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Jun 2020 · 231
Love is Divine
Ashish Khurana Jun 2020
I can't love you partly
l can't love you in bits and pieces
I accept you completely
with all your virtues and vices

I don't like everything about you
but I have my flaws too
it's not about who is right or wrong
its about making our bond strong

beyond what we say or do
somewhere within me and you
is a beautiful and sacred shrine
where resides the ultimate divine
which connects your
soul to mine.
Love is Divine
May 2020 · 145
Little bit about me and you
Ashish Khurana May 2020
whatever you say about me
says something about you too
there is little bit of you in me
there is little bit of me in you!
May 2020 · 193
Ashish Khurana May 2020

good and bad
right and wrong
love and hate
beautiful and ugly
god and devil

is an undivided me
at home with my self
May 2020 · 133
Nothing to Everything
Ashish Khurana May 2020
Who is looking at me from behind my eyes?
Is it me or someone else?
Am I just this body of flesh and bones?
Or the mind filled with clouds of thought

I have dared to dive to the deepest within me
I have tried to reach the highest in myself
Still everything under the earth is hidden to me
And beyond the sky is a secret to my ignorant self

Like the light that comes out of darkness
Everything came out of nothing

The Sun has risen somewhere within me,
Ending the dark night of the soul, revealing my real Being
In that moment of realization, it became clear to me
I have to be Nothing, to become the source of Everything

— The End —