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M Vogel Oct 2019

This bridge is faulty
there is dry-rot  taunting
    the girders
Its spandrels:
all knobby-kneed..
  Its pseudo-elaborate  trusswork,
    as if   designed  
    by a lonely drunk

It's pilings..  questionable
Its deckwork, treacherous.

    Its abutment--
    aw,  **** me..   

    its crumbling.
.  .  

If we cross over  
under the lie of darkness
we won't be so afraid..

     But these structural-flaws,
     when revealed  by the sun
     are so incredibly intriguing.

  Let's take that step
  and see if it holds us.

There are shadows, 
steep  on the horizon
They leave us scared,

   and so afraid

As the fallout of a world, divided..
It brings her tears,  and so much pain

And so we take cover from the dark
hoping to find where we can start
~Miles Kennedy
M Vogel Oct 2019

There is a fog in the ravine, yet up on the hill is my Snickers: 16 hands tall.. prominent withers. He is so stoic, peaceful--
and he speaks without saying a word

The river draws lead up to my death,
and down to my death;  and so I stay here in this fog-- the Aspen leaves are turning, I can hear their leaves rustling in the wind, a nearby pheasant rooster's crow, the flushing of prairie chickens

the last sounds of a dying world

Snickers is interested that I am near him: here, on this tallgrass covered hill that he laid himself down onto  so many years, past. I am done here, I know it  

and nothing really mattered;

and everything there ever
was,   mattered.
M Vogel Oct 2019

Sometimes, the pressure is so bad..
       on the spiritual-shift,
that it feels as though I am right on the edge,  
       about to crumble--

as if all  of Hell
is going to pull my soul and spirit  
       down  in to  it

an "un-willing" descension;  
dragged down, in full ****** form
                    .   .   .

There is a death down there,
        a life-swallowing horror--

My destruction, waits for me there
  There are poor, broken-ones there

     held against their will,  there.

I shudder as I think of the doom--
the retribution that awaits me
for anything..   for everything  
I have done  
that has dinged
his all holiness,  
the one on the throne here--

the deceptive-one,  
the hidden agenda,   acquiesced..

     the  f oo ler  of us all..  
                                (the ******.)

but, then  I smile to myself;

.. and then,    I can't stop smiling.

the end
M Vogel Oct 2019

--the angry inch, always speaks the truth.

Horrorra akadva 1. Greg bébi pöcse

honesty's the best policy
M Vogel Oct 2019
Balmy warmth
under, jungle mist--
Fern-leaf canopies make such delightful
little playgrounds


(a photosynthetic, umbrella-like, love-covering rinse.)
A never-ending, ever-protective love-hovering:
(from all sunlit days; since.)

Joyous, little hatchlings
warm; little hatchlings

Sleepy little, deeply loved,
fully heart-lit, little:  stylin'//smilin'

squiggling little,
giggling  little,
(and also, please, too~ Dad)
happy little,  yappy little,  

roly-poly, little..
fully Holy, little
tootlebutt-laughing little..
.  .  .  .

And now, smiley-faced as they sleep--
peacefully snoozing..  
funny-smelling little hatchlings.

and spaghetti- (with parmesan cheese)
~all chased down,  with
all-you-can-eat ice cream~

makes the world go round  (:

M Vogel Oct 2019

Like two streams of vapor,  intertwining;

in, and then  out;;of one life,
'till the next  
dance continues:  and we find ourselves
once again,

yet under different
moments of history,  

How can a soul desire so much
that it transcends, even time-  in it's
need  to find its fit,
and again,

and again..

M Vogel Oct 2019
When your worst horrors have come to pass
     and you did not die

and sleep  is actually a comfort,  
instead of a curse
Because dream-themes are no longer hauntings
but  instead,  flow in and out of consciousness
as random acts of grace
And the death that should be coming

becomes, instead
a replenishment of living cells--
a surprisingly-unexpected regeneration,  
this bracing for a Fall that never comes.

Winter is coming,

and this death, has a warmth
that will carry me through
And though the ground will be frozen soon,
there will be no death this year
above the frost line

But below,  in what is still warm
there will be a death,  that brings life--
encased in fear, yet floating within the midst
of a subterranean stream..  an ocean, of peace

Winter's chill is coming;  
there is a strange feeling in me
that tells me, I am ready.

bless the beasts, and the children
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