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I awoke one morning from a powerful dream
my brain all flustered as if powered by steam
The images so haunting they had to be saved in word
my imagination could not write it, how absurd
As my pen hovered over my empty note book
should my dream be told, could I be mistook  
Then my powerful dream emptied into the cold morning air
left me saddened and empty and full of despair
I look at it as not a crash, but a very close miss
Because I wouldn't of been able to entertained you by writing this
"Why didn't you paint the truth
it would of taken off the Vatican roof"

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
"How much of the past
influences your everyday decisions that last"

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
O, what wonders my senses behold  
As down the garden path I amble,  
And a welcoming feast starts to unfold
As my footsteps approach the bramble  

A few startled birds dare to scold me
As I pluck the berries from their stems;  
(It would take determined arms to hold me
And restrain me from these tasty gems)  

But as a child I was taught to share,  
So my feathered friends have naught to fear.
But what is that scent invading the air?
As I turn the path, lilies appear

Casablanca lilies six feet high
Tower over me like fragrant clouds;
Small wonder mourners approvingly sigh
When white lilies adorn dead men's shrouds

Scintillating songs of mirthful birds
Gently float toward the welcoming ear
Of the listener, who, at a loss for words,
Stands in awe of this enchanted sphere

Nature's beauty begs to be caressed
By admiring eye or sensual hand;
And those who seek will find a treasure chest
Of Earth's priceless gems at their command

As the sun pompously greets the night,
Spreading flames of gold and crimson hues,
All the senses stir in utter delight,
And in such splendor poets find their muse!
Meditation is a place where we should go
When times are tough when times are slow
Go inside and meditate
Silently sit and silently wait
Soon you will see the light inside
Soon you’ll go on a magical ride
Find a teacher who knows the way
Stay with him both night and day
The world outside is cold and damp
Check out your actions and then revamp
Begin to see other as your self
Begin to know your authentic wealth
Be kind to other in humility give
It’s the only way to actively live
Change things around and go inside
Know who you are, in love abide
If I could float up to the sky,
Be with the moon and stars up high,
And hide from common earthly sight,
Never seen by day or night,
I would surely find a way,
To take you up with me to stay,
To spend our days and nights above,
With joy, laughter, happiness and love.
On the edge of sleep you are the moon
suspended in a midnight sky
shining among all the stars in heaven
A ’twinkling in your eyes

You are my Sunday morning
sharing skin between the sheets
And lazy afternoons
That leave me full, complete

You are a life long journey
A path that leads me home
A fire to stir my passion
The only one I’ve known

You’re whispers in my coffee
Sweet echoes are my cream
You‘re the rage of lustful yearnings
In my silent movie screams

Just like a speckled puppy
You bring me youthful joy
Like a candy coated confection
That leaves me wanting more

You burn with fire and flame
That robs me of my sight
You’re everything I long for
An ageless guiding light

You are a timeless vessel, dear
The maker of my sighs
A keeper of my secrets
The flame I can’t deny

You are that haunting melody
Rewinding in my head
A bold and tasty morsel
That keeps my hunger fed

In dreams…you are the moon, love
Sweet whispers in the night
You settle on my pillowslip
To make all my wrongs seem right

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