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From where i'm now sat
Within my balconied flat
I espy just beyond my windowsill
The ruins of the castle, on the hill
Rooftops below, are now coated in white
From the extra snowfall, overnight
Where the snow has fallen, for hundreds of years
The silence lies heavy, like frozen tears
Pirouetting snowflakes, natures ballet, Arabesque
A snow filled sky, a wonderland, so picturesque
Still the castle ruins, look down from the hill
That once had life, but now lies still
Where once kings, and queens, allegedly presided
Over which dragons daringly, and dangerously glided
Still the snow comes down, and decries
Like sheep's wool falling from the skies
White, and pure, and beautiful, and free
A frozen horizon, as far as the eyes can see
But soon, the snow will eventually melt
And the land will soften, and turn to felt
The skies will turn an azure blue, from a silvery grey
And the colours of Spring, will light up our day
With the butterflies, and bees, and birds in full song
The sun will grow warmer, and the days will be long
Yet i'll still remember the cool beauty, of the snow filled skies
With a myriad of memories, and dreams in my eyes
by Jemia
A year of fear
Where it lay in your head
That you could soon be dead
And that in a short space of time
You could become a victim of a virus crime
Like so many others
A dread to suffer
In a year 130 million caught it
In a year, 3 million bought it
The lockdown has ruled supreme
Stir crazy solitude, to make us scream
****** if you do, and ****** if you don't
****** if you will, and ****** if you won't
Some respite is given by the beaming sun
Vaccines eventually, hopefully, will have this virus on the run
The long tunnel, has a glimmer of light at its end
And one day, not so far away, we can hug a friend
Hopefully with a fancy, at a whim, and a kindness of fate
Us singularities, will maybe have a date?
by Jemia
Despite this being the place of my birth
I'm not to keen on planet Earth
That's my opinion, for what it's worth

When lies become truths, and truths become lies
And reality becomes a thing, often denied
That's my opinion, behind which i cannot hide

Behind the mayhem, and ******, and pillage, and ****
Existence on Earth, is like a sour grape
That's my opinion, there is no escape

Countries where LGBT people and more
Face death penalties and prison, what for?
That's my opinion, careful where you tour

The same countries, where a blind eye is turned
Of wife beaters, and paedophiles, nothing is learned
That's my opinion, my stomach is churned

And despite a climate crisis all around
The political deafness and ignorance, is quite profound
That's my opinion, a level of stupidity to astound

At the end of the day, not being funny
But much of it is about brutality, and lust for money
That's my opinion, life is like bees without the honey

And prejudices towards colours, and creeds, and race
Or simply towards the look on your face
That's my opinion, we all bleed red
Her wings were an opaque blue
Camouflaged by the ocean, over which she flew
Like a mermaid, dancing under azure  skies
As sunlight shimmered, over her opalescent thighs

Her hair had a beautiful golden sheen
And her emerald eyes, were a magical green
Her sensuous lips, were a lush ruby red
And her beauty was enough, to waken the dead

As a soft whispering zephyr blew
Over a tranquil ocean, of a turquoise hue
She began with a series of pirouettes
Accompanied by Aeolian Harps, and a beautiful sunset
A curious little butterfly
Casually hovered on by
And dallied a bit around me
Then flew up to the sky

It's wings looked a touch moth-eaten
Just like a cheese cloth shirt
I knew it was female though
As it wore a pretty skirt

It soon returned from its flutterings
To check me out once more
And asked me if i was a butterfly
Because of what i wore

I was dressed in multi-colours
From head down to my tail
But had no wings to fly with
Or sails on which to sail

The butterfly looked much amused
As it smiled a butterfly smile
Don't worry about your lack of wings
As i really love your style

I curtsied to this butterfly
But was secretly questioning why
How on earth is it possible
To converse with a butterfly?

So i racked my brains as much i ought
And pondered for a while
Then decided it didn't matter
As again i began to smile

And the fiddler in the background
Played his merry songs
The sun shone shining brightly
Throughout the day so long

The butterfly wasn't a butterfly
Beneath this shiny day
It flew off into the distance
Back to the land of Fae

by Jemia
Crossing many seas
From far far away
Through rocky oceans
And stormy skies, and spray

There are no rules
To which they have to comply
No reasons are given
Or questions of why?

No passports, or visas
Do they carry
And none of them
Are likely to marry

Yet we are happy
To be their host
As they eventually drift in
Along our short coast

The only danger they face
Is being covered in jellies
Then eaten with bread
To fill our comfortable bellies

by Jemia
just in case there's any confusion, this poem's theme is about Eels, but also about why is it okay for animal life to come to this little island, but not people seeking refuge,or a new life?
As i faced my final journey
I lay dying, upon the cold gurney
A woman came forth, and shaved off my *****
As a surgeons' assistant, inserted some tubes
My head was in a different place
Betwixt A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Star Wars' space
And wondered also, was now the time for me to die?
On this cold metallic gurney, Upon which i did lie
About one hour, into this darkly dangerous op
A balloon went awry, my life came to a stop
This part of the op, not at all nice
As my fingers, and toes, turned to ice
I heard a hint of panic, in the surgeons voice
My life lay in his hands, i had no choice
The icy feeling, crept up to my hands, and feet
The surgeon managed to manage, my fragile heartbeat
And within a few minutes, he'd rectified the wrong
As my hopes of survival, again became strong
After a total, of about three, and a half hours
I wasn't yet ready, for my graveside flowers
Face to face with my mortality, had been really intense
As i was wheeled out from surgery, now possessing four stents
This all happened 1,545 days ago today
37,080 hours, or two, and a quarter million minutes, either way
118 days later, my second op, this for my RCA
Another three, and a half hours of surgery, not a good day
As again throughout, i was kept wide awake
The thought of which, still makes me quake
After much trying, it was deemed beyond repair
Wheeled out into recovery, where i had another scare
My system had had enough, and suddenly shut down
Like busy bees, suddenly surrounded by medics all around
And brought back to existence, avoiding the doom
As i sit, write, and remember this, alone in my room
And healthier now, than way before that time
With memories of moments, so supremely sublime

by Jemia
written today 10th oct 2021
If the truth
Were to be told
That sometimes
Everything i touch
Turns to mould

by Jemia
What progress the world has achieved?
What wonders, mankind perceived?
What ignorance is inherited at birth?
About the wonders of Gaia, and planet Earth?

What madness, or insane thought?
Brought war, or its onslaught?
What crazy *******-up mind?
Destroys nature, and human-kind?

What political, or religious reason?
Caused mankind, to cause this reason?
What in hell-bent furious fury?
Lent itself to destruction, in such a hurry?

And where does the blame rest?
As Mother nature, is squeezed by the breast?
And what of her arms, in which she holds us so dear?
That now tremble, in trembling fear?

by Jemia
Just off the coast of Belgium
Through roaring seas we sailed
Riding the crest of titanic waves
Our progress was curtailed

Whilst our hearts pounded, in gaping mouths
Our mobile island, dipped deep in the water
Whilst mermaidian sirens of the deep
Tried to lure us to, a watery slaughter

Each time we plummeted downwards
Screams of terror, came from the graveyard ocean bed
Seemingly awaiting, we soldiers of the sea
Where lay the sightless, eternally weeping dead

The cargo now loose, and listingly
Lost its equilibrium, so much in need
Each sailor prepared themselves to die
On which the hungry sea, was about to feed

The only lull, lay in lifeless disarray
One crew overboard, died for us all
Yet fear delayed the wake
As we sailed through another, oceanic wall

With trembling hearts, and courage destroyed
We ventured on, towards the Hook
The calm tranquillity, of the Rhine took charge
Each sailor, gave Poseidon's grave
One last fleeting look

by Jemia
45 years ago i was third hand on a Dutch coaster, and our engines went during a force 11 severe storm of the coast of Belgium. we managed to get the engine going again, and limped in to the calm of the Rhine with a 20 degree list. poetic licence allowed me to drown someone for poetic affect, but the rest was true
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