a cry
Havin done our best
In right to be said.

We will if so we shall
The lord really god
If true as the heaven
Where find our rest.

With days and nights
Comes as without
We do as all be given
To bring nor take.

Empty of hands but
Thou be as might
A few more to have
A soul to dressed.

Of body what pride
In the very divine
Knew as told a well
Free life is death.

But only free is love
And faith if trust
Must be so decided
By as to be it has.

As mistake to done
By as only if shall
Ever be understand
Once flaw of less.

Once learned to cry
As the world thy
Sorrow be our share
Of our happiness.

As soul been robbed
As there is to time
To tell was me to say
Yet kept to myself.

Instead treasure box
And a way to find
A reason of betrayel
To love mores yet.

And after all kept by
my roads a child
Had to walk a danger
Of paths few dared.

The tales be to delight
A soul darkest night
The songs to drunken
From enough a mad.

The laughter and while
To appreciate doubt
For i lived a life so well
As gods call heatens.

And fairytale all the far
From their will might
To ever believe nor can
Hope an coincidence.

Save with all little to die
While aped or clown
After a some or against
mamona a dull pain.

Suffered day and night
Lack of awes asigh
Miracles to once again
raised from deaths.

As thief of a days time
I lived paved in drunk
With golds reason had
To live moretheless.

Death what most alive
I kept watered in lie
To die instead and tell
Themselves instead.

How many had of now
To have passing god
On fields of be a winter
Strangest dear friend.

Year i ran out of wine
As soul of taste not
Picked garden of grape
A least a joy of a day.

As enemies told love
As unknown as far
Had learned to manage
With a childs a glad.

As the wisdom to find
Rather havin not
To be than all to gain
Yet none to have.

Glad of be hard to hide
Life of dear to god
Still wont hear athank
For a sin yet no less.

Heart thought rich once
As well fed i starved
A sorrow of loneliness
Without care in sense.

Since forgiving long time
Passed to care to mind
Yet if in need of bein said
Of brother the brother.

As all said: to call to care.
Every art is a form
of a prophecy,
foresight of the future
next great event
of skies and to be
celebrated in the time
of man and in man
The time become
since and untill as
in heart overcomes
the world by love
the hatred and truth
the fear a proof to be
the son of the father
one and same and with
also every and all that
accepts him as his to be
Or to be not. You are free.

Must seem as mad
and craze the sure
By which to voice do
The impossible which
By what else than happy
To nest might be and
By measured as building
a bridge for those that
cant see the other bank.
We were born to know
we are and not knowing
what. As the road keeps through where we step
as by every decision of
we become our decision
as decisions we. Art can
not be taught only learned ones deserved and earned
the trust to honor to do what good work named what did
All to come to be just as you
To sound it a definition to
Limit the expressed limited
As we are free by imagination
In will and to serve the lord
Of lords and king of kings
How can you be of help be
To answer in each and all!

And yet so is by being less
and not more as the gold
is boiled to shape a chain
or whatever form of lock
to try to imprison luck to
as evil the lord while the
good like eldorado on the
first grace of light plants as
bread crumbs to rivers to will
of fate of good fated to find.
Once lost needs that need
far less so much more way to find to satisfy what hunger
or thirst as man and not beggar to ask in right if god in land known so the water worthy of hands used to be crossed to prayer and stomach fed on words of still and having nowhere to go walking as
light as the feather in friendly wind get no further in life and close to be what end to begin at death with walk every step be blessed and known dear in heart to what made the rain the lion and sun and time, as generous glorious powerful and endless enemy or friend of hope and merci the truth its justice to art romance in heart the law said poetic for beautiful for honest therefore right.

As our poor prayers heared.
Long the river is.
So long as strange
Far heaven to stray
Wayward river of
the dale my sister
To rain and brother
to wind a dear friend
Long the river led
home as a lighning
To thunder with
storms kept minded
Thus hundred folds
As long the river is
raise a glass to toast
the kindhearted God
Be to bless them all.
Way it wards rivers in
Rush to kneel to kiss
his scareless hands
Long the river sure
Death to meet in fate
Of same songs tale
To be haunted by love
As long the river is
So long. Till the ocean.
How the last gentleman leaves has left us to miss do a full as we raise our glasses to.

As the last thing the gentleman said known few remembered the cause we stood.

How the gentleman took the last victory as was placed between fate and truth.

The last gentleman be the last to speak of i said a toast to the company of friends as few!
Fool the men we are indeed
The good to complain bout love loving unable to recognize in dust is left unappreciated.

With eyes closed to know not rather like to dont know tiptoaing on edge of between too far is too close to reach.

Bloom the trees of life that rose to flowers of cherries and be bold in faith and a ****** rain may pour its whiles our fields.

Sleep the thousand nights to day gone we slipped and fell thousand dreams and loves  unnoticed like the mountains.
Angel by the lord sent to carry the scroll that is to say praises be unto you spiritus vinces named a one the victorious gods were well pleased in fruits of work they cherised enough to build their home in time to rest and wind arrive with river in their hurries at last and hearts all you keep found worthy of your love and word and house to enter the gates of steel as right the wisdom true silver the lining and gold the frame as just is fair yet merciful the power that lives in that land behind walls of rocks and stones as if twelve mountains tall is ocean wide surrounded to enclosed as an heart inside body kept as kind is tender the touch you held the world did time collect and build  to marvel the eye that would and to you for dear we call entrust because you were recognized to be one of us.

So is how the world was made to be done of a word given rose to meaning in name is given you the right of authority to judge the rotten to **** or forgive. To say as told i do, as the voice lended and to find led as the hand destiny is written and might of will divine gave us freedom gave you the right over its tomorrows to take in due yesterdays to alter fix or delete however your heart it takes to do to please, the saint.  To say as told i said. To repeat twice the name of truth, i did and three times to make sure  understands the new. Hear, yous of men, to choose i was in most of delighted.
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