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 Oct 2022 Chuck Kean
Mitch Prax
All too often,
we lust for the
face of beauty
rather than fall in love
with the soul
of the being.
I write by closing my eyes and scribbling on a napkin. Then I flip it upside down and whatever it initially looks like becomes the subject of my thoughts...

I dream in doodles
Now it all makes sense
Whatever you need to do
There was a time
when music meant
more than the
heartbeat in my chest

Through its veins
flowed notes of great inspiration

The heart raced to the rhythms , escalating elations

The spirit soared in explosions of glory and verbal fireworks awed

The vibrations tingled the
chill of skin

Who would have believed it could feel so great within

That was this , that was then
Even the birds are quiet,
This household of years.
The clocks rhythm is to
your heartbeat.

No one here knows the
secret of unbelonging
The jewel that is hidden
beneath my crying soul.

The incessant wait.
The door that squeaks your
name in a long mantra.

Do let me find the core of
you, the deep of your gone
ness.  The shine of the seat
of your soul is under the
tears of thin smiles and

When all along the door keeps
shutting.  The snap of the
lock is crash to my whispered
prayer.  Profound is to the
leaf on the wind as the dreams
of nights long silence.

Coping is a sign on the road
that says goodbye.
The turn in the plaid of
letting go.

The winds of possibilities
blow over me to the breeze


Caroline Shank
 Oct 2022 Chuck Kean
new light
 Oct 2022 Chuck Kean
You gave life to me
You brought me home
So small and fragile,
you make me strong

I give you all my sleep
and all my waking hours
so you know I am yours
as much as you are ours

You show me the world
in a never before seen light
So pure and young,
only knowing right

I give you my body-
now mind and spirit, too,
and hope you find it as healing
as I find you

You are made of love,
my sweet, gentle friend
Born to me an angel,
you give me strength

I give you all my comfort
I give you all I have left
because all I have
and all I am
is yours
For Leo
Us poet's collide with the shore,
with our expression and
drawn out breathes.

It's like the birth of a star
but it's too dimly lit at first.

Until the galaxy gets ahold of our word's.

It pulls and tugs on our poetic tongue's forcing explosive expression to burst forth, and here we are.
 Oct 2022 Chuck Kean
Jena T
 Oct 2022 Chuck Kean
Jena T
Like honey on the lips
A sweet taste of what was,
And will be.
The shadows dancing,
Whispering their thoughts

Does this life within know,
What it has begun?
The veil lifts, Ever briefly
Seeing beyond,
Only a glimpse

Will it live to breathe for a first time?
As the shadows dance,
Life of mine,
Not mine to find,
A lost soul, not this time

A pendulum that started,
Before I knew it swung
The momentum of life,
Runs away
And is starting again

Sweet sickle by my side,
Cleaving golden eyes.
My little drop of sunshine,
I’ve forgotten so much,
Forgive me.

I came with a restless gaze,
And a stormy light.
My decisions aren’t always right,
And I worry I lack the strength for life,
But I know this time,
It was made long before I breathed my first cry.
God is in all the unexpected places
In mountain highs
In valley lows
Everywhere He leaves you signs.
In every moment of the day
In every moment of your life.

Shell ✨🐚
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