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58 · Feb 2020
Sunset on Snow
Aimée Feb 2020
Icy fire covers the ground
As the light fades away
The wind holds it's breath
On top of a high cliff place

The horizon, a smear
Of red, orange, and yellow
Black shades divide the sky
Night trees and a dark fellow

Crunching breaks the silence
The sound follow the shape
A small, round stone
Shadow kneels next to grave

The heavenly fire burns down
Leaves the broken man
And his forget me nots
Clenched tight in banded hand
Death is always hard to accept and move past but it show me what really matters
58 · Dec 2022
Aimée Dec 2022
Choose your words wisely

To capture a heart wholly

For they wander easily

Unless love anchors them firmly
58 · Aug 2023
Aimée Aug 2023
I look at you close,
See the world through your eyes, and
Capture our moments
57 · May 2023
Glass Bubble
Aimée May 2023
She walked to the edge of the fire light

Tracing her fingers along to shadows

And pretended she was free to go anywhere

Pretended the her glass bubble was big

enough to not be claustrophobic
57 · May 2023
Right Side Up
Aimée May 2023
You turn paint smudges into smiley faces
You turn mistakes into mad genius
And wrong roads into new adventures
And dead ends? Just starting points for something better

You stare up at the stars
when others would drown in the dark
And when your worst storms rage
You thank God for life-giving rain

All the while teaching me to do the same
We are need someone who sees the beauty in the ashes and knows how to add to it
56 · Feb 2023
The Best Kind of Pain
Aimée Feb 2023
I loved you but not like you deserved
So I left, hoping you'd find a girl
who could love you without reserve

Today I met her,

And left happy, confused, and speechless
Because my face broke into a smile
But my heart broke into pieces
It's a happy sad awful wonderful kind of moment when you see someone you used to love smile at someone else the way they smiled at you
56 · Aug 2023
Falling like Love
Aimée Aug 2023
You watch for shooting stars
You look so hard
That the stars seem to shift

Once, twice, thrice,
You see their tails from the periphery
Till you turn and nothing's there

Maybe you imagined them
Per chance they were never even there
Probably just a trick of the light

Then a bright one streaks across the sky
And you know the others with fiction
Now that you've seen the real thing

This is how shooting stars
Are like true love.
56 · Feb 2023
Build Something Better
Aimée Feb 2023
Nobody want their life to fall to pieces
But if the space wasn't cleared
Where would you build
The person you want to become?
56 · Feb 2020
The Soul that Matters
Aimée Feb 2020
Some people believe that there is only a body
There is no soul that can exists once a body
Has given its last breath
Has said it's last farewell
But I know that there is

I know because my body is weak
I know because my body is broken
Because when I am faced with a challenge
And my body is ready to quit
And even mother nature says stop it

Something in me won't give in
Even when my thoughts are trying
To pound their way out, out, out
And higher thinking is going, dying
I fight on dragging my body with
Forgive any mistakes or rambling, my fingers wrote this, not my head
56 · Mar 2020
The Storm
Aimée Mar 2020
There's a storm in my head
A torrential downpour of pain
With flashes of rage
And thunders of despair

The streets are flooding
And the night is getting dark
And I can't turn the tide
I can't stop the heartache

I feel every emotion but joy
I know hundreds of thousands
Of words that mean pain
So why do they all feel hollow

My hand hovers useless
Above the empty page
Waiting for the storm drains to clear
So the words can flow free

But until then I drown
55 · Feb 2023
Aimée Feb 2023
Crowded minds need quiet nights
A space to spread out their thoughts
And sort out what's right

Cluttered minds need long strolls
To discard useless worries along the way
Before they can take their toll
54 · Jan 2020
Soaked In Memories
Aimée Jan 2020
The walls are made of plaster
And the bench is made of stone
The music made of nothing
And red cars are made of metal

But no they are all made of sponge

The walls hold your words
Ones that bounces off on their way to me
The bench holds your shape
Huddled broken against the cold

The music traps your voice
I feel it break my heart with every note
Red cars send me running
Thinking you must surely be inside

Your shadow selves must be paint
Spattered on every place you touched
Because how else can everything
Remind me of you so horribly

How can I hear that song
Or lean against those walls
Without coming away soaked
Covered in memories of you
How do you shake the memories from a place you have been? How do you forget the people who stood there in those places?
54 · Feb 2020
The Perfect Strangers
Aimée Feb 2020
I broke your heart
So you tore out mine
That's fair, I guess
Even if I'm not fine

That's all she wrote
This is the end
Or wait not really
But it should have been

You were the worst part
Of my life, It was over
We ruin and walk away
I'm not longer your lover

But you can't let go
You chase me down
Just stop trying to add pages
To a book already bound

You ruined my life
And I ruins yours
So move on please
Let me shut these doors

Let's wipe the slate clean
Walk away from your danger
So one day we can past by
Each other as perfect strangers
54 · Aug 2023
What's left?
Aimée Aug 2023
This isn't the home she left

But neither is she
the girl who left it
53 · May 2023
Processed Feelings
Aimée May 2023
I don't know how
To process pain.

Only how
To turn it into poetry.
52 · Mar 11
Aimée Mar 11
Heartbreak to world
Looks like a puddle you step in
Until it's you that steps in
Then your soul is drowning
While your body plays pretend
You howl on the inside
But with out, you grin
51 · Feb 2020
The Thought Catcher
Aimée Feb 2020
A circle ring
Of woven string
Made for catching
All dark dreams

To give me sleep
Long and deep
And never weep
For tired sheep

But where's the catcher
My thoughts to gather
The ones that matters
That make a mind shatter

So I can ponder
Without the wonder
If I'll be stuck under
The ominous thunder
I like to think of who I might be, who I could be if my mind was more free.
51 · Aug 2023
Cheating Chance
Aimée Aug 2023
We hope for "once in a million" loves
We envy  "once upon a time" romances
But no one knows how to find them
Because really what are the chances?

Ah but we know the chances!
So don't give up at one or two
Or twelve or three thousand and six
For a million tries is worth a love that's true
Aimée Mar 16
I was alone for so long
I feared I wasn't capable of real love

Until you

Now I worry I'll never find that again
50 · Feb 29
Gamble on God
Aimée Feb 29
God said, I need your hope to be stronger

I thought, He wants me to believe in this relationship harder and longer.

I knew I was wrong when He said walk away.
Now I know, he meant believe you can get through the grey.

He meant, believe you can love again and that I have a better match

But I don't think I'll succeed,
I think I'm burned out at last.
50 · Jan 15
Sick to My Stomach
Aimée Jan 15
You look great!
You lost a little weight
Even prettier than before
Don't hold out on us anymore

What is your secret?

What do I say now?
Diet? Kale instead of cow
Exercise? A little sweat on the brow
Should I share a hard truth or easy lies?

What if I said

Anxiety actually
Destroys my skin, my sleep
The last sheds of my sanity
But hey, at least I'm skinny
50 · Dec 2022
Sun Shine
Aimée Dec 2022
He stood still, as the rain began to fall,
Because he had no shelter to seek,
So he chose, to smile up into the squall.

When he was soaked, a puddle round his feet.
So he thought himself a sapling,
For whom water was a sweet relief.

Then the clouds cleared, the rain began to stop,
And oh how he shimmered in the sun,
Covered head to foot in raindrops.
The weather has no bearing on whether or not we shine on the inside.
49 · May 11
Aimée May 11
The sand swallowed your footsteps
Your voice carried away in the wind
The world grown different since you've gone
But I'll never forget you my friend

I may move on and I may grow
And you will stay the same
But I'll never loose your mark on me
No matter how the seasons change
Gone but not forgotten
48 · Jan 17
Greek Love
Aimée Jan 17
In all that is worth seeking
I've never sought for greek love
For they warn of the heart as
They warn of Tartarus

The price of you grew
But at first it was only a little drama
I can still hear the Fates' laugh
As I pulled out my drachmas

But I didn't mind
Because we were an epic
Of laughter and adventure
Of struggles and magic

Oh but this is Greek love
And I didn't know it
But you were Pandora and her box
You opened it and wreaked havoc

Suddenly I was Atlas
Holding up my world and yours
In endless pain
I was Prometheus, empty at the core

You flew for the sun
Believing yourself Pegasus, not Icarus
When you began to plummet
I dove after you fearless

You fell far under the world
Surrounded by mistakes egregious
I chased you to Hades but tell me
Am I Hercules or Theseus?
48 · Mar 10
Midnight Chats
Aimée Mar 10
I don't how you traveled the space
That exists between us now
You left no footsteps in your wake
Or maybe your stride was far too great

But we still talk you and I
At a time that others trade for dreams
I tell you of how my days go by
And you show me the stars in your sky

We find ways our nights to fill
You working and listening
While I sit and talk on my window sill
Fighting the exhaustion eating at my will

Because dawn breaks soon
And the day's needs are close
Goodbye until the sky's maroon
I'll miss you today my man in the moon
45 · Mar 30
Time and Space
Aimée Mar 30
There and gone
But not for too long

Just enough space to change
Not enough to be estranged

Enough to grow in different ways
Not enough to forget our yesterdays

Just enough to heal from hurts
Not enough for this to lose it's worth

At least this is my hope and belief
That we can walk together, you and me.
I hate the space we need to heal
But we need it just the same
45 · May 12
Aimée May 12
I wish I were an evergreen
My faith never withering
My hope bright and alive
With needles stretching heaven ward

Instead I am deciduous
Fleeting, changing, temperamental
So affected by the world
So changed by my environment

Bursting forth in green and flower
In beautiful spiritual moments
Shriveling in the cold bitterness
Of sin's frigid wind

If I am trapped in my nature
Bound by my genetics
Then let me at least fulfill
The measure of my creation

Let my springs be eye-catching
So others can see Thee in me
Let my summers be long
Leaves wide as I soak in the Son

Let my autumns be short
And let my sins fall fast
Let my winters be teachers
Help me to prepare and endure them well

Until I stand before thee
Full of good fruit
Until I can spring up into everlasting life
Purified and made perfect by You
44 · Feb 3
Aimée Feb 3
I love the flaws on my body
Freckles, scars, and stretch marks
And wrinkles are my favorite
Some are from frowns
And many more from grins
I love them all because
I never thought I'd have any of them

I never thought
I'd make it this far

But I did
So I'll add
And add

Until my collection of stories
Marks me
From head to foot

And then I think
I'll tell all my children
How wonderful wrinkles are
42 · Apr 19
Aimée Apr 19
Have you ever fit a *****
Only to find it tweaked?
Have you ever replaced a door hinge
Only to find the new one squeaked?
Or fixed a concern with another?
Because I'm afraid, right now, that's me.

I filled my head with helium
And it keeps trying to float away.
My hands shiver as if cold
On this warm and sunny day.
My heart kicked up its tempo
Though my body only sways.

I think might be dying,
At the very least I'm green.
How long can it freeze my brain,
Clogging up my blood stream?
Until finally I wonder how much
Is too much when taking in caffeine?
40 · Apr 7
Anxiety Attack
Aimée Apr 7
Sobbing, screaming
Hyperventilating, heaving,
Face goes numb
Dry throat sticks
Coughing, coughing, coughing, nearly sick

And there is no space with enough space
And certainly no beauty or grace
In these knee-buckling bouts of anxiety
When sanity comes apart at the seams
And crazy doesn't seem a description too extreme

Crazy must be what I am
Because how did I let my life get so far out of hand?
That I'm here, now, melting down like a nuclear plant
Radioactive but not like the hulk or superman
Just hoping I have strength enough left to stand

I believe I'll make it out eventually
But until then
I am the enemy, the survivor
And the battle they fought in
40 · Mar 26
When Actions Speak
Aimée Mar 26
I love you enough to be honest
Even when it's hardest
And to let you close when I'm weakest
Though I'd rather you not see this
Because you've come and you've stayed
Through the blackest nights
And the longest days

I love you enough to have listened
With judgement suspended
And to push you to grow
And hold you when you're low
I love you enough to see your demons
And not see you differently
Because you really aren't them

I'll love you with my words
Until you believe what you've heard
And when my words aren't up to *****
When they don't say enough
I'll have my actions speak
And pick up the trail
Where my words ceased
31 · Jun 19
Nerve Damage
Aimée Jun 19
He takes my hand,
I feel and I don't
I feel pressure and warmth
Not the butterflies or glow

He is trustworthy
I let him in and I don't
I open my soul because he'll respect it
But I'm on edge in case he won't

We talk like time is expendable
I get lost in him and I don't
Because it's so easy to let go
But I've lived all this before

And I know that something is wrong
But don't know what it is because

My heart feels numb
My head feels hollow
I hold back like everything depends on it
I lead, too afraid to follow

Because my last flame was so bright
That it ended with me burned
I hope I'm still just healing
Scars fading into lessons learned

And if that is not the case
Then the damage is deeper
Than skin, tissue, or bone
Making every sensation cheaper

That means it's down to the nerve
And my heart will never quite feel
That I'll never be the same
Because nerve damage doesn't heal
24 · 5d
Even If
Aimée 5d
I think I would have fallen for you
Even if I were blind

Because your laugh
Makes me grin like a fool

Because even in blackness
Your character would still be visible

I think I would have fallen for you
Even if I were deaf

Because nothing quite steals my breath
Like the way you smile

And nothing quite melts my heart like
Watching you care without a speck of guile

I think I would have fallen for you
Even if you were mute

Because we still would have talked the night away without a single phrase

And been bound together by the adventures
That came along the way

So I don't think there was a way that I wouldn't have ended up right here

Watching you tell me another story
And falling without a moment of fear
0 · Oct 2022
Writhing Truth
Aimée Oct 2022
Can you feel it?
Your soul crawl under your skin
As you pretend to be everything
They want you to be

Can you see it?
In your mind's eye
How their faces would twist
From happy to hateful

Can you hear it?
Your own words as
They writhe into one more story
And choke you

Can you know it?
No, this is how you test
The love that entwined you and them
Because maybe honesty means freedom
I can't remember who it was but someone suggested writing a poem on the word of the day. Today it was writhe.

— The End —