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Mar 2021 · 334
Joyau inestimable (French)
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
Sur le chemin de l'autre côté
Quand c'est perdu
Soigneusement gardé dans le coussin
Il cherche ça.
Sur le chemin de la maison, devant le bateau
Sous le fond du four, sous le banc de la pièce, sur les côtés de la maison.
L'adolescence et la jeunesse ont traversé
Maintenant la vieillesse est venue.
Néanmoins, il garda la main dans l'espoir
Un jour, il retrouvera son précieux bijou perdu.
Mar 2021 · 219
The song of life
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
The helmsman, the cultivator of the village
Come everybody come
Go to the quay, go to the field
Time flies.

You have to raise the sail
We have to join helm to the plow
River water is surging
Waves playing in the paddy field.

Flood is in the river today
Harvest Binny rice for the next season
There is no time to sit idle
Get up by fastening the waist.
Binny is a special type of rice that is used to make
roasted rice in greater Bengal
Mar 2021 · 316
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
Burning the candle light of the heart
Do not remain sitting over there
Open the door of the soul
And go out.

No matter the boundaries far beyond
Let the life be full of pain
Widening on new wings
Do not get defeated.

Let the old path remain there
Build a new one and lead through that path
Open the door to the courtyard
And never look back.
Mar 2021 · 131
Kuber (Portuguese)
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
O nome dele é Kuber
Vive em uma área rural.
Havia um pedaço de terra, vacas para arado e uma pequena casa
Com aqueles que ele dirige sua vida.

Ele teve que vender tudo para o casamento de sua filha
Agora torne-se diarista
Come se conseguir um trabalho, caso contrário, permanece meio comido ou passando fome.

É assim que acontece, a noite chega
E as dores do desespero flutuam no ar.

Finalmente ele decidiu, ele irá para a cidade em busca de trabalho
Com tantas esperanças, um dia parte para a cidade.
Mar 2021 · 72
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
I drew a curve, do not know when
But couldn't straighten that anyhow.

I tried to draw a circle,
Finding its circumference, the circle was though drawn but could not complete.

I started painting a face,
The memory is so deeply lost,
It does not appear anymore in my mind.

I wanted to walk on a path,
The road is so steep,
So could not find the edge of the lonesome plain.

Wanted to make a formula,
But observing the depth of the numerology
Could not complete the same.

Suddenly the wind blows and I lost the path,
Now it's just the turn to play hide and seek with the heart.
Mar 2021 · 78
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
Twilight on this sandy bay
I wrote down my name.

Somewhere in the corner of life
As much pain and sorrow
I searched for them in silences all the time.

There are as many turns in the way
I was shocked to see that
Waiting goes on
Don't say a word
I built all the words in my life with the lonely soul.

Opened an account
Forgot the path on which I'm sitting
On every page of life
Untold words remain
Even I was so sitting on this path where passes a person alone.
Mar 2021 · 348
That boy of the ferry quay
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
At the Ferry quay, he sells green coconuts
A handsome looking boy
He didn't listen to anyone
Used to jump in the moving ferry
Every time, he has been warned
By many ferry drivers.

He didn't know what to fear
But, one day he fell down
While the ferry was moving
Extreme prices have to be paid
One day
It was a bit little late.

The boy falls under the ferry
Lost his fresh lived life
Just in a few moments
All vanished away from eyes.

Mother cries alone along the riverside
With pain in the chest.
Based on a true story
Mar 2021 · 309
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
Came alone, I'll go alone
Keep this in mind
Nothing will work
Relatives and friends.

On the way of coming, on the way of going
What work I have done
The calculation has to be paid
And, it has to be understood today.

Keep this thing in the mind
It is better this way
The path through you are coming and going
Let us ignite some knowledge of light.
Mar 2021 · 245
A little tranquility
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
She sits at the window side,
Tried to breathe a little peace-
Keeping aside all the marginal desires
With a mortgage on time,
With a long-distance train
Like running without a whistle,
Will suddenly stop moving,
Then take a little rest in that open courtyard-
From where the mass of the bamboo scaffolding of the fence
The open sky can be seen.

Blue sky!
She hasn't had time to look that way for a long time.
From dawn to dusk, till the evening light,
Collecting firewood,
Pushing the kitchen,
Cleans rust from old windows,
Gather the reed branches,
Washes the broth stains from husband's vest,
Putting the torn button of the elder boy's shirt,
Sew the sleeve of the little girl's dress ....

Tried to take a little leisure though;
Where did a stormy crow come from?
Sat down on the courtyard and started yelling-
"I want a little food for my hungry stomach!"

(On the eve of the International Mother’s Day:
Dedicated to the marginalized neglected mothers of rural Bengal)
On the eve of the International Mother’s Day:
Dedicated to the marginalized neglected mothers of rural Bengal
Mar 2021 · 111
Fagun time
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
The wind blows in the arena
The windows of the south are open
The morning stars are still glowing in the sky
The mind is so reckless today
The mind was filled with random thoughts
Unintentional gesture of unknown world
Floating the wind’s boat
Fagun colored the time
Playing in the light and the shadow
That is how the whole time is spent.
Fagun is the spring month in Bangla
Mar 2021 · 84
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
Two wings of the kingfisher
Who broke it?
The freedom to fly a bird
Who took away?

He's a silly bird
Did no wrong to anyone
What did he do?
That somebody did not like.

By breaking his wings
Is it a good job?
Then how he will fly
Can you say that?

(To those bird hunters)
Mar 2021 · 98
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
I will work today’s work tomorrow
That can't be done anymore
I will give happiness to this forehead, or that forehead
This will not be changed.

Whoever has the due
There is what it deserves
He has to obtain whatever there
There is no other options.

All the rules are written
HIS account is all fair
Now it's just the turn of the realization
And, you have to be patient.
Mar 2021 · 102
Little girlie
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
Dawn is here
The birds are singing on the trees
Little girlie, little girlie
Open your eyes.

Start your day by washing hands and face
You have to go to the school
After wearing various clothes
The children all are going in groups.

Learning is necessary and you have to learn
To become a great one
Foremost, becoming wise
Will lead you to be the leader of the nation.

Let it be like this
All the baby should think this way
There is no substitute for knowledge
And, you should remember that.
Mar 2021 · 432
Durga Puja
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
Dham kur kur, Dham kur kur
Playing the drum of worship
Upon the arrival of the Goddess
Everyone is chanting.

Children, young and old
Singing various songs
In the pile of tam-tams, the drums
With increased solidarity.

Goddess came on horseback
The Goddess will return with swing
Let the happiness be with her heart
Let everyone's mind be filled with hope.

The worship is going from the monastery to monastery
Worshiping the Goddess
Come on in the happiness and peace
Sprinkle light on the earth.
On the occasion of last year's Durga Puja
Mar 2021 · 262
Broken melodies
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
Listen to the broken melodies all around
When the bond was snapped
The stream of cataclysm came into the chest.

All the flowers in the garden are laying on the floor
There is no one to pick them up
The heart is full of darkness
Playing there waves of pain.

Shravana stream falls
Filled my eyes
All were washed away in the flash flood
How do I call someone.

When the courtyard has been broken
I could not see anything
Wandering alone in the empty arena
I stopped at the edge of the sunset.
Mar 2021 · 127
Flame of lamp
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
When the flame of lamp went down a storm
Never ignite it, so far I remember.

Hence, moving around in the darkness
In the midst of the familiar and the unknown,  seems to be another world.

Venus is gliding on my fate
Who will sing me the songs of the wind.

Though it could be a mistake, but walking on the way with hope
The light and the dark, both are playing around.
Mar 2021 · 53
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
Floating in the stream of time, lost
My memories
I'm sitting on the sidewalk
By opening my eyes.

What was the hope when, I
Built the home?
Look around today
Dusty sand bed.

The mind cannot obey, so
I just hope
The time, flows
Floating in the whirlwind.
Mar 2021 · 113
Hakikur Rahman Mar 2021
"Seek knowledge from swinging cot to grave"
Take the straight path, driven by conscience.

Remember that there is no alternative to straight paths
Always stay away from the curved path.

Whoever has gone the way of knowing the wise
Remember that you have to follow that right path.

Life is one but not many
We will take the benefit of it after all.
Feb 2021 · 237
Morning light
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
What a light, touches my eyes
Summons me in the new sunlight.

Swinging in the breeze,
Whatever comes in the mind, let it remain drifted.

Floats a cloudless cloud,
Let the thinking of my mind to be played there.

Play the bamboo flute,
By opening the barricade, let it fly with all the tears and laugh.

Let the hope rises in the heart,
By opening the window, let all loves, fly.
Feb 2021 · 144
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
My days are lost
On the bank of the filled river
My days are lost
With the sound of fallen leaves.

My days are lost
With the drops of the pouring rain
My days are lost
With the songs of evening birds.

My days are lost
In the airy evening sky
My days are lost
In the flickering of night stars.
Feb 2021 · 89
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
What to draw, where to put it
On the way, I see the emptiness
Time passes, no one is at any corner
That's why I am thinking, lost the key of my home.
Feb 2021 · 95
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
Taking in my hand
Arrow and bow of the time
I am sitting here on the path to life
Restless, curious.

If there comes any opportunity
I'll pull the bow
There will be no chance that will get rid of my hand
My arrow will hit.

Morning gone, evening gone
The night came
Don't look at the opportunity
Time passes.

That's how it is
When will come the opportunity, nobody knows
Hence, sitting down for eternity.
Feb 2021 · 158
Time (3)
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
There is no stopping somewhere;
No one dares to conquer;

Does not take any responsibility;
It flows to the eternity.
Feb 2021 · 891
Flowery wishes
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
Spanish cherry has erupted in the garden today
There are more flowering of unknown flowers.
Nyctanthes, China rose, Jasmine, Bela
With them the north wind is playing there.

Tuberose, queen of the night
They are known for their fragrance.
Yellow marigold and sunflower
They look so blessed.

In the shadow of Royal Poinciana
Summer sunshine falls.
Champaks, roses and gardenia
Keep the garden decorated.

Flowers blossom throughout the year
Let us see them with all eyes open.
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
Crossing one river of blood
This country has been independent
In return for the lives of millions of martyrs
We've got it.

How many mothers in tears
The soil becomes wet
This is my country
This is purer than gold.

The people who gave life for this country
Who gave the breath
In remembrance of them let us
sing the victory song.

(On the occasion of International Mother Language day)
Feb 2021 · 83
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
The one who plays the flute
I was sitting by opening the window
He never played the flute.

With that tune I would like to sing a song
I thought by the corner of the heart
Could not sing anymore.

To draw a picture of someone
I caught the paint and brush
Never I could paint.

That's the way to go
I went out from the door
Could not walk on the path anymore.

To decorate in the bloomed color
Remained prepared for sometimes
Never could paint with the mind.
Feb 2021 · 478
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
Increase the scope of knowledge
Stand in front with a full-fledged heart.
Silly never on earth
Can't be prosperous
The light of knowledge need to be burn
Increase consciousness.

Knowledge will show the way to the end
There is success in knowledge
Ignorance pulls backwards
Brings failure.

Knowledge can give in today's world
New self-esteem
That way you have to forward your steps
Be wise in knowledge.
Feb 2021 · 113
Unsent letter
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
Once he met, the ex-girlfriend of a friend
He used to like her, but could not tell her the truth
One day while she was dancing with the friend
(At that time, they did not become ex),
When she comes near him, he could smell her body
It is like a beauty soap, or an unknown perfume, or a nameless flower
So pure, so pleasant, so charming, he cannot describe
But, the smell remained in his heart for a long time.

She was so pretty; he thought he could sing a song for her
One song, two songs, three songs, songs forever
In fact, if she passes by him, even with his closed eye
He could tell her presence
So, to see her for a glance, he remained standing on the way
She comes and goes.

One day gone, two days gone, three days gone
Numerous days gone
She never passes through this way
But, for her he left some yellow flowers on the path
Not all yellow, with a red spot in the middle
In the hope that someday, she will pass through the way
And maybe she will recognize the flowers.

However, one day he wrote a letter for her
I quote, “And here goes the infinite solitude of a
Broken heart, who remains imprisoned forever
In your absence… , if you feel the tears of my eyes
Falling from the sky, you will understand that
Someone was there for you”.

But, for some unknown reasons, he never sent the letter
He kept it under the wet pillow.

(Inspired by a true story)
Feb 2021 · 135
Kajla girl
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
Kajla, the daughter of Kusumpur, has anyone saw her?
I could not see her anymore, by the Ichhapura's bend.

She was like a banister, a smile was always on her face
Repeatedly, it seems, let's look at her.

Naughty was cute, listened to no one
That would be the end, it wasn't known.

To collect the water lily, she went there
Did not return and come home, everyone looked for her.

What about that girl, and nobody remembers now
Hope there will be one day, when I could see the Kajla girl again.

(In memory of a young girl who went to collect water lily
and never come back)
Feb 2021 · 109
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
Leave vengeance, slander, abdication
There is no achievement in harming others.
Build your life with patience
Fight against evil and injustice all the time.

When someone is in danger, raise your hand
Respect to the elders, do not harm them.
Receive the happiness that the Lord has given you
In no way do not break your integrity.

There will be nothing in the world of short days
If you do something what is good, they will go behind you.
Feb 2021 · 95
The river of life
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
What are you doing for hours and hours?
The movements of life can be measured!
It is like a river
Sometimes straight, sometimes bend.

In the monsoon, the river flows
By swallowing two sides
Like the life in full of youth
The euphoria takes over.

Such a river as ever-flowing
Sometimes is ever quiet
Life is so desperate
Sometimes become tired.

Like a river, passing so many ways
Runs into the sea
By leaving everything in life
Have to go to my own home.
Feb 2021 · 149
Inundated Padma
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
Oh Padma, in this filled month of Vador, what the look are you showing?
At the break of the wave, you break harder, now what else do you want?

The wider region disappears into your womb
Loosing all, those villagers are just looking at you.

How many homes were lost in the blink of an eye?
Where to find the oven for cooking, where to find the ***?

The farmer see the darkness, where to cultivate
People's hand on the head, where will they live.

In doing so, do you have any end?
Everything went under the water, there is no remaining.
Feb 2021 · 333
Life is a bird
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
This is an outstanding feeling
On the pages of memory
Seems all sorted out
It's like an exchange of nuggets.

When has it crossed
How long is it left
Walking through the door of memory
The wrath of words
Is everything in order?

Gone yesterday
Crossed it
Now let's put it for tomorrow
When will the life fly away
Leaving all the delusion
This is the life of a caged bird.
Feb 2021 · 131
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
Within the corridor of the heart, trembling with sleep
The watchman of the Seven Seas is like a light gesture.

Unrestricted sentiments play out across the mind
Rareness is spread in the arms of darkness.

Find here and there so it's back to the speediness again
The decorated gardens were surrounded by solitude.

When to lose the wealth of desire to float in water of eyes
Looking up at the night sky so hoping to get back.
Feb 2021 · 158
Early childhood
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
My mind remains
In the water lily floated on the pond side
My heart remains
In the rows of the mango field.

When it rains in the summer
The team of child jumps in the water
Climbing up on the tree
Finding a nest of the bird.

On a palm tree on a winter day
Swallowing all the juice
As evening falls
Runaway to the village market.

A childhood memory room
Chilled inside the mind
Those are the times
Still, the memories are inside the heart.
Feb 2021 · 189
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
Guru makes three folds on his forehead
He said to the students:
"Study the rest for yourself",
And then
Slowly he walked towards his room.

He is great
His knowledge does not compare to this earth
Stay serious
His mild voice could not be easily heard.

Always stay dedicated
A wealth of knowledge on how to grow
He is not a pair in search of knowledge
Somehow he did not give up, neither he lose courage.

Being such person’s disciple
It is the gift of great fortune
These gurus for ages
You have made richness a great, famous story.

(Dedicated to my best Guru, Prof. Nassir Sabah;
Still I remember his open book and open time questions!)
Feb 2021 · 422
The right path
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
Seeing the time is the right way
Have to take the steps
Otherwise, sooner or later
It may fall back.

If the foot falls in the wrong direction
Once in a lifetime
Lots of efforts need to be burn
In getting to the right path.

Running one mistake from the other
Will make filthy
It will not be possible anymore
To stand up straight.

That's why I think so
Go in the right path
Bring goodness to life
And, find peace in your heart.
Feb 2021 · 106
Lost tune
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
There is no tune in the song
When was it lost?
The memory nevertheless pursued
The search is just for that.

On the way, while walking and talking
Was the ever-present tune
In the midst of thinking, in everyday work
The heart was full.

By no means unknown, it takes shelter
I thought that today
As much effort, I give
I don't feel like doing anything.

Lost the tune, endlessly
That is no longer the end
Yet around hope, sitting on the shore
I try to cross over.
Feb 2021 · 89
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
Putting someone’s blame on someone’s neck
The result cannot be the same
Luck is what is written
That's it
Nothing else can be done.

For some temporary benefit
We try to do any work
Not in the eye we have
Any shame.

Anyone who does wrong
Anyone who accompany him
Both are in time
Will be in the conflagration.

Consciously listening
It's good to go ahead
The walk will be straight
We can see the light on the way.
Feb 2021 · 99
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
The bride wearing the veil walks away
The evening star peeps
Her face is full of smiles
Heart becomes passionate by looking at her.

In the house by lighting the evening lamp
Covered with her fringe
Her bashful and timid glance woke up trembling
However, the hand is extended.

What a line on the silent face
Nobody understood
She is tired of the illusion of home
At the same time incineration in the heart.
Feb 2021 · 102
I wanted to walk
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
I wanted to walk a little,
With the scent of the gentle breeze of the morning full of life-
But could not walk, due to the thorns of the path.

I wanted to walk a little, at that dawn-
When the morning prayer ends -
Whenever the dew did not fall on the grass,
The fireflies in the bamboo grove are just trying to sleep.

In the lukewarm water of the side of the paved pond
Even though no one came to wash their feet, which is still covered with fog,
The reed branch in the middle of the pond is throbbing
Shaking with the water, there is still no wave
The red grasshopper did not come and sit.

Sitting on a branch of a tree, the two baby birds sit under the mother's wings
Stretched their bodies
The sun painted by deep red is still there
They did not fall on their wings.

The little girl wrapped in mother's lap and asleep,
Dream aunties are still sleeping from her eyes
They didn't leave yet.

Beloved mother still covers the house,
The breakfast time didn't start.
One by one the flowers started falling on the bottom from the bud -
But the gardener's little girl got the hem of the sari,
Hasn't come to pick them yet.

A few days ago the storm broke the branch
Through the gaps in the branches of the Star apple tree, the golden light of the sun
Hasn't come to the corner of the yard yet.

I wanted to walk a little along the path-
But could not walk due to the thorns,
Who knows how to walk in a skillful way with thorns
They were spread out so that the foot becomes ******-
So I didn't walk anymore.
Feb 2021 · 325
Autumn morning
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
The drizzling wind delights the mind
Snow white cloud floats in blue sky.
The white catkin has covered the forest
Looks like another world.

Morning of autumn is very charming
Drives away pains from the heart.
The martins are playing in the field
Rows of boat are tied in the quay.

The boys and girls are going to the school in groups
The shepherd is running towards the field with the wicker hat on his head.
Farmers thrive in the field with all the sickles
The village wife is washing the child, in the pool pond.

Water lily blossoms in big pond
Jasminum flumie, jasminum sambac and mimusops elengi flower fill with sweet aroma.
Can you ever see this sort of scene, elsewhere?
There is no limit of beauty in the beautiful Bengal.
Feb 2021 · 136
The distressed earth
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
Here comes the depression
Heat is increasing under earth of treeless soil.

Hello Sunflowers!
Why are you so sad in the sunless sunshine?

Hello Mulberry flowers
Why is the Cuckoos do not sing in the forest as before?

Hello Human!
You are destroying all the trees in the name of development!

Hello Celestial chorister!
Are you going to sing only in heaven, for a while
come down to the earth, and resuscitate everyone with your melodious tunes.

Hello Helmsman!
By covering your mercy,
Rescue this humankind in this earth.
Feb 2021 · 82
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
It's the time to dream
Shuffling the mind
The dream comes absentmindedly
Playing at the corner of the heart.

Be the young or old, dream all
There is no witness of dreams, though.
Dream comes within the scene of its own
Some dreams suddenly becomes true.

There are no meaning of many dreams
Yet no one can stop dreaming.

Night passes by dreaming
This is a mystery of creation
When someone stops dreaming
All the commentary on life will stop.
Feb 2021 · 80
Morning light
Hakikur Rahman Feb 2021
The morning light fall on the face
The light of hope awakened again in the chest.

Encouragement to go ahead with the new day's spirit
Cut out of darkness, and cannot be pushed back.

The clear wind is blowing out all around, the call is always open
It's good to forget the back day, keep up the determination.

The sky has got the new sun filled with sparkling light
Let the light of hope be torched in every heart.
Jan 2021 · 112
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Putting water in the beak
Lets her nestling to drink
Puts food inside the mouth
Lets her nestling to eat.

In winter-spring-summer-rainy season
She keeps her nestlings under her own wings
Not eating herself
Give the baby food to the mouth.

Let the earth be in hostility
How did you forget that mother?

Ten months ten days
keeping inside the belly
But, laughing
How many hopes in the heart.

During the time to be born
How much pain she bears
Yet smile on her face
When she hears her baby’s cry.

Enfolding in her chest
She remains extremely happy
She forward her hands
Call the baby towards her.

When the child becomes sick, afterwards
She cares for her whole night and day
Provides continuous attendance
Nevertheless, her face remains bright.

Not eating herself
Give the baby food to the mouth
Let the earth be in hostility
How did you forget that mother?
Jan 2021 · 228
Beauty of Bengal
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
How many rivers flow
The estuarine estuary of this delta of the Bengal.
Looking at the bewildered beauty
It's not too late to fall in love.

There are gold paddy in the field
On the side of the field, filled with the peasant’s song
The garden is filled with sweet mango
Southern air flows over the mild river.

I heard the shepherd's flute
Joy and smile while playing with the children
Jasmine, belly in flourish
Pankouri and kingfishers are playing in the water.

The bird's are singing on the branches
The dusk dumped in the galaxy in the distance.
I am fascinated by the beauty of Bengal
The water of pleasantness comes down to the cheek.
Jan 2021 · 91
Birds of life
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
This is an astounding feeling
On each the page of the memory
Seems, all are arranged
Such an exemplary gown.

When is it crossed
How long time is left
Turn around the door of memories
In the words of speech
Let us all be decorated.

Yesterday was gone
Crossed over
Let's keep in mind the tomorrow
When it will fly
Leaving all the illusion
This life is a caged bird.
Jan 2021 · 95
Apathetic wind
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Floating in the air, the windy breeze
All the tears and smiles were gone.

Like the mist
Floating my memories
The torned wire of the harp
Speech of consciousness
Gave me a summon.

With anxiety, kept the door open
Sit in excitement
Relaxed! Never knew
Hold tight the stir again
Hanging in my neck, the loser’s chain.
Jan 2021 · 69
Safe road
Hakikur Rahman Jan 2021
Unnecessarily driving the car fast
is not desirable
The dangers that might come from the front, from the back
Fear is in every step.

If we do not obey the traffic laws
And keep driving
Any time
There may be a big accident.

Driving unfit cars on the street
is a big crime
So why, bet on the life
Why taking slander.

Be steady, drive nicely
Run our car
Safely and without anxiety
Let us return to the home safe.
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