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Sprinklers Watering the garden yard
a turtle slid down a hill landing hard. Walking on a path of cobble stone
is a Precarious way to say hello alone

Super dog noticed him first
Very curious searching for a water burst 
 Big as a football came from good seed.
The first order of business, food weeds,

A box water greenery survival what to eat.
Definitely keep them off of the street.
Identified as A Red Eyed Slider Turtle
common for these parts their fertile  

Yellow and Red stripes on his face and feet.
His shell looks like he took some heat.
Sticking his head out of his Shell
To look at his new space safe and well

Standing on his hind feet tall
Trying to get over the box wall
This turtle’s habitat is in water a float
Filled water in the base of the boat

Was this a pet, asked neighbors to no avail
He needed a forever home too early to tell
Turtle bay will not take a stray
Haven humane had a lot to say

Wild turtles are common in these parts
Will travel miles to water he’s smart
Take him to a lake river or stream
One that doesn’t dry up from heat steam

A water source fountainhead to call home
A place with other turtles, so he’s not alone
Twin pines Mobile home has a large pond
Two streams run in and out far beyond

The pond is home to ducks turtles frogs
Elderly spy deer while they walk dogs
A protected sanctuary Critters of all kinds
Look closely count how many you can find

The turtle was put on the bank of the pond
His examined the water beyond
He slid down the bank a torpedo tank
One smooth swoop, and he was gone

in the middle of the pond an island bar
His head popped up his swim wasn’t far
The Pond leads to rivers streams as far as San Francisco Bay many places to play

I imagine he came for help that fateful day
Escaping heat no water red dirt of clay
Little fertile turtle our two day turtle
We visit. He has a home to roam and play
BLT Webster’s Word of the Day challenge
A word usually encountered in literary content that refers to the origin or source of some thing

Little fertile turtle, is that the same pond with Mrs. Fiddle, and Mr. Faddle, and little paddle
While do you sound like a little stories and nursery rhymes they’re based on real events
He left at 67.

No one knew
he caught the first light
through the window glass

smelled dew when autumn came
was joyous at the trills of birds
caught all the blue in his eyes
and smiled the sky was his.

No one knows
if it was too early to go.

He knew
he was briefly happy.
It’s so much more than
Hotdogs  potato salad

Do people realize
The price cost paid  for freedom
Soldiers died for us

People disrespect
Burn our flag hate our country
Rewrite history

Destroy monuments
Protest hate woke division
Social Marxist change

Rights to opinion
When is your voice a weapon?
Riots escalate

What is their purpose?
To create a Civil War?
Complete take over

Terrorist come in
We watch Civil War begin
Take over who wins?

How can we see clear?
What is next for our country?
Stand or will she fall?
BLT Websters word of the day Challenge
7-4-24 patriotism
A person who loves her country
a series of haiku one person makes a statement or ask a question the next person replies, and that continues until you come to a conclusion,
it’s a collaborative effort of poets
However, I was the poet on consecutive days replying to the question from different points of you. It’s rather hard to do.
Almost tattered with oil spots and all
when it was gifted I really can't recall
the colors are faded the surface rough
but in my possession is no better stuff.

The smell is old with layers of years
wiped bath water, sweat and tears
rubs me tender whispers sweetly
in love with you please don't leave me.

My old buddy without a name
hugs my skin covers my shame
post the showers it's been my muse
still not useless from years of use.

Why it's so special why can't I leave
the torn old thing holds love I believe
the touch of love that's never really gone
in a parting gift from the father to the son.
Poetry in motion,
                Single basketball  player
                        shooting hoops
                               Motor cross
                                    dirt bike
            ­                              doing loop de loops

Bounce bounce
           lay up the ball
                we hope the bike
                      riders do not fall
                              children birthday party
                                         bouncy house
                                                     kids at play
yes it is
      a beautiful day
            The butterflies
                   are teaming
                        Floating on bye
                                 surprised child
                                       screech is a loud cry
Birds are singing
                   Not a worry
                        not to care
                               This story
                                     it’s just a slice
                                           of God’s glory
            this day with
                   photos that say
                           I hope time
                                it’ll always be
                                     a cherished
                                           memory of mine
Walking the park
                A jaybird a lark
                              In the glade
                                  Thick trees shade,
                                            friendly dogs
                                                        walk on by
With pride they
           sniff each backside
                and say hi.
                   His favorite of those
                        lady Daisy
                            rolls over and
                                  kisses his nose.  
                                          they’re in love
                                                as the story goes
BLT Websters word of the day Challenge
7-2-24 glade
A clearing surrounded by trees woods
Written 5-4-24
faded mauve
fluttering along
selenitic walks
the sound of
abandoned ship bells
in the far
parlor north
but the guilt of
wind is silent
like Venetian whispers
from motionless lips

us, then
inward and upward
one step too far
a house of strangers
tipping like boats
seaworthy as sleep
oars divide
the ocean
but framed pictures
and love letters
unite the walls
to this unstable floor
then, us
always, us

I learned in school but what a pity
Forgot raindrops fall with constant velocity
It's not by chance but a matter of balance
Betwixt the weight of the falling drop
And sum of the buyoant force and friction of air.

But to be very fair I really don't bother
And when there's smell of rain in the air
Without thinking about laws of motion
I take a brolly or any other precaution
Yet I feel it a joyous achievement
When I lay my head bare to the firmament
So they pour and drench me every bit
Dollops of raindrops cool and sweet
Can't be defined in words the wellness I feel
When over me from the tree the drops spill.
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