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80 · Feb 2020
Aging Desire
Aimée Feb 2020
When I was young
I learned of my inky blood
My paper bones, and graphite mind

When I was young
I wrote to please my family
Who loved words even if they were mine

When I aged
And the world grew strange
I wrote for me to understand that time

When I aged
And those words were for me
I was scared to share those precious things

Now I am old
And am starting to share
The words that have been trapped inside

Now I am old
And still young at heart
Wondering if others will appreciate my art
79 · Dec 2022
Aimée Dec 2022
My world didn't end when we did

We both got an "after"

The only difference is yours is happy

And mine isn't over
Aimée May 2023
"If you love something let it go,
If it love you, it'll come back"

An idea all must try
But what if testing the theory
Leaves me terrified?

One go is all I have.
Failure means a future
Blurred in the unknown.

But I can't live everyday
Ever wondering
if she can't love me.

So I look her in the eyes
Across the mirrored divide
And I let myself go

I let go of my grudges,
Of my criticisms,
And my cynicism

I let her take all my hope
All my confidence
Willing to suffer the consequence

Let the door to my heart
Hang wide on it's hinges
In faith that I'll come back
77 · Aug 2023
Pretty in Poetry
Aimée Aug 2023
I can't get rid of the pain
It's nothing I can change

But I can adorn it with analogies,
A decoration of double meanings

And then if it must be
At least it will be lovely
77 · Feb 2023
Aimée Feb 2023
□ □ □ □
You could take me any place in the world

And I don't believe it would be better

Than being in your arms
□ □ □ □
Some people give the best hugs :)
76 · Feb 2023
Writing Reality
Aimée Feb 2023
Your mind is an artisan of words,

Infusing the mundane with fantasy

Crafting dreams to reality

So pick it up like a pen

And write yourself a better story
76 · Feb 2020
The Saint and the Sinner
Aimée Feb 2020
I dated the bad boy,

And I loved the saint.

One ruined my kindness,

The other ruined with kindness.

Now I can't tell the difference,

Between the hero and the villain.
76 · Dec 2022
Slight Showers
Aimée Dec 2022
You changed the climate

With just a passing compliment,

You were the rain,

That fell on an arid desert plain

Your kindness fell on me

And it no longer hurt to breathe
Words can change worlds
75 · Jan 2020
Paper beats fire
Aimée Jan 2020
What part of the words on the page
Unravels my confusion
And extinguishes my rage

I could just succumb to sleep
Or peruse a book
Or fall to my bed and weep

But forever and ever I return
To paper and pen
To work away the burn
Maybe when I see the mess from my head organized on the page I can leave it be. Maybe that's the only way it ever feels over.
Aimée Feb 2020
If only I could live a hundred life times
To learn ten thousand stories
From the mouths of those survivors
Who lived them on their journeys

And spend a million moments
Unraveling every mystery
From the mundane to the magical
Till I can recite all their histories

Let me spend my waking days
Discovering all the greatest wonders
Hidden in edenic cravasses
And where worlds are torn asunder

But what an incredible waste
To know these mysteries and wonders
If they never make it to the page
Leaving my heart and mind encumbered

With the wisdom of infinity
Without the youthful promise of eternity.
Of all of the amazing things in this world people take the cake. This is because people always have to most incredible stories and once you know a person's story you can never truly hate them.
75 · Feb 2023
A Hard Right
Aimée Feb 2023
Should I give up on the right way,

When the easy way

Looks to get me there so much sooner?
75 · Jun 2023
This Surreal Somewhere
Aimée Jun 2023
I live in The Somewhere
Between here and there
Between indifferent and I care
Between always looking away and long stares
Between brave enough to speak
And if only I wasn't scared

My heart aches in The Somewhere
Between a couple and a pair
Between this is okay and it's not fair
Between broken and repaired
Between brand new to love
And worn-out with ware

Trapped in the middle...I tear
Between being a 1st choice and a spare
Between hold my silence n' clear the air
Between joy and despair
Between a green light and a red flare
Between I'll take this risk by loving you
and really I don't dare
75 · Aug 2022
My Demon Returns
Aimée Aug 2022
"Home again home again
My my it's been a while"
My old demon sneers
With his sickening smile

"Hope you didn't dream
I'd never come back"
He scowls and snarls
"You're not lucky 'nough for that"

I shiver in shock
Then shatter and shrink
I thought I was free
The only thing I can think

"You aren't free at all
Never were, never will be"
He says, his shadow surrounding
"Never enough to beat me"

Deep in my darkening mind
A little light doesn't give in
Stalwart and small, it says
Not by much but we're stronger than then

The little candle isn't enough
To dispel my old demon
But enough to build myself on
A hope to believe in
74 · Mar 2023
The Search
Aimée Mar 2023
I read

I read in search of potent words

Not the ones that take me by the hand,

But by the soul and pull me skyward

And into the adventure of a lifetime

Even if it takes a lifetime,
They'll be worth the wait
74 · Oct 2022
Safety Granted
Aimée Oct 2022
Tell me again
Where I am safe again
The house I'm within?
In the crowd of a million?
Anywhere the sun is shinin'?

Do you really believe this?
Because I really believed this
'Til I met those who readily dismiss
The rules on which we subsist
Who turn safety into an abyss

Because that's the thing about being safe,
We aren't the only ones who get a say
And it's not hard for another to take it away
73 · Apr 2023
Polar Star
Aimée Apr 2023
I thought I was broken
A star who watched it all but never moved
A map without a key
A compass that wouldn't point true

Until I met you,
A guide, you could never lose
You, who read me easily,
The one my heart pointed to
You are NOT broken, you just haven't found the people who make you feel whole yet
73 · May 2023
Rising Questions
Aimée May 2023
You'll never see tomorrow's sunrise.
Were you afraid it wouldn't come?

Was the darkness too empty?  
Or the night too long?
Was last night for you this lonely?

Would this horizon have made you smile?
Or one more worry for the list?

Were the demands on you too great?
Was there a tipping point I missed?
Or something that could've made you stay?
Questions without answers
73 · Feb 2020
Intention Attention
Aimée Feb 2020
Once I wondered if I show give my poems to those whom they are about

To show them the pain that leak out of my pen in between the anger and regret

I wondered if giving them my anguish cloaked in paper would free me

Would the ink from the page seep into their fingers and stain them, like they did me

And I want it; I want it like broken glass shards want to cut, to give the pain away

As if additional pain ever made a glass cup whole again, able to be filled again

But then I remembered that I was the victim not perpetrator and I never will be like them

So I will show my pain to the world not in vengeance but anonymity
73 · Mar 2023
Not Wholly Parted
Aimée Mar 2023
I know you had to leave
So thank you for leaving
Pieces of you behind
In everything you loved

I'll seek them like a treasure hunt
And they'll find me when I fall
And they'll make smile with my heart
Until we meet again
73 · Jun 2023
A Comforting Breeze
Aimée Jun 2023
I want to stay in the place
Where the wind holds sway

Where I can whisper my story
And with a whoosh he'll wisk it on it's way

From my cheeks, he'll brush tears
And with my hair he will play

He'll whistle a quiet tune
Until I drift to sleep where I lay
71 · Feb 2023
Where the Wind holds Sway
Aimée Feb 2023
Would that I could see the world
Where the wind wields its power

I'd spin with the sprites in the leaves
And sway with the tricksters in the trees

Find friends in the fairies wrecking fences
And follow wisps that whistle from windows

Hitch a ride on a hippogriff in a hurricane
And be blown back home with a history nobody will believe
71 · Mar 2020
The Angel who Ruins
Aimée Mar 2020
I hate you

I hate you more than all the rest

Because you were more than all the rest

And hurt me the worse

That's what I want to say

But I can't

Because I still love the angel who ruined me
71 · Feb 2020
Beginning and Middle
Aimée Feb 2020
Once a upon a time
Starts a story into motion
A mild mannered man
Or a witch brewing potion

The story continues on
Weaving a perfect tapestry
A villain gains their power,
A detective now deep in mystery

The last few pages are come
Through all the plot's bending
We know what they will say but stay
Because people seek an....
71 · Mar 2023
My North Star
Aimée Mar 2023
Oh my love,
I never needed a hero
Or to be saved
Or my problems to be solved

I needed a Polaris
A light to come home to
A constant I can count on
A stillness in the spinning sky
70 · Nov 2022
Space to Shine
Aimée Nov 2022
I wonder,

For those so talented and so seen

That they seem to stand above and apart

Do you wish the distance between

The world and stars, wasn't quite so far?
70 · Feb 2023
A Good Mountain
Aimée Feb 2023
You need this mountain
This new trial, this next "what then?"
Because a year ago or a few,
This hurdle would've tripped you
Then? You'd have given up or quit
Now? You're strong enough to surmount it

Proof comes in trials every so often
Of how we changed and how far we've gotten

It gives us the strength to keep climbing
To never give up, to keep on striving
69 · Aug 2023
What I Wanted
Aimée Aug 2023
I'm so glad God
Didn't give me what I wanted

Because what I wanted
Was so much less than He gave me

Because I never could have imagined
Someone as wonderful as you

So I thank God that you
Were the miracle that I needed
69 · Jul 2022
Hearing Hope
Aimée Jul 2022
Here I am again
Hiding from the world again
Watching Joy smile in the distance
While Empty keeps me company

Far away Life laughs on
Would I be safe with her?
From Pain who follows me
Where Anger is a stranger

I've seen people abandon Sadness
And cross to the other side
Where Greener tends his grass
I watch start to end and still can't comprehend

Did Chance teach them how?
Was it Faith who boosted them over?
I'll bet it was Love who held off Fear
If I listen close, maybe one day, I'll hear Hope
68 · Oct 2022
Caution and Ambition
Aimée Oct 2022

You sought the sun, you were ambitious.
How awful was it to reach the clouds and Remember your waxen wings Icarus?
You feared the sun, so you skimmed the sea
But how could you forget my child?
There are two ways to ruin wings
This story always gives me chills.
68 · Feb 2023
What You're Made For
Aimée Feb 2023
◇Hands are for lifting◇
◇Arms for holding◇
◇Shoulders for carrying◇
◇Hearts for bearing◇

Search for the one who needs your hands
The child who needs your arms
Find the friend who needs your shoulders
The love who needs your heart

And don't you dare give up until you do
68 · Mar 2020
The End
Aimée Mar 2020
When I was with you
Everything was confused
I can never recall
The during, just the fall
When everything shattered
And suddenly nothing mattered
I didn't think it possible
For it to go so Holocaustal
It was only after dust settled
And you were long gone in revel
When I was no longer smothered
That I finally discovered
That you were toxic not I
And all you words a lie
And even though you're gone
My heart still seizes at your song
And wonder if there's a place I belong
When I carry the scars of your wrongs
67 · Dec 2023
A True Second Chance
Aimée Dec 2023
If you ever wonder how much I love you?

Remember I saw that cliff
Long before I jumped off it
And believed that you would catch me

But you didn't and I broke
And there your heart awoke
And oh my love how you grieved

You put your everything
Into my rebuilding
Until I was whole again

Now I knew the pain
But also how you've changed
So I jump, for belief in a different end
67 · Feb 2020
Aimée Feb 2020
How can I forget so many wonderful moments

And remember perfectly the pain you caused me
Happiness is fleeting but pain knows how to linger longer than anyone wants. It may make you smarter but it also makes life harder.
66 · Aug 2023
A Sinner or A Saint?
Aimée Aug 2023
You say that I don't see what you see
When you look yourself in the eyes
And you're right because
You've only ever seen a monster in disguise.

You think somehow you've fooled us

You only know the critic, the judge,
The jury, the executioner,
The unimpressed, impertinent nit-picker
And then you look at you and wonder
How anyone can love her?

We don't.

We love the girl who glows
When she sees falling snow
Who wrinkles up her nose
When you offer her tomatoes
We love the girl who chose
To be kind in the face of foes.
Who encouraged others to grow
And become better as they go

So no, we DON'T see what you see
We see more, we see clearer
And we will love you as you deserve to be
Til one day you see the same in the mirror
65 · May 2023
Aimée May 2023

Crossing a writer's path
Means becoming part of their world
It means being apart of their words

Maybe as a muse
Maybe as a shade
Maybe as the home
We return to everyday

We do not forget
So rest assured sure, for better or worse
You are somewhere
In all the words we've written
65 · May 2023
Perfect Misery
Aimée May 2023
What is a perfect storm?
Something beautiful? Something wonderful?
Something tragic? Something terrible?

Do you wish it had never wreaked havoc?
Do you wish sometimes it would come back?
Was the magic worth the madness?

I wonder and wonder and wonder
When you left, If you were worth
The world you tore asunder.
Some people are like that, beautiful chaos
64 · Feb 2020
The Woman of Color
Aimée Feb 2020
Today I saw a strange, silly thing
The oddest woman I've ever seen
With the tips of her hair dyed all green
Braided and tied at the end with a string

"I love the way you've dyed your hair"
"It's not due to dye" she laughed as I stared
"How did it turn then," I said as I glared
"A forest of evergreens" she said with flare

"Well anyway I love how you did your nails.
The nail polish, all blue like a fish's scales"
"It's not nail polish, it was a blue sea whale"
As if I could ever believe her tale

"Regardless your blush is as good as it gets"
She opened her mouth, to argue I regret
"But wait let me guess, it's not makeup I bet"
Oh that," she laughed, "I blame the sunset"

With green hair, blue nails, cheeks of sunset
And, I saw also, a paint splatter locket
She walked away, a spring in her sprocket
And ten paintbrushes stuffed in her pockets
PSA: Don't get oil paint in your hair, it doesn't come forever. Long live green hair!
Aimée Feb 10

I have more to say

Than you are willing to hear

So then who should change?
64 · Apr 2020
World War V
Aimée Apr 2020
Everyone fears pain and death
And after it's over, what will be left
But don't forget tragedy
Can bring us some clarity
About what really matters
When the whole world shatters
Because nobody could care about
The color of your skin if they believe
They will never see you again
We can't argue about sexuality
When we are worried about mortality
We can't put work before family
In the midst of this anomaly
There's no fight, democratic vs republic
When hospital beds are the home of the public
How could we ever fight a war with guns
When a virus is killing us all, old and young
When the war is inside our very lungs
I think we can afford to bite our tongues
Because to strip away contention
Is to leave only compassion
How much good could we do as a whole
If only we thought with the heart and soul
We're born to do good and live to be better
So when we die, we rise with a soul unfettered
64 · Dec 2022
Aimée Dec 2022
I know that I did this
That I chose to leave

But while it only took an hour
To pack up all my things

It will take longer to fill in
The places, where you used to be

To remember it's not worth it
Even if now my heart's a little empty
63 · Feb 2020
Aimée Feb 2020
Creating long poems is a breeze
It's the short poems that escape me
Because every syllable and every word
Has to touch the heart or you'll never be heard
62 · Mar 4
Aimée Mar 4
Please tell me God
Is there really an end
To this hell I'm trapped in?

How long do I watch
Helpless to aid her
As she faced her monsters?

When will he be
Delivered, free
From this maladie?

Why does love mean
Eternal secondhand suffering
And yet a refusal to stop hoping?
62 · May 19
The Stories We Wear
Aimée May 19
A patchwork of her past
Where pain and joy overlap
In stretch marks and stupid scars
In laugh lines, and inked art

Every sun-kissed spot
And Marilyn Monroe dot
Speak of habits and genetics
Of insecurities or aesthetics

So ask her for the stories
Some funny, some boring
From "I slipped and split my chin"
To "that dare I had to win"

And for others, she flinches
Stories measured in miles not inches
Scars that trace back to the heart or mind
That maybe she'll tell you another time

We may wish some tales weren't written
But nothing's real without dimension
So for all the obvious or obscure we can see
Maybe we should rethink the term "skin deep"
61 · Feb 2020
The Naming of Things
Aimée Feb 2020
They say you can't judge a book by its cover
It is arrogant, and stupid and blind
But I can judge a book by its name
Don't object, let me explain my mind

An author wrote this book and these lives
They penned theses glorious victories
Let us and the written experience joy
Then created the following tragedies.

They gave life and adventure
They gave love and loss
They showed what we should treasure
And showed us the cost

I know I can judge by title
Because it is more than a shame
A crime really, for an author
To give the work a half hearted name

Because for every work of art there is
One perfect word or one resounding phrase
But can only be found by skill and soul
One phrase amoung trillions takes the day
61 · Feb 2020
Aimée Feb 2020
I see your eyes as you smile
And turn the music up
I see your mouth as you laugh
And turn the music up
I hear your words echo in my head
And turn the music up
I can feel the panic coming on
And reach max volume
Maybe I would have to go deaf
To get your voice out of my head

But maybe then you would be the only voice I heard
60 · Jan 2023
Aimée Jan 2023
How can I not love
the God who gave me wings?

And then

How can I not change
when all He asks is this one thing?
Aimée Sep 2022
Dear You of the spotlight
At the center of everyone's view

I hope that among the glamor and glitter
There is someone who sees what's true

That in your endless music they hear
The piece of you that you've disguised

That while every loves the perfect you,
They'll love the real you you hide inside

That when you trip along the way
They'll be there to catch you at those times

That as you wonder, "can I do it all?"
"You can and you're not alone", they'll chime

And finally,

That as everyone takes something from you They'll give their everything to you

From: The shadows
To: you of the spotlight
At the center of everyone's view
I wonder if the people who stand apart and look to have it all, sometimes wish they didn't stand quite so far away

Maybe it's lonely to have everything
60 · May 2023
The Time Traders
Aimée May 2023
Tomorrow, for me, was scary
The root of all my worry

'til you traded your tomorrows
For the high price of "it's all over"

So now I spend every one of mine
Loving those who think of trading time

Trying to give them moments you missed
Hoping somehow I can make a difference
60 · Feb 2020
Resigned Anticipation
Aimée Feb 2020
I used to think the worse thing
Was feeling my mind dying
In the blackness, in the pain
But there's something worse than that bane

It's the shifting gravel below me that begins
   To trickle off the cliff, into the wind
       Knowing that I will follow in stride
         And nothing I can do will turn the tide
59 · Aug 2023
Solitude and Isolation
Aimée Aug 2023

I like to be alone,

As long as it's something I choose,

And not something I'm condemned to.

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