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I keep wondering when all this will stop
Look outside the window & just see how peaceful everything is
With none in pain
When happiness is what drives us all
Committed to one another with trust being prior
And not to have fear
For love would have brought us all together
I'll keep waiting on that day but until then
I'm lost in my own head
Love thoughts that flower in our minds
Her heart's vulnerable to his lies
No truth comes from his lips
Sorry is what he says & sweet memories of him roam through her mind
Happy to fall for him once more
She drowns in his soul
Just seen the girl I liked & wished I could see right through her
Wished I could be her skin
Wished I could be her voice
How lovely it is to have a special person in life
For all evil seems to die out when she comes along.
Happy as always, i could sense that in her tone
Always free about anything for restricted isn't one of her choice
Delighted with a sense of humour & urge to know more
She seeks answers even a heart break  becomes inevitable
Not knowing what to do next, she lies helpless in a bed of roses
Awaiting a guardian angel to finally come by and free her from the misery that prevails after betrayal
You pretend to be happy even when your sad inside and I fall for it
Act like you don't need my company & yet you do
Blame me even when nothing is wrong & I say sorry
I believe whatever you say even when I know it isn't true
It's like you cast a spell that addled me when with you
Maybe I'm desperate
Maybe I'm sheepishly falling for you even when your flaws are more sinister than the devil's own
Unconditional love orchestrated by all means your irresistible
Give me reasons to believe this is genuine love and not an infatuation.
When I'm drowning with fear, I feel strengthened
When I'm lost, I find my way
When I'm at the bottom, I'm pulled up
I hear his encouraging voice all the time
He hasn't given up on me & I doubt he will for his love exists abundantly
His heart's filled with joy and I praise him everyday for no goodness comes except through him
Filled with hate
He picks his blade
Awaiting the next victim to take away
As scary as it is
The ripper has a sad soul
Only he know why he does what he does
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