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  Dec 2021 Mary Anne Norton
Rama Krsna
🔥🔥🔥 poems🔥🔥🔥
🔥are  🔥often 🔥birthed🔥
🔥 in🔥fiery🔥 moments  🔥🔥
🔥🔥where 🔥life🔥 is🔥 lived🔥
🔥 right  🔥at the razor’s edge🔥🔥
🔥while🔥firmly 🔥🔥immersed🔥
🔥🔥🔥🔥 pure awareness🔥🔥🔥

  © 2021
dedicated to all my fellow poets on HP
Mary Anne Norton Dec 2021
Breathe in and breathe out
Aware of life all around
And life from within
Mary Anne Norton Dec 2021
There's a song
Deep  d
In my heart
Waiting to be sung
Composed of the
Highs and lows
Joys and sorrows
The melody stuck
Between the thorns
And the rose
Ooohhh there's a
Song in my heart
Waiting to be sung

Mary Anne Norton Dec 2021
Watching children skipping
Playing ball , running fast
Laughing out loud
Watching the sun
Petting a dog,
Chasing a cat
Holding  tight to
Momma's hand
Did this happen
To me
Or while Watching
Did I just imagine
Mary Anne Norton Dec 2021
The darkness is here
Jesus will bring us His light
Early Christmas morn
Mary Anne Norton Dec 2021
Christmas is coming
Neighbors are hanging out lights
Bringing Christmas cheer
Mary Anne Norton Dec 2021
I listen all around
As nature awakens
The early morning
The happy sound
Of a gull
Soaring overhead
Enjoying the moment
Fish hiding from
Their captors
Waves dancing in song
Birds in trees
Answering their
Mate's  call
Last of leaves
Spiraling toward
The ground
Dried grass
Sound of a runner's shoe
Quietly hitting the
Well worn path
Who needs change
Silence is golden
Yesterday in the park.Such a lovely, December morning .
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