20/M/kireaka A hankering for writing is the furnace in me and I want to use it to light up worlds that have been dull and dark 52 followers / 2.7k words
Listen dearest to the signal of distress days left me longing to wonder about the situation as l lay in bed with an open eye groaning with broken soul help dearest l call on to you to pull me out of this sorrow help for the reminiscence hurts and enemy too has considered me weak to take the fight but now that you here l feel safe in your arms
Wash us free of inequity Destroy the savage And cleanse our souls Blood that heals many Be our forever guide None is like you For you rise with glory all the time
Let the sun shine as always Let the moon reflect light from the sun Let the sky be blue for a time Let it pour like never before Let friendship be built Let it all be tested
Is it ok if i push further Further so i could get a place in your heart Faster so you could let me into your life Act weaker so you could see how vulnerable i am when around you Or stronger so you could notice the brave in me as i say , "i love you."
Love was a story everyone told A song everyone sang A danger sign on the road and so when you saw it, you had to make a U-turn And when I met you, it gave me everything Loving you gave me everything I ever wished for