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Sometimes we need to pause
Just stop what we are doing
Quit pushing
Just be still
We are always in a rush
To move quickly
To do more
Sometimes we need to pause
To become quiet
To think
To reflect
Before moving forward again
It helps with creativity
And well-being
Just pause
She's not an open book.

She's a mystery to be solved,

An enigma to be fathomed.

But I love the way she is.
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
Anais Vionet
We are poor creatures
slimy organs imprisoned in flesh.
The sun burns us, water drowns us
our lives are rough and short,
we’re little more than talking dust.

We all howl with angry doubts.

Our art may dry and chip
our science could let us down,
our poets stammer and grow quiet.

Humanity has always been imperfect,
but some of us are trying. We see the stars,
we know passion, we sing and dance
and are indomitable - join us-
because the best is yet to come
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Indomitable: “impossible to defeat or discourage”
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
She sang a song
of ice and snow
and dreamed of oceans
swaying slow
She swam through clouds
and flew near stars
Fell so proud
and dove so far

She was a sad harmony
A song she unsung
A silence unheard
A deed undone

She hummed a tune
of fish and birds
and bore with devotion
The beasts she herds
She swam through life
and flew from death
Fell from strife
and dove bereft

She was a sweet melody
A smile she unsmiled
A violence in violet
My hope she defiled

She sang a song
that twists the mind
and played my emotions
Leaving me blind
I swam near folly
and flew through sin
I fell in love
and dove right in
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
I want more,
This life is a bore,
I want colours dancing around me, from within me,
Creativity bursting like stars,
Lifting me off the ground,
I want magic.
 Jun 2023 Chuck Kean
Edmund black
the happy hearts,
the broken hearts,
the sparkling hearts,
the hurting hearts,
the tearful hearts,
the lost hearts,
The confusing hearts
the beating hearts,
the silent hearts,
the tearful hearts,
The sad hearts,
the blessed hearts,
the blooming hearts,
the childlike hearts,
the old soul hearts,
the dreamy hearts,
the beautiful hearts,
The poetic hearts,
No matter the journey
Through thick and thin
as long as we are together,
we are not alone
The game is never over
Rise with grace
And win the race ❤️
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