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 Dec 2019 Carla
Because of you
 Dec 2019 Carla
My love for you
make me a poet
for your eyes only

to stroll
through the lines
to reach out
and caress my heart
Thank for the kindness of the one and only person
 Dec 2019 Carla
Sometimes Starr
The world meets my brain in acidic red
Puffy-eyed, childlike, wrong side of the bed
Swollen feet fumble for steps that seek only
To placate the mind for each baby bird moment

My golden track winds out to the sea
But it's empty
And I'm riding the much simpler bronze one
And not making it easy
Let this be our secret
We messed up, so quick
Pile on the dirt
And don't mark my grave
 Dec 2019 Carla
In the middle of Reality and surrealism is where you will find me.
Finding it may be difficult to differentiate.
Everyone seeks to find the way to reality.
Asking for guidance might help gravitate.
Time has always taken it's time.
Causing detachment from everything, everyone even me.
Learning, healing and being is my aim.
Hoping I'll be able to digest the end.

— The End —