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Syafie R
23/M/Malaysia    Syafie R. writes with raw emotion, exploring the fragile balance between healing and inner turmoil. His poems delve into the quiet spaces of the soul, …
Shaun Yee
Italy/Malaysia    I am a Malaysian and residing in Milan in Italy. I have been writing poems as a hobby ever since I was around 16 years …
22/M/south africa    Heya im Thyreez! (Thy for short if ya want.) I Hope a blessed day for you. An aspiring writer and a person just looking for …
30/M/London    Just another Londoner experiencing life through Music, Art and most importantly poetry. "Enjoy it while you're here" in the words of the pensioners in my …
Menna Abd-Eldaiem
F    Translator, graphic designer, and Poetess
F/Malta    Merħba u grazzi, prosit kollha tax-xogħol sabieħ.
silent echo
The Haunting
M/Near the eye of the Abyss   
Richard Shepherd
54/M/England    I do not consider myself a writer ...I just like writing
Thomas P Owens Sr
M/New Market, Va    Lover of poetry, film, comedy, the paranormal, OBX, Rush and women named Eve
Amanda Kay Burke
29/F/Alaska    "Those who do not understand true pain will never understand true peace"
Michael Sean Maloney
eleanor prince
Australia    may light ignite - where shadow sits alone - tell me what you sense - when etchings raw you read - and how my exploits …
18/F    An 18 year old wanna be poet wishes to have her words heard and felt .Poetry gives her a sense of individuality and purpose that …
13/F/NJ/silently screaming    I'm just a 13 yo girl who wants to share some of her thoughts with a world of like-minded people. I have a skin-picking disorder, …
16/Transmasculine/Nowhere    Writing from the heart and a chaotic mind. The chaos continues. Do my words reach you..?
where East meets West    Feeling Playing Recycling myself Writing as a way of being together
Sarah Kruger
Shane Lease
29/M/United States   
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